The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 652: Talents have emerged from generation to generation, and only the dead bones are buried

Straighten the situation.

Beside an empty table in the public office area, Yutou was leaning back on the chair, smoking a cigarette, crossing his legs and motionless.

No one dared to care about him, even if there was a clear sign saying 'No Smoking' on the wall.

"Okay, how come you can't stop squealing?" Lao Yanqiang scolded: "Can't you see that our master is really angry? I can only get through this with one finger left!"

Yutou glanced at the gauze on Lao Yanqiang's severed finger and asked, "Has it been connected?"

The old smoker smiled evilly: "I didn't let him."

"This is going to be connected. Can the fire in my heart be dissipated?"

"If you don't answer, will he feel sorry for me whenever he sees my severed finger?"

Yutou smiled and scolded: "Hey, your wife also has a younger sister, or do you also want to have a relationship with me?"

"Get out of here, uncle."

The two of them were talking and laughing in the solemn meeting, but they didn't take it seriously at all.

The next second, Banbula strode over from the door and slapped the fish on the back of the neck - snap!


He slapped Yutou so hard that his eyes widened, but he turned his head and Banbula cursed fiercely: "You're almost dead, why the hell are you here to be the boss?"

"Do you know how angry you were with my father today?"

"Did I say you have shit in your head?"

"What's the shame in admitting your mistake to our master? I heard that you even called our master by his first name? That's what you called me!"

Banbula gritted his teeth and whispered out the words: "I'll fucking chop you up now and you won't be able to understand your hatred."

Yutou scratched his neck and responded: "Where did I go wrong?"

"Did I say that Bangkang won't let you have a little happiness?"

"What's the matter? Someone on my property sells small pleasures and shoots me with a gun. Can't I fight back?"

"Yes!" Banbula paced back and forth in front of Yutou angrily: "Just keep your words. The firing squad will come soon and they will carry you to the square and shoot you down like the traitors in Bangkang City Hall. You won't Hard." Until this moment, he had no idea what was about to happen and was trying to scare Yutou. What he didn't expect was that the words would come true.

Yutou finally panicked and spoke with a trembling voice: "Master... is he really going to kill me?"

"If I don't kill you, why don't I keep you? If I marry you a fat wife and give birth to a baby, will my father be angry if the three members of the family work in shifts?"

"Bangkang here is the capital of Wa State. Some people are selling small pleasures and shooting in the street. How dare you suppress the matter!"

"who are you?"

"Don't blame me for this. Ask Yang Rong, who has become the deputy mayor, if he dares!"

"But when we got to my master's office, he asked you that, and you shook your head and said you didn't know..."

Yutou interjected: "I didn't expect my master to cheat me. He said he was paralyzed to death."

"Old Qiao deceives you every day, why don't you dare to tell a lie? Whoever treats you well and you barge your teeth with, do you have a conscience?"

Fish head…

Lao Yanqiang grabbed Banbula's arm: "How to deal with it?"

"Huh." Banbula let out a long breath: "The lightest sentence is to be sent to a black prison. When my master is in a good mood, I will try to beg for mercy."

Banbula raised his eyes and glanced at Yutou without getting angry. He stretched out his finger and poked him hard on the head: "You, go to the Black Prison and continue to explode with the bosses Peng and Lin Minxian." , continue to cause trouble endlessly! It’s best not to stop for a day, so that my master will collapse as soon as possible and you will be brought down!"

After cursing, Banpu pulled his neck and shouted: "Where are the people who are in charge of the situation!"

"Are they all dead?"

At this time, little heads popped up in the tea room and toilet corridor. Since Teacher Yu left, the Suzheng Bureau has almost become a decoration. The newly appointed director does not even dare to hold a bloody gun, so how can he dare to take care of it? Such a thing?
"You're blind! Can't you see such a big living person? Can't you record a confession? Are you waiting for me to teach you!"

Bah, bah, bah...

In the corridor, the sound of uniform footsteps came over, and Banbra turned his head and continued to curse: "What the hell does this have to do with you greenskin soldiers!"

But when he turned around and looked back, he saw a man who looked like a scholar holding his glasses with his hands. Behind him were a group of fierce green-skinned soldiers.

"Master Xu said that from today onwards, the former director of the Suzheng Bureau was reinstated because he did not want to make progress, and immediately moved out of the director's office. The Suzheng Bureau will be taken over by myself, Zhang Wenhe." For a time, Lao Smoking Gun, Yu Tou, and Ban Bula Everyone looked at Zhang Wenhe.

Banbula said in confusion: "Anyone who takes office must have a document from the municipal government. I, the secretary-general of the municipal government, don't even know about this. Why did you just say it?"

Zhang Wenhe walked over, stood in front of Banbula without any intrusion on his body and asked, "Do you not believe me, or do you think Master Xu's words are no longer effective?"

Banbula was about to open his mouth, but his eyes widened first. He had been in the officialdom for half his life, and he had never seen someone who said anything false: "Of course I don't believe you!"

"That's no problem." Zhang Wenhe smiled.

"It's your fault if you don't believe it. The green-skinned soldier was given to me by Master Xu himself. If you don't believe it, you can call Master Xu and ask."

He said lightly: "But!"

"We cannot obstruct the Suppression Bureau from handling the case."

"Come here, put the fish's head on the head, take it to the square, and shoot him!"

"Justify the country's laws!"

"Wait a moment!"

"do not move!"

Banbula and Lao Yanqiang were all in front of Yutou in an instant. They used their bodies to block the muzzles of all the green-skinned soldiers. Banbula said, "Is this what Mr. Xu said?"

"Master Xu asked me to prove my feelings."


Banbra understood.

In order to find a way out, Zhang Wenhe chose to come and deal with the most difficult matter for his superiors. The superior took a fancy to his talent and delegated power, but if he wanted to gain the superior's trust, he had to take action.

Zhang Wenhe knew exactly what he should do. He wanted to draw a clear line with all the forces in the original Wa State, and he also wanted to establish himself as a ruthless traitor from the Eastern Shan State. When he appeared alone and pitiful, he prayed for his care.

This is politics, this is how talents come out from generation to generation, and only the dead bones are buried in the barren hills!

This is the heart of Bangkang. Zhang Wenhe killed the fish head with one shot to tell everyone in Bangkang that Mr. Xu will not protect anyone who breaks the law.

The Wa State is no longer a grassroots team composed of a group of affectionate and righteous people. It is a chariot made of iron armor. This chariot must drive on the track. Anyone who wants to intercept it will only be shattered to pieces.


Yutou stood up with his eyes wide open and gasping for air, but he still stood behind Lao Qiang and Ban Bra. In the whole office, he was the only one who still didn't believe that he would end up like this.

He also felt that they were brothers...

He also felt that what he had done was just a little lie and a little quarrel with his brother. The big deal... it would just be over if he admitted his mistake, received a beating, and had his fingers chopped off. Isn't that the old smoker? Did you get away with it like this?

Therefore, he felt it was impossible.

"Starting today, the Suzheng Bureau has its own 'law enforcement team'... Anyone who obstructs law enforcement will be punished with the same crime."

"Law enforcement team, get someone!"


Banbula's last struggle appeared.

"Even if it is to be executed by firing squad, the document should be submitted by the Suppression Bureau, and it can only be executed after it is finally approved. What kind of rules and regulations are you talking about?"

Zhang Wenhe stood there and took a step back without any answer. At that moment, the greenskin soldiers swarmed forward. What he means is very simple. In Wa State, rules and regulations are one thing, but what the man above said is another matter. If you don't take it seriously, you will be punished.


When I was in the office and wanted to review everything from last night to today, but was disturbed by sleepiness and could only open the window to take a breath, a gunshot was heard.

I was stunned.

At this time, my cell phone kept ringing. When I turned around to pick up the phone, I saw half a missed call notification, and the old smoker called me again.

I seemed to understand where the gunshot came from.

I also understood what Zhang Wenhe was doing for me. He regarded himself as a fish eating dead skin in a foot bath bucket, and was exfoliating my skin piece by piece.

To put it in words that everyone can understand, Zhang Wenhe personally picked up the butcher's knife to reform for me in order to gain my trust. (End of chapter)

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