The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 644: Stirring a hornet’s nest

Early July, late at night.

In the outskirts of Bangkang, on a hill by the river, the noise of a diesel generator kept coming from a brightly lit cave. At this time, Mian Peng and his men were on the top of another mountain, secretly observing everything.

"You're an expert!"

Faceless looked at everything in front of him, and after just one glance, he understood that this laboratory was more than what it seemed on the surface.

First of all, he chose to set up his laboratory by the river, which solved the problem of sewage discharge. The sewage could flow down the river, hiding all traces and odors in the dirty river water...

Secondly, he used a diesel generator. Although this thing is noisy, it can continuously generate electricity with the support of diesel to meet all the electricity needs of a laboratory...

In the end, he did not set up the laboratory in Bangkang City, but in the mountainous area. This was a plan to advance, attack, retreat and defend.

Someone who can think about the whole thing so clearly, and be both offensive and defensive, and can even transport cargo across the river to the east in the middle of the night, is he not an expert?
The most important thing is that when the facial palsy heard several guards chatting, they were speaking in Vietnamese.

The man with facial paralysis had been in a casino before and had contact with Vietnamese thugs. These guys are willing to do anything as long as they are paid, and they dare to risk their lives...

Who on earth could understand Southeast Asia so clearly before choosing to take this path?
Facial Paralysis is a little confused. With the configuration of the group in front of him, he can definitely expand it and choose a place in the Golden Triangle to be a local snake. Why bother to provoke the big forces?
Don’t you understand the principle that a strong man should not offend the powerful?
A car drove over from the valley in the distance. I just took one look at it and was so frightened that I broke out in a cold sweat!
It was a military Humvee with a vehicle-mounted machine gun on the roof. When the people in the car got out of the car, although they were careless, they still kept the gun in their hands and looked back from time to time to observe the situation in the mountains.

At this time, anyone with facial paralysis would know better than to continue.

A woman also got off the Hummer, a woman who was dressed exquisitely but wearing a pure white plain cheongsam. She also wore a white hat like a straw hat on her head, but the hat on her head had a point...

"Boss Jiao, have you been contacted?"

The woman stood outside the cave, shook her head, then turned around and looked at the mountain forest: "Now Mr. Xu is the king of the Wa State, and he is not accessible to ordinary people. The only way to see Mr. Xu is through Recommended by local forces...and the force closest to Bangkang City Government is the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and we have no friendship with them."

"The current Bangkang is completely different from before. It is no longer the situation where the powerful forces in the world have hands and eyes."

The man with facial palsy listened very anxiously. He could clearly hear every word the other party said, but he couldn't understand what the Vietnamese words meant at all.

"Boss Jiao, if you want to talk to me, why should we contact that guy named Xu? That kid has such a bad reputation. He hangs out with the boss of the park and gets ruined by the boss. He hangs out with Lao Qiao and gets ruined by Lao Qiao again. Anyway, in Southeast Asia Everyone in the world knows that he is an ungrateful villain, so why bother hanging around him?"

"Boss Jiao, let me tell you, from now on we will cooperate. You will provide the arms and formulas, and I will provide the people. From manufacturing to shipping, we can sweep across Southeast Asia, so why should we cooperate with anyone?"

The woman looked at the man who was speaking outside the cave and asked, "What next? Like the boss, do you want to be caught by the police in the east?"

"It's not that I took advantage of the boss's absence to say something bad about him. The boss is just too greedy. He sends the goods to the east because he is afraid of being seized by the east border guards and also because he is afraid that people in the east will take advantage of the goods and take advantage of them. If you are really so worried , shouldn’t it be enough not to do business with people from the east? He won’t do it!”

"In the end, the goods were shipped, but in the end they took away both the people and the goods."

The woman opened her mouth and cursed: "You know nothing!"

"What was our situation at that time?"

"The market in Mengbo has just stabilized, but Mengbo is a battleground for Wa State and Eastern Shan State. It is impossible for the boss to get ahead here. He can only give up Mengbo after accumulating enough strength and turn around and run to Golden Triangle, start a new business there and recruit troops." "The question is, do you know how much it will cost to start a new business in the Golden Triangle?"

"The boss knows!"

"The reason why the boss chose to do business in Mengbo is so that he can pass directly through the ground in Eastern Shan State. After passing through Eastern Shan State, we can directly reach the Golden Triangle."

"Going to the east is our last adventure. The boss can only take this risk himself. There is no room for error."

The woman snatched the telescope from the man's hand, raised the telescope in front of her eyes and said, "But since the boss broke it in the east, the people in Eastern Shan State have almost treated us as a money tree, shaking the branches as fast as we can every day." This is why I was forced to take all of you out and bring you into the Wa State."

"Then why can't we go directly to the Golden Triangle?" the man who had the telescope taken away asked.

"What are you going to do? Do you have the boss's source of arms? Do you have the boss's connections in Southeast Asia for so many years? Have you accumulated enough wealth?"

"With this situation going to the Golden Triangle, it's just going to bite people's teeth!"

"It's better to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade."

At this point, the woman sneered and said: "I know what you are planning, and I also know that you have been waiting for the opportunity. You feel that I, a woman, cannot control the situation, and you want to start a new business after getting the formula."

"You can try it. Anyway, the formula is in my head. As long as you dare to have any restless thoughts, I will let you know what it means to lose money and people."

The man immediately shook his head: "We didn't think so!"

"The big boss said that you are carrying a poison that will kill you immediately if you put it in your mouth at any time. What is it called 'A'? How could we possibly think this way?"

"But, Boss Jiao, what can we do if we go to fight against drugs in the Wa State?"

The woman snorted and didn't reply.

Her value is not just poison. Her value is to use her whole life to protect an unborn child to repay the boss's unending kindness to the family.


In the mountains, I was squatting behind a tree with my face paralyzed, listening to the chatter on the other side and not knowing what they were talking about. I fell into a dilemma.

He should have retreated immediately and then tipped off the information to the Wa State Police, but if he retreated like this, wouldn't he make the Yutou gang laugh out loud?
And what to do with the 10 million that is about to be obtained?
While he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw the person on the opposite hilltop turning towards his direction, scanning this direction with a telescope in his hand. He quickly waved behind him: "Hide, hurry up!"

However, after the woman only glanced at it, she immediately put down her hands, then looked in this direction with her naked eyes, and then raised the telescope to the position in front of her...

Suddenly, she screamed like a midnight ghost: "It's leaked!"

He snatched the gun from the person next to him and pulled the trigger toward the top of the mountain in the dark... (End of this chapter)

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