Chapter 234 The end of the war
Tom discovered that this phenomenon was spreading rapidly. Some professionals on the city wall who were originally defending seemed to be completely different people after having a newspaper in their hands.

Start attacking and killing the professionals around you!

"Are you crazy?"

Tom ducked over and grabbed a professional who was about to take action. This Stephen was still from their legion. He had been extremely loyal in the past, how could he say he would betray him!

"For Xia Guo!"

Stephen yelled, his eyes flashed with enthusiasm, and he blasted all his skills on Tom, but only left scorched marks on Tom's armor.

Tom casually held his neck and growled: "You are from the Jack family, not from the Xia country!"

Stephen just smiled, and a dagger instantly appeared in his hand. Tom knocked the dagger off Stephen's hand, threw it to the ground, and shouted: "Come on, arrest these guys!"

But no one responded to him.

There was a strange commotion on the entire city wall. Some people shouted "Long Live Xia" and attacked the people around them. Some people looked around blankly, as if they were confused as to why they were here.

Tom glanced around and froze.

What kind of weird method is this! ?
For the first time, Tom felt a chill in his heart. There was such a skill in this world that could modify people's memories. Those who shouted "long live Xia Guo" must have had their memories modified.

Otherwise, there would be no one saying that he was from Xia country.


Tom saw that the insect tide that had not yet attacked under the attack was now in a commotion on the city wall and the attack had stalled, but the insect tide would not stop.

Now, strange insects rushed up to the city wall one after another. Some professionals who were still confused were instantly surrounded by countless insect waves. The big knife in Tom's hand kept waving various sword auras.

"Damn! Damn!"

Tom growled in his mouth and yelled on the legion channel: "If anyone dares to leave, they will be punished by military law when they return!"

As the most powerful country in the west, if they withdraw at this time, their performance will definitely be worse than some countries that are still on the Chaos Island.

This is the time for global notification.

Their bald eagle faces have been completely disgraced. Needless to say, the Eighth Level leaders of their team will definitely not let them go, because they have already received a lot of benefits from their previous team leaders.

And gained a lot of political capital.

If this was a disastrous defeat, the backlash from the past would appear, and it would be impossible for him to bear the consequences.

But the situation will not change because of one person's thoughts. This overwhelming insect tide, even if several eighth-level ones join the battlefield, can only suppress it for a while.

Even if one of them can guard a city, these insect swarms are still in the sky. They not only have to distract those climbing up from the city wall, but also those in the sky.


Even the many eighth-level people who were originally commanding were all put down, suppressing the incoming insect tide, and using large-scale skills to kill the surrounding insect monsters one by one.
"Damn it, why is it still there!"

The hammer in Thor's hand kept flashing with electric light, smashing piles of huge insect monsters into pieces. Although they could destroy a large group of insect monsters with one skill, there were too many of them.

Why can Shen Fei control so many bugs?

On the city wall, some people could no longer bear it and began to turn into a white light and disappear on the city wall. After all, they would rather deal with it through military law than die here.

This ray of white light was like the spark that ignited a barrel of explosives. White lights flashed wildly, and Tom yelled: "You can't escape! Whoever dares to escape, even your relatives will be subject to military law!"

But no one cares about this anymore.

Tom looked desperate, how could things develop to this point? In the past, now was the time for them to exert their strength, but now even the few eighth-levels left among them can resist and prevent Shen Fei from coming in and destroying their city center. What's the use?

Without subordinates, they would have no way to attack other cities, no way to collect resources, and no way to upgrade.They can only endure the remaining month.

"Damn! Damn!"

Thor was really like the God of Thunder. Countless thunder and lightning kept blasting the insects. He also saw the professionals turn into white light and disappear.

Their dreams were shattered.

Originally, the first battle should be a glorious event on their resume, which was also their capital at home and abroad in the past.

If they fail this time, they will be infamous before the next national war, and this mistake will affect their interests in subsequent national wars.

But now there is no way back.

It's all damn Shen Fei's fault.

All the eight levels of Bald Eagle gathered together, and Tom sighed. Now that all their defense lines have been forced back, with their methods, they can indeed guard the city lord's mansion for a month.

Just wait for it to end, but the problem is that there is no need.

"Quit." After Tom finished speaking, the first one disappeared directly.

Thor and others silently glanced at the underground city that had been fully occupied by insect monsters. Even if they continued to hold on, it would only delay time.

Finally, a series of white lights appeared.

This symbolizes the complete withdrawal of the bald eagle from Chaoshan Island.

Shen Fei walked out of the treacherous realm, destroyed the heart of the city of Bald Eagle City, stepped on the two-headed dragon god, and left a ruin where the heart of the city was taken away.


Tian Pojun and others were stunned when they looked at the four city heart essences that Shen Fei gave him, "You mean the Bald Eagle has withdrawn from Chaos Island now?"

No, Shen Fei went out to deal with something and directly dealt with the four countries that came to attack?

This sounds outrageous.

Even the most powerful bald eagle was dealt with by Shen Fei?
Then what kind of enemies do they have on Luanzhan Island? Tian Pojun suddenly thought.

With the current configuration of Xia City, it seems that there are indeed no enemies left.

"I will continue to go out to hunt monsters during this period. If you find information about other countries, just send it to me directly. I will come back on the last day."


Tian Pojun couldn't help but smile bitterly when he looked at Shen Fei who came back and left in a hurry.

Although it feels good to be carried away, it looks a bit embarrassing.

The whole process was led by Chief Shen alone. Their only role was to collect intelligence and resources, and to resist an attack. Moreover, this defense was only solved with the upgraded facilities of the city.

They played no role at all.

Nothing like this has ever happened before. Tian Pojun could only say that he felt very complicated.

The other eight levels were stunned when they knew that even their biggest enemy, the Bald Eagle, had withdrawn from the competition.

Is this moving too fast?

The battle was over in half the time?
(End of this chapter)

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