The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 599 Why am I still a beggar?

On the first day of the Lunar New Year in 2017, when I came to the rebuilt military area in Bangkang, I was shocked by the Wa State Army that had been prepared for a long time.

Generally speaking, there should be nearly ten thousand people in a division. Don't doubt my tone, because this is what I searched for on my phone.

When I entered the military area, I just felt that the area was full of people, but I couldn't count how many people were below.

It is said on the Internet that a division should have nearly ten thousand people. This is the standard. Of course, the Wa State Army must not follow the standard. Otherwise, I would dare to give Yang Rong a division commander position with two and a half regiments, which would make people laugh to death. .

But even if the Wa State Army can't compare with the third-rate small countries in the world, with two divisions of more than 10,000 people, there's nothing wrong with it, right?

This data was provided by Yang Rong, and he told me personally.

Today's Wa State Military Region has fully blossomed after I spent a lot of money. In the past, it only had combat troops who were doing nothing, but now it has combat troops, logistics troops, and medical soldiers trained from Mengmao.

To break it down, there are also mechanical troops, maintenance troops, demolition troops and artillery.

In fact, the original infantry was still the elite when I conquered the world. It was built with the core of the first battalion that had experienced several battles.

From the time we parked the car to heading to the rostrum to prepare for the labor force, Yang Rong kept introducing the development of the army. Under his iron-blooded management and the legacy left by Dahei and the others, the entire army's appearance and military appearance were as good as It was very different before. Even on the first day of the new year, all the young men were in good spirits and did not look hungover at all.

Now I feel that calling such an army "Greenskins" is a bit insulting to them.

"Yang Rong, how many people do we have in the two divisions now?"

When I turned around and asked this question, Yang Rong replied from behind me: "Thirteen thousand four hundred people."

After speaking, he continued: "Brother, if anyone asks, I think we can claim to the outside world that we have 30,000 elite troops and 60,000 reserve troops."

I turned my head back in an instant, and finally understood why there were no more 60,000 armored warriors in the original Wa State. Now that I have captured Bangkang and recruited all the former soldiers back, there are only more than 10,000 warriors. Well, these warlords all imitate Cao Cao, and they all want to claim that they will use an army of 800,000 to sweep the world.

"About military medicine?"

This is what I am most worried about. In the past, when we were in Meng Neng, this has always been the Wa State's shortcomings.

"Now the military medical system is very mature. The military doctors used by our army are all retired from the war and reconstruction. I discussed this issue with the doctors who came from the east to provide assistance. They said that our military doctors are not good at treating diseases. The wrong medicine is..."


When I heard this, I was a bit confused. When I sent people to Mengmeng, I promised them that they could wear white coats if they wanted to be doctors. It was just about drawing a cake. How could I finish drawing the cake and make it myself?

"Just what?"

Yang Rong smiled: "It's just a bit harsh."

I looked at Yang Rong: "I don't understand."

Yang Rong explained: "It is an enemy that can be killed with one bullet. Our military doctors here can throw atomic bombs with just raising their hands."


I have been trying hard to build our own medical system for the Wa State. However, it took two years to build it and invested countless amounts of money, but in the end we ended up with this result. I started to panic...

"I don't understand either. The doctor I invited to inspect was too busy. He stayed for a long time and then left. When he talked about our method of medication, Lord Yama shook his head."

Yang Rong may not understand our myth very well, so he asked: "Brother, the Lord of Hell is in their mouths, and I don't have much ability to listen to them." "What did they say?" How can I have time to tease the poor? He quickly asked.

Yang Rong said: "Doctors from the east, when they saw the medicine used by our doctors here, the first words they said were 'If it's a cold, you just start with penicillin', and 'If there's a skin injury, just antibiotics and hormones'?"

I don’t understand medicine, but I don’t know why my hands are shaking: “What did our military doctor say?”

Yang Rong: "Our military doctors have been told to be polite. They comforted the doctors from the east and said, 'We are poor in Wa State, but there is still no shortage of medicine. You can rest assured about this.'"

"This sounds reasonable to me, but...the doctor turned around and left."

I said, why is it that my military expenses are like throwing money into a basin, and I can't even hear a sound? No, I mean, if we do this, wouldn’t these children’s bodies be ruined?
"Brother, don't look at me like that. The doctor is very skilled. Last time I had a cold, he cured me in a few days."

My vision went dark, as if I had been hit by a sap in broad daylight.

"Listen, I'll go find the doctors who came from the east to help in the construction later. You ask the people who came down from Mengmao to work as interns in Bangkang Hospital in shifts. No one can do it without going. Do you understand?"


Mengmao was in ruins, and the doctor who came to help them used medicine like this. If he could save a life from the ruins, it would be considered a meritorious deed. How about you use this skill in the army? Then why did I demolish the village? When the time comes for war, won’t everyone be able to rush upward with needles stuck in their necks?

Yang Rong didn't refute. He didn't seem to be very interested in military medical care. After all, military medical care is divided into two huge systems: wartime medication and non-wartime medication. Let alone him, I didn't understand much.

"Brother, you will go up to speak later. How can I introduce you?"

"In this situation, isn't it appropriate to call me Master Xu?"

After Yang Rong dropped the topic, he asked another question.

Bujea is a quick talker. I don’t know what historical knowledge he learned when he went to school. He just said: "Other countries call it that..."

"Don't bother me!"

I was so frightened that I broke into a cold sweat. These two brothers were determined to destroy me!
"what happened?"

I quickly said: "Mayor, leader, leader, whatever you want to call Ducheng, just those two words, absolutely cannot be called you. Even if you are the same as Mr. Bao before, I would dare to call you commander-in-chief. It is taboo."


As long as I shout these two words here, will it cost me my life?

At this moment, all of us stepped onto the high platform in the military area and sat down one after another. From the main seat, I saw the heroic figures of the soldiers standing below facing the bright sun, and saw the family wealth accumulated through countless wars shining brightly. I felt an indescribable surprise in my heart.

Look at the armored vehicles welded into grotesque shapes;

Look at the tank body covered with patches to repair bullet marks;

Look at the howitzers that have just been repaired, and even the gun carriages and wheels are of different sizes...

No, why do I feel like I’m still a beggar after spending so much money? (End of chapter)

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