"The reason why Japan has its current economic miracle is largely due to the help of beautiful countries. But the mainland does not have such conditions, right?" Although Su Cheng cited many examples, many inspections Yang Chaoye, who has experienced the mainland's economy, still doesn't quite believe that the mainland can develop its economy in a short period of time.

After all, hearing is false and seeing is believing. After looking at the economic situation of Guangdong Province, and comparing it with developed countries, the gap is too big.

As for the economy of Guangdong Province, it is said that it is one of the leading provinces in the mainland today.

In other words, there are more provinces whose economic environment is not as good as that of Guangdong Province.

Even Yang Chaoye looked down upon the economy of Guangdong Province, and he looked down upon other provinces even more.

Su Cheng also understands this very well.

Yang Chaoye used to be an executive at IBM, and business trips were a common thing. In his view, the mainland seemed to have no advantages except for its large population and vast territory.

What he said is indeed correct. The reason why Japan was able to create such an economic miracle in such a short period of time has a lot to do with the beautiful country.

After World War II, the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union formed. Japan, as the occupied territory of the beautiful country, undoubtedly fell in favor of the beautiful country.

Japan can provide effective strategic protection for the beautiful country in East Asia, and at the same time contain the power of the mainland and the Soviet Union in the Far East.

It can be clearly seen during the Peninsular War that the beautiful country handed over a large amount of equipment supplies to Japan for production. This is also one of the reasons for Japan's rapid post-war economic recovery.

The beautiful country also hopes to have an ally on the west coast of the Pacific that can be controlled by itself, which is actually a puppet.

Therefore, Japan becoming stronger is also in line with the strategic interests of the beautiful country.

As the biggest winner of World War II, Japan owned 60% of the world's wealth after the end of World War II. This strength can fully support Japan's economic development, so Japan can achieve economic recovery in a very short period of time.

The economic development model is similar to that of Japan and South Korea next door. Without the support of beautiful countries, South Korea would not have the booming economy it has today.

As Yang Chaoye, who is familiar with the history of the beautiful country, he naturally knows very well how puppets such as Japan and South Korea developed.

And in the Mainland, are there such development opportunities?

Yang Chaoye thought about it over and over, but couldn't think of anything.

"It is undeniable that the economic foundation of the mainland is indeed very poor today.

But with the huge demographic dividend, the mainland's economy will develop rapidly.

Let’s not talk about the entire mainland, let’s talk about Guangdong Province. It is located in the southern part of China, adjacent to our Xiangjiang and Haojiang rivers, backed by the vast hinterland of the mainland, and facing Southeast Asia. Such a unique geographical location is destined to become an important maritime transportation for China. To rush.

With thousands of kilometers of coastline, its sea area is even larger than its land area. This marine environment provides very favorable conditions for Guangdong Province to develop marine undertakings and marine economy.

Before the economic reform, Guangdong Province was indeed unable to develop due to policy reasons.

However, once the economic market opens up, Guangdong Province's inherent advantages will be fully revealed.

The Chinese-funded consortium in Xiangjiang is now gradually catching up with the British-funded consortium. I believe that it will not be long before the strength of the Chinese-funded consortium will completely surpass the British-funded consortium. The people in power behind these Chinese-funded consortiums are basically from Guangdong Province and have relatively strong feelings for Guangdong Province.

Once the mainland economy begins to reform and open up and fully integrates with the world, these Chinese-funded consortiums will definitely support the development of the economy in Guangdong Province.

Especially in the manufacturing industry, Guangdong Province has much better advantages than Xiangjiang. In addition to their affection for Guangdong Province, Guangdong Province's cheap land resources and human resources are incomparable to Xiangjiang.

You have visited Guangdong Province so many times, and you should be very clear about the benefits of Hong Kong businessmen developing in Guangdong Province. This is why so many Hong Kong businessmen are keen to visit Guangdong Province, and they also hope to find a replacement company. The place in Xiangjiang.

Once these manufacturing industries in Hong Kong begin to relocate to Guangdong Province, the bosses behind them will save a lot of costs, including salary costs, real estate and land costs, tax exemption policy costs, etc.

If you think about it, the salary of an ordinary worker in Hong Kong now costs one to two thousand Hong Kong dollars a month. As for the wage level in Guangdong Province, you must be very aware that the salary of an ordinary worker a month is only a few dozen yuan.

I am recruiting a general worker in the manufacturing industry in Xiangjiang. I can recruit more than ten or twenty such workers in Guangdong Province. You said that under such conditions, should everyone continue to invest and build manufacturing plants in Xiangjiang, or go to Guangdong Province to build one? Manufacturing plant?

I bought a medium-sized piece of land to build a factory in Hong Kong, such as Sha Tin and Kwun Tong. I would have to spend millions and tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars just for a factory site.

And if I go to Guangdong Province to build a factory, not only will the government support it and there are many preferential policies, they will also provide you with the best land plots, and the price is only tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars. This way I can save a lot of money.

With many advantages, not to mention Hong Kong businessmen, even large companies from beautiful countries, Europe and other places want to come in and get a share of the pie.

Who doesn’t want to reduce operating costs? Once costs are reduced, profits will rise, and no one will have trouble with money.

Like me, I plan to fully support the economic development of Guangdong Province. Although I have invested a lot in Haojiang now, compared with Guangdong Province, it will only pale into insignificance. My future investment in Guangdong Province , will be ten times or even a hundred times that of Haojiang.

It is undeniable that I don't have so much money now, but Mr. Yang should also be able to feel the speed at which I make money. A net worth of 100 billion is not my goal. My goal is far beyond that.

What is the purpose of investing? It’s not just about making money. I believe that from my perspective, investing in Guangdong Province will give me back hundreds of times in the future. "

Su Cheng rarely spoke at length and talked a lot.

He is different from most Hong Kong businessmen. He knows what the future economic situation of Guangdong Province will be like. It is really as rich as a country. The total GDP of this province has successively exceeded that of South Korea, Russia, Australia and other economic giants.

And this only took thirty or forty years.

Although it cannot be compared with Japan which only took 20 years to become the world's second largest economy, it is enough to illustrate how awesome Guangdong Province's future is.

Yang Chaoye was one of his own and one of his most important generals. Because of this, Su Cheng had the patience to talk to him about this matter.

After all, if Yang Chaoye's vision is broad enough, he will be able to seek more benefits for him in the future.

If it were anyone else, Su Cheng would not be interested in talking in such depth. (End of chapter)

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