China Entertainment’s rescue plan is hard to come by

Chapter 111 Fairy Sister Graduation Ceremony [2 in 1]

Chapter 111 Fairy Sister Graduation Ceremony [[-]-in-[-]]

After Sun Yi finished speaking, he closed his mouth.

It's a big taboo for people to talk briefly and talk deeply.

Sun Yi didn't know what Liu Xiaoli was thinking, and he didn't care much.

The path under your feet is your own.

Judging from the information learned in her past life, Liu Xiaoli even resorted to suicide in order to compete with Dad Liu for custody of her fairy sister.

Putting aside the good and bad aspects, at least a person with a relatively extreme evaluation cannot escape.

On the same matter, extreme people have different ideas than ordinary people, and are more realistic. In summary, they are not broad-minded enough.

Traditional Chinese society pays attention to self-cultivation. If your heart is not broad enough, the road under your feet will only become narrower and narrower.

This may be one of the reasons why she pursued a life abroad.

In that era, many pretentious people chose to go abroad to pursue their so-called ideals. But as a result, how many people really lived the life they dreamed of.

The moon abroad is not necessarily rounder than the moon in my hometown. It's just that the development of the times is inconsistent with the information in public propaganda.

When Sun Yi was young in his previous life, he also yearned for a life abroad. Hear what zy, mz, listen, what beautiful words. But as he grew older and his thoughts matured, he gradually saw through the essence.

To put it bluntly, they are all packaged specifically for you to see.

If you really believe it, you will lose.

Objectively speaking, there are gaps and there are many shortcomings.

As a Chinese, the four words "Heaven is above the country" are revealed in the genes in their blood. From the moment they are born, Chinese people are destined to be unwilling to live under human beings for a long time.

However, everything takes time, so be patient.

No matter how good other people's things are, they belong to others. No matter how bad your own things are, they still belong to you.

Liu Xiaoli was indeed touched by Sun Yi's words for a moment. Looking at the tall and childish young man in front of her, and thinking about what he just said, she felt a sense of separation.

Can such words be understood at this age?

She also understands the truth herself. Everyone knows many truths in the world, but understanding is one thing and how to do it is another.

A person's personality is formed along with his family and growth environment, and cannot be changed in a short time.

Of course, Liu Xiaoli will not reflect on herself because of Sun Yi's few words. She still believes that, or on the surface she lets go, but in her heart she still subconsciously feels that the path she has chosen for her daughter is the best and safest.

After all, she doesn't know the future.

She firmly believes that as a mother, she will never harm her daughter.

Look, sometimes people are so divided in their thinking. They yearn for the Western lifestyle, but they also uphold the traditional Eastern patriarchal outlook.

It can be seen from this that people are selfish and will subconsciously choose the option that is most beneficial to themselves.

But where in the world can there be so many good things that have the best of both worlds!

The graduation ceremony of Beiying Film Class 02 was busy for nearly a whole morning. There were not many students, but various leaders and industry seniors took turns to take the stage to speak.

Chicken soup must be eaten to fill the stomach.

Liu Yifei is like a little bee in the crowd, taking selfies, taking photos, and having all sorts of fun.

After finishing the interaction with the classmates, he walked towards the viewing platform.

Halfway through, I didn't know whether I saw Sun Yi or was anxious to find Liu's mother, so I started trotting.

Holding the diploma in one hand and holding the bachelor's cap on the head with the other, her long legs that could not be concealed by the loose bachelor's uniform began to move. In a few breaths, she arrived in front of Liu Xiaoli and Sun Yi.

He held up the graduation certificate with both hands like offering a treasure to Liu Xiaoli, but the smile in the corner of his eyes was directed at Sun Yi.

Liu Yifei was in an unusually happy mood at the moment, whether it was because she graduated from college or because she saw Sun Yi again after a month.

When she was on the crew of "Those Years", she had a feeling towards Sun Yi that she had never encountered before while filming - the ambiguous feeling of first love.

And this feeling is all experienced in the movie script.

Because of this, she felt like she was in a drama.

However, this feeling did not disappear with the end of the filming. On the contrary, it became more and more intense as time went by.

Liu Yifei is also 18 years old. She herself once blushed secretly and asked herself if this feeling was the so-called heartbeat.

Just thinking about that day at the interview site on, I inexplicably remembered the time when I was filming with Sun Yi, and a sweet smile appeared on my lips.

But she is an actor who advocates the "Stani System". Although she did not spend much time studying in college, she is also aware of the two schools of actors, the "Experiential School" and the "Method School".

She was particularly keen on the "Method" movement, just like her idol Audrey Hepburn.

This genre is mostly used by European and American actors, including Marlon Brando, Paul Newman, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, Jack Nicholson, Marilyn Monroe, Famous actors such as Jane Fonda and Meryl Streep are good at interpreting roles through method acting.
Therefore, she also wants to get closer to this school of thought.

The "Method School" was born out of the "Experience School". Both require actors to "understand the role" in the first step, and then "become the role". The difference lies in the third step.

The "Experience School" uses subtraction to remove the actor's inconsistent personality, and finally requires the actor to "be the character."

For example, the last time Sun Yi played Wei Yihang in "Send You a Little Red Flower", he had already touched the threshold of the third step, and even stepped into it, so that after the filming, he used it in the play. A long time.

The "Method School" allows the actor not to subtract after becoming a character, but to "substitute" and substitute emotions consistent with the character.

Liu Yifei guessed that she completed the first two steps, realized the role, and then substituted the corresponding emotions. However, because her acting skills were not proficient enough and she lacked rich experience in theory and practice, she has not started to substitute. Come out of the emotion.

She couldn't tell whether it was a real emotion or a substituted emotion. In other words, it was said that people and actors couldn't tell the difference.

This should be one of the reasons why she decided to leave the entertainment industry temporarily and go to the United States to study.

"Sun Yi, why are you here today?"

After presenting the treasure to Liu's mother, Liu Yifei quickly looked at Sun Yi beside her.

"Aren't we going to invite you to sing a theme song for our movie?"

Sun Yi replied with a smile on his face.

Liu Xiaoli is Liu Xiaoli, and the fairy sister is the fairy sister. This Sun Yi carried Qing.

Liu Yifei was a little excited when she heard that Sun Yi wanted to ask her to sing.

She usually likes to sing, but she really has no love for the songs tailor-made for her by Sony. On the contrary, she likes the songs sung by Sun Yi and "Su Yan" given to her as a birthday gift.

"Tell me quickly, what song is it?"

She couldn't wait at this moment.

Sun Yi did not reveal the mystery, but instead let it pass.

"You'll know then."

Liu Yifei curled her lips, somewhat unhappy.

However, she still pulled Sun Yi and asked him to take a photo of her and her mother.

After the photo was taken, she begged her mother to take a photo of her and Sun Yi together.

Maybe the latter is the ultimate goal.

Graduating from college is very memorable.

Liu Xiaoli was unwilling in her heart, but she still maintained a good demeanor and took a photo of the two young people.

In the photo, Sun Yi is wearing a T-shirt and jeans, while Liu Yifei is wearing a bachelor's uniform, and her smile is so bright.

After taking the photo, Liu Yifei chatted with Sun Yi.

Radio interviews, online interviews, these were all ordinary things in her daily work, but she just kept talking to Sun Yi in a novel and somewhat sarcastic way.

Liu Xiaoli next to her couldn't stand it anymore. Just as she was about to interrupt the conversation between the two, she was interrupted by others.

I looked up and saw Tian Zhuang, the director of the directing department.

Graduated from Beijing Film Academy in 02, as one of the department heads, he will definitely be there.

The arrival ceremony has ended. After greeting the leaders and a few old friends, I am ready to leave the school.

I happened to pass by the viewing platform next to the playground.

The fairy sister Liu Yifei is so eye-catching that no one can ignore her. It doesn't matter at this glance, she noticed Sun Yi next to her.

Tian Zhuang just happened to have something to do with this guy, so he simply turned back. "Director Tian" "Hello Director Tian" "Teacher Tian"

"All right."

Although he was looking for Sun Yi specifically, he couldn't ignore others.

Tian Zhuang first nodded slightly to Liu Xiaoli, and then chatted with Liu Yifei.

"Yifei, you have graduated, are you happy?"

"Yeah, happy."

"Haha, graduation is just a stage in your life. There is still a long road ahead. Don't slack off. You must hone your acting skills in the future and be a good actor who makes the school proud of you."

As soon as this person gets older, he likes to educate others from time to time and spread his so-called "successful" life experience.

Sun Yi complained secretly on the sidelines.

In his heart, he actually respected Tian Zhuang very much and taught him a lot of professional knowledge about directing. However, he did not hesitate to complain about his habit of preaching.

Just don't say it openly.

Unlike Sun Yi, Liu Yifei took great advantage of this kind of "care" from her seniors.

Chaoda Shuang bowed respectfully and said his thanks very solemnly.

"Yeah, thank you, Director Tian. I will definitely live up to the school's expectations."

Tian Zhuang was very satisfied and glanced at Sun Yi sideways, as if to say, take a look and learn from it. This is the attitude of students towards their teachers.

Seeing that Sun Yi was unmoved, as if he was giving a wink to the blind man, he straightened his face and said with a slight seriousness:

"Boy, I've watched the first cut of "Those Years". Overall, it's quite passable."

Sun Yi didn't say "haha", he cooperated and imitated Liu Yifei, bowed, and smiled in an unusual way.

"Thank you, Teacher Tian."

It just looks a bit fake
Tian Zhuang felt a little bored, but he didn't mind. As long as he didn't talk about movies, he was usually a joker.

Speaking of business.

"Boy, what are you going to do during this vacation?"

Sun Yi didn't understand why old man Tian suddenly became concerned about his holiday arrangements, so he simply told the truth.

"After finishing the post-production of "Those Years" and figuring out the songs, everything should be fine."

"That's just right. You can take the time to make a short film and submit it to me after school starts."


Sun Yi was a little confused. I'm not a student in the directing department. Why did you leave the homework to me? Besides, there is no money to make a short film.

It was as if he could see through Sun Yi's thoughts.

"Ah, what? There is a short film competition at the end of the year, giving you a chance to participate. Your kid invests and sings, can't you make a short film?"

"No, Teacher Tian, ​​I'm from the acting department."

"Don't talk to me. Your desire to be a director is almost as big as that of Sima Zhao. Everyone knows it."

I am quite a director, not a short film.

Sun Yi's plan to direct a movie independently is already on the agenda. It depends on the outcome of "Soldier Assault" here.

After two movies and two TV series, he felt that he was already successful, and he had already mastered the skills. He had also accumulated half of the relevant talents, and he was able to lead his own team.

So, he didn't want to take it up.

"I think about it, but"

Seeing Sun Yi coquettishly making excuses to refuse, Tian Zhuang suddenly became very angry.

"I'll give you a chance to see how good you are. The winner in the end will be selected and sent abroad for awards. No matter how many people ask for it, you can't get the treatment. You kid is still hesitating here."

"The top three in Europe. Well, that's okay. What's the subject matter? Are there any restrictions?"

When Sun Yi heard that he could be a foreign judge, he was immediately interested and agreed immediately.

It's not that he worships foreigners, it's that the awards won by some Chinese film and television circles are really hard to describe.

"Virtue ~"

The old man laughed at him, but Sun Yi didn't care at all.

"There is no limit to the subject matter, but if you want to go abroad for formal selection, there will definitely be censorship. You can make the decision yourself. I won't give you any advice in this regard."

Sun Yi didn't expect that the old man was quite sober and knew that he couldn't control the censorship.

"Are there any rules at that time?"

"10 to 30 minutes, but I recommend no more than 20 minutes."

Sun Yi nodded when he heard this, indicating that he understood.

"Okay, old man, I'm leaving. You can serve some snacks. If you need any help, give me a call."

Then he nodded to Liu Yifei and Liu Xiaoli, turned around and left with his hands behind his back, humming a ditty.

Liu Xiaoli originally thought that Director Tian Zhuang was here to see Liu Yifei, but then she realized that she was here to see Sun Yi.

But then I thought about it, Lao Tian was just a fifth generation who retired to teach in the college, so it didn't matter.

Sun Yi is thinking about what short film to make.

Liu Yifei next to her couldn't help it anymore.

"What short film do you want to make?"

The curious baby looks like a child who wants to actively participate in the game.

Sun Yi spread his hands and said with a smile: "How can you think of it so quickly?"

"Then wait until you think about it."

"Sissi, it's almost time, we should go."

Liu Yifei was just about to say, when you think about it, you must tell me first, but she was ruthlessly interrupted by Liu's mother.

"Oh, I know."

Sun Yi looked at the fairy sister who suddenly shrunk in front of him, feeling a little funny in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

"Well, Sun Yi, Sissi and I will leave first. Then call me when the time for recording is set."

"Okay, Aunt Liu."

Before leaving, Liu Yifei turned around and waved to Sun Yi, even making a face.

Sun Yi shook his head and laughed.

This mother and daughter pair are quite interesting.

He has already thought about the theme song for the movie "Those Years". The original theme song of the same name, "Those Years", is too classic. He doesn't want to change it, so he still uses this theme song.

For other interludes, he prepared two extra songs, and sang one by himself. The remaining one was for girls to sing for the fairy sister. The heroine of the movie sang the movie interlude, and it was the fairy sister who had just released an album. This was obviously a promotional selling point.

The original investment in "Those Years" was not high. After taking away the actors' salaries and some shooting costs, as well as the post-production that is almost completed now, there is not much left.

We can only do some simple publicity before the release, and the premiere will probably have to rely on the school to sell its face to organize it.

So save what you can, and you can only pick out the wool from the fairy sister.

In the afternoon of that day, Yang Fan came back from overseas, and he brought back the contract for the first round of "Soldier Assault".

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(End of this chapter)

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