Versatile Mage: Starting Chaos Mage

Chapter 214 Chapter 214.Tease Oluna

Chapter 214 Chapter 214.Tease Oluna
In addition, one of the five continents' magic associations in the world, the highest magic association in the Americas - the Temple of Liberty, is located in New York, USA. This is already the true temple of magic in the world, and the personnel who serve in the Temple of Liberty are also called Temple mages are admired and sought after by the world. For many mages, becoming a temple mage is their highest ideal in life.

The National Pavilion of the United States is also set up on Liberty Island where the Temple of Liberty is located, so after successfully winning the Mexican Medal, everyone also has the heart to go to this magic temple to enjoy the shock of the world's most splendid magic place with grandeur.

Arriving in New York, everyone went to the Temple of Liberty non-stop. Looking from the harbor, they could already see a statue of a goddess full of visual shock standing on the sea. The light is extremely admirable.

The art of statues is beyond imagination, and it makes people feel that the ancient Greek goddess is standing here alive, looking down on the people under her light of freedom with her kind, quiet, and peaceful eyes!

This is where the Temple of Freedom is located, which can be regarded as a special construction ability in the magical world. Of course, although people are allowed to visit here, there are certain restrictions.

Naturally, the Temple of Freedom does not allow idlers to enter it.Turning a goddess statue into a building is a magical work that can only be accomplished by a magical civilization that has reached its peak.St Paul's Cathedral in the UK is called the first of the Five Continents due to its long history, but the Liberty Temple may be the real leader of the Five Continents Association.
While they were strolling, they received news of their arrival. The temple mage Oluna specially came in person to meet Gu Chen in the square below the statue of the goddess.

Although Oluna was slightly dissatisfied with the way this boy wanted the bounty and ignored her, but a man with strength can always make mistakes.

After learning of his arrival, she rushed here as soon as possible.

Oluna was still wearing the black and gold clothes.With a bit of Nordic loneliness and beauty, when she saw Gu Chen, she barely had a smile on her face.

Not to mention anything else, if it weren't for Gu Chen capturing Ka Suo, she would still have to continue wandering outside. That kind of life would be extremely uncomfortable.

"I'll take you to the National Pavilion. Strictly speaking, I'm half a teacher there." Oluna said proactively.

"I thought you would invite me on a private date first." Gu Chen said with a smile.

"It's not impossible." Oluna smiled slightly, but she didn't mean to refuse.

"Is he the one who was lucky enough to catch that Ka Suo?" At this time, a young man with sharp eyes came over and expressed his dissatisfaction directly in his words.

"He's my younger brother, Jerome, and he's also a player in the National Pavilion. You just know him." Oluna smiled apologetically, and introduced the long-haired brown-haired youth in a friendly way.

Gu Chen glanced at the other person, and immediately put his hand on Oluna Xiang's shoulder: "Your brother seems to have a lot of objections to me."

Oluna didn't pay attention to Gu Chen's closeness. After all, this was the first time she met such an interesting man in so many years.Although he is still young, it is not impossible if he just adds a sense of fulfillment to his boring life.

When several people in the team saw this scene, the men were a little envious, while the girls showed disgust!

Gu Chen is really a scumbag!

First Chisaki Mochizuki, then Mizuko Akizuki, and now Oluna? ?
In a foreign country, it seems that he did not come to be an ascetic at all, and he was enjoying himself along the way!

Ferome, who was standing by, couldn't stand it anymore. He teased his sister in front of him and took advantage of his own sister. He immediately said angrily: "Get your dirty hands off!"

Ferome has no mother, and his feelings for his sister are quite complicated. Although it is not overly dependent and possessive, he cannot tolerate any man who doesn't like her and takes her away.

"He wants to fight with me." Gu Chen didn't serve Oluna's brother at all, he just looked at Oluna and said. "He is not your opponent." Gu Chen, who can take down Ka Suo, may not be his opponent even if it is Oluna, let alone her brother?
"For your sake, I won't bully your brother. However, when the time comes, you, the elder sister, will have to calm my restless mind." Gu Chen signaled.

"I'll treat you to dinner tonight." Oluna said.

Ka Suo has just been brought to justice, and she has nothing to do at the moment. If she is not in the government, she is on vacation.

"Is it just a meal?"

Oluna did not continue speaking, but gave Gu Chen a charming roll of her eyes.

These few words immediately made Ferome furious.At this moment, he just wanted to go to the National Pavilion as quickly as possible, and then give Gu Chen a hard lesson to let him know who he could mess with and who he couldn't mess with.

Arriving at the National Pavilion of the United States, when he first entered, Jiang Shaoxu, who was careful, found a large panel hanging on them, with the national flags of many countries painted on it.

The time is written next to the flag, and a big cross is drawn at the end!
"What is this?" Jiang Shaoxu asked.

"The record that countries have come to challenge." Oluna said casually.

"Does this cross mean that they have failed in the challenge? Doesn't it mean that the whole page is full of crosses, does it mean that you have won for a long time?" Zhao Manyan exclaimed.

The strength of the U.S. National Pavilion is bound to be stronger. This is not surprising to everyone. But what is surprising is that the National Team that came to challenge from beginning to end actually suffered defeat? ?
After such a long time, no country has defeated this place? ?

This is just a national pavilion!

It's more or less exaggerated.

"By the way, these countries have all crossed out. I can understand that none of them have succeeded. But at the bottom, it says that the time is today. Why is there also a cross behind our country's flag?" Jiang Shaoxu couldn't help but said.

Hearing this, Ferom also looked down and couldn't help but smile and said: "The captain probably knew that you were coming, so he wrote down your information. Anyway, this was the result in the end, so he just filled it in to avoid having to worry about it again. Captain Tu Ke is a person who will lose his temper even if you say a word and take up five seconds of his time!"

What he said seemed to be the result of one thing, as if they had no chance of winning, and his tone was full of confidence.

"Are you looking down on people too much?" Jiang Yu said involuntarily.

Jerome shrugged and said: "You can see for yourself, there are so many countries, many of which are not inferior to your strength, and they didn't get the challenge medal. Do you really think you can get it?"

"It's not a question of whether you can get it or not. It's too disrespectful for you to draw the result first!" Nan Jue also spoke.

"Respect? This thing only belongs to the strong, isn't it? Oh, I almost forgot, your country prefers modesty. I'm sorry, but people here don't know how to be humble, and there's no need for it." Jerome said.

(End of this chapter)

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