Banbula handed over a perfect answer sheet, which made me so satisfied that I don’t know what to say.

After analyzing the entire history of the Three Kingdoms in detail, he focused on describing the period related to Wuhou and the Wa people. As for other dynasties, just like school textbooks, he only requires everyone to have a general understanding, and explained that the Wa people are our country's tradition. The ethnic minorities, followed closely, connected a long series of glorious history.

Banbula said that the emperors of the Tang Dynasty were also of ethnic minority origin, but no one can erase the greatness of a dynasty; Banbula also said that the Yuan, Mongolia and Manchu Qing Dynasties were both ethnic minorities...

He did not describe the history in detail because he was afraid that the Wa people would feel that they were outsiders and would not dare to rely on them.

He worked tirelessly to promote various heroes, such as Huo Qubing, Li Jing, Yue Fei... just to make these soldiers more energetic.

And at the end, with the sentence that satisfies the face of all the Wa people, 'Why haven't we returned home yet? Because they promised Marquis Wu to guard the border forever, the Wa people only have two words of faith! '.

It all hit the hearts of these young guys.

If there is personal worship, there must be personal worship, if there is collective honor, there must be collective honor. The content of the faith of the whole people is the commitment to Zhuge Wuhou, to guard the border forever!

"Master, I asked someone to get it. What do you think? It's just a bit costs tens of thousands of dollars."

Looking for someone to do Chinese history? Do you want Meiko?
I let him learn all the tricks I used to defile myself when I was around Lao Qiao. This is not just copying a cat, but copying it.

"Banbula, since when did you become so afraid of me?"

I really want to know the reason. Could it be that I am scarier than Lao Qiao?

Banbula didn't cover up much. He was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Master, I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid of death. I'm afraid that one day I will have to die."

"Fuck you!"

I didn't curse.

He was talking about Teacher Yu.

He threw Teacher Yu into the game with his own hands. As a person who had wronged others, he knew best how wronged Teacher Yu was.

Do not!
It should be said that I know best how wronged Teacher Yu is.

But am I being soft?

I do not have.

"Master." Banbula called me softly in my office: "I believe in you."

"Really, you protected your subordinates, took care of your subordinates, and took care of their appearance. You turned a group of street gangsters into billionaires, and you turned me, a shabby police chief, into a big shot in the Wa State."

"But what if fate takes its turn one day?"

"If the next great change in the Wa State is not to drive away darkness, but to remove bureaucracy, you will be surrounded by a group of young people, just like those young people in the military region who do not understand anything..."

"Would you hesitate between my death and the stability of the regime?"

"Will they give you a chance to hesitate?"

In Bangkang's office, we could already fully bathe in the sunshine, and we had a long conversation that even we were afraid of.

"You mean, this is what we really did wrong?"

Banbula curled his lips: "I shouldn't study history, that history is too terrible."

"In the Tang Dynasty, after Li Shimin seized the throne, even his own son wanted to imitate him!"

"In the Ming Dynasty, after Zhu Di's death, how many people in the Zhu family were not stained with the blood of their relatives?"

I waved my hand quickly: "Keep it in your heart, as long as I'm here, this kind of thing won't happen."

Banbula looked into my eyes and said, "I believe it."

But what I saw from his expression was: "Didn't it already happen?"

Where did this power go? The scope of this power is not even considered an ordinary city in China. What's wrong with this?
If I really had a province like the ordinary 'Handong', I think it would be my luck to have Qi Tongwei in this poor and remote place.

How did the ancients erect a pillar reaching the sky in this structure like a plate of loose sand for everyone to climb? I still admire the wisdom of my ancestors.

Is it just because I can't do it?

"Do you want a death-free medal?"

I suddenly understood the use of this thing!

This is not to guarantee that you will not die, but to give you peace of mind.

"I think..." Banbula endured it for a long time, and then said: "When we restore the entire Wa State, sir, can you take advantage of this happy opportunity to abolish the death penalty in the Wa State?"

He didn't ask for a pardon, nor did he choose to resign like an idiot. Instead, he used the most tactful way to remind me in a position where I didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

exempt from death penalty.

In other words, no one has to die.

Then, even if he loses the political battle, he will not be afraid of going to jail.

As for what was going on under the table, boss Peng's men blocked him at home and couldn't do anything to him.

"By the way, that day, when Big Boss Peng's men killed Cheng Zhen and Sai Suo, weren't you also trapped in the room? How did you survive?"

I clearly remember that what he told me before was that the news that I defeated the boss Peng got out and those people ran away...

Banbula pursed his lips and said happily: "I promise them that as long as they can win, I will be the first to take to the streets to comfort the people."

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
I laughed very happily.


It was as if Lao Qiao heard me express my loyalty to He Chuntian.

If, I mean if, if I had even the slightest clue to fall into his hands, my body would be exposed immediately on the street.

Just like the way I look at Banbra now.


Banbula lowered his head and said: "I couldn't control the situation at that time. If I could be like you and always be in the situation, I think you should kill me now; at that time, wouldn't Quan Meng Meng be waiting? Do you have any news..."

As soon as I put the cigarette into my mouth, Banba took out a lighter and lit it for me: "I have only done such a shameful thing in my life. Fortunately, I tell you that I will not tolerate any outsiders." Sorry."

When the smoke was floating in front of me, I stared carefully into Banbula's eyes, watching him actively lower his head and not dare to meet my gaze, and then I reached out and patted his neck.

This is not a person I should be wary of, but Lao Qiao said that when he was young, he dared to take advantage of human nature with his courage, but later he had to take advantage of other people's shortcomings.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Banbra smiled, happily, as if relieved.

"Master, there is one more thing, a good thing."

I leaned on the sofa and asked, "Huh?"

"Do you still remember that in Meneng, we arranged for a woman with a fertile constitution for the West Asians?"

"She has."

I finally squinted my eyes on the sofa. The only thing that could make Hanbra feel at ease was me, and these were the only things that could make me feel at ease.

I slowly took out my phone, but at this time Banbra got up and left my office. When I asked, "Hello?" 'When he made the sound, he had already disappeared into the room... (End of this chapter)

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