half demon glass

Chapter 710 Finding Clues

Chapter 710 Finding Clues

In my previous life, I was always most annoyed by Southern Xinjiang pretending to be gods and bewitching the common people. I was even more annoyed by some monsters who, for the sake of spiritual practice, deceived the common people and offered incense to them.

Now the Sun and Moon Temple, which has inherited the Southern Xinjiang Priest's Temple, also adopts this style.

It really doesn't keep up with the times and is full of cumbersome dross.

Although I couldn't understand what the herdsmen were talking to the two envoys, I could still tell that they seemed to be praying for blessings after kneeling down.

The two palace envoys looked impatient, but they still waited for them to finish these rituals, then passed them and went to the side to inspect the carriage pulled by a team of camels and donkeys.

They inspected the fruits and vegetables very carefully. They opened the thick quilt covering the fruits and vegetables, inserted the swords in their hands directly, and inserted them a few times. After making sure that there was nothing hidden inside, they took a rough look at the fruits and vegetables. Condition.

When inspecting the meat, he was even more exaggerated. He actually lit a bonfire directly in the snow, randomly selected some pieces of meat on several cars and horses, roasted them, and let the herdsmen eat them first.

After confirming that it was non-toxic, I asked the villagers to set off in a language I couldn't understand, and headed up the mountain with the team's supplies.

Seeing the process of their inspection, I can roughly conclude that hiding in the villagers' supplies and sneaking into the Sun and Moon Temple is probably not feasible.

After all, if they were hiding inside, the sword they stabbed might hit them. Even if they could endure the pain without screaming, there would still be blood when the sword was pulled out.

There is also the method of poisoning vegetables, which is not very feasible. If you are discovered accidentally, these innocent herdsmen will be implicated.

The three of us followed the team carefully, wrapping our feet with spiritual power wherever we went, leaving no footprints in the snow.

Although the envoys walked up the mountain with their feet and walked at the front of the team, they still looked around vigilantly. If there was any slightest movement, the herdsmen would stop immediately.

This road up the mountain lasted for more than an hour. It was not until we approached the southern border that there were about a dozen envoys in black robes standing on top, waiting for their shift.

Even so, the dozen or so palace envoys, before taking over the supplies, still checked the supplies carefully as a routine before letting the herdsmen go down the mountain and take the supplies away on their own.

There was a formation in front of us, and there were quite a few of them. Even if the three of us wanted to follow up and have a look, and first determine where the home of the Sun and Moon Temple was, we had to stop here first, so as not to alert the enemy.

The three of us watched helplessly as these envoys left, until their figures turned into a small dot on the snow, and then we walked back, carefully following behind this group of herdsmen.

At this time, Lin Sishen and I had adapted to the snow blindness and were no longer dizzy. At the same time, Lin Sishen was also sharp-eyed and picked out clues about this group of herdsmen.

He tugged at the corner of my clothes, pointed at a tall herdsman in the team, and said, "Liuli, look, does he walk differently from the others?"

"Why is it different?" I looked up in surprise, only to see that they were all wearing heavy plush coats. I really didn't see any clues.

"The footprints he left on the snow were too shallow."

(End of this chapter)

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