half demon glass

Chapter 596 Curse

Chapter 596 Curse
The attention of the four wolves was all on these ghosts, and coupled with the noisy atmosphere here, they didn't find anything more here.

I rolled up my sleeves, and while cultivating wantonly, what broke into my body, apart from those mellow grievances, was actually mixed with a little bit, like those resentful spirits, the memory when these grievances were condensed.

Section after section, extremely bloody, gloomy and hideous scenes filled my mind in an instant.

They flashed by so fast, but they left voices in my ears.

There are both the desperate screams of the victims when they are killed, and the happy words of the killers when they kill.

My emotions were instantly infected by them. For a while, I couldn't bear so many negative abilities at all, and my whole body trembled under the pressure.

Even my originally clear eyeballs became faintly red, and the resentment that had entered my body was no longer transformed into pure spiritual power, but remained in my dantian in its original posture.

I just felt that my body was about to be squeezed, and the meridians all over my body turned blue-gray in an instant.

I suddenly realized that this was a sign of being insane and about to become a demon!
I panicked instantly, and wanted to stop practicing, but found that my body was out of control, opening the sky to these grievances!


How is this going!

I widened my eyes in horror, looked behind me helplessly, and wanted to shout to the four wolves, telling them to find Ye Jinli.

But I found that not only could I not make any sound, I couldn't even control my body!

I can only watch myself, step by step, step by step, walking towards the huge ball of resentment!

The moment I entered the mass of resentment, my whole body was wrapped in resentment, which covered the front and blocked my retreat.

I could clearly see that thousands of hideous faces appeared densely in this mass of resentment. They were men and women, some roared in despair, and some laughed wildly at me.

"bring it on……"

"join us!"

"As long as you join us, you will gain endless power and eternal life!"

Hundreds of different voices rang in my ears, bewitching my mind and at the same time, tending to approach my physical body step by step.

I opened my hands unconsciously, actively embracing this strange force.

But in my heart, there was a strong sense of resistance!
The power of bullshit!Shit of eternal life, what I want is not these at all!
My will, in my body, is struggling desperately, and my red eyes are flickering, as if two strands of consciousness are secretly competing.

However, for me now, the golden core is broken, and the demon core can't exert much effect. I am no different from a half-crippled person, and I can't resist this force at all.

In addition to being in this cloud of resentment, more and more bewitching voices filled my ears, my consciousness was gradually shattered, and while my eyes were completely red, even my consciousness began to become blurred.

In the next second, a feeling of drowning suddenly arises spontaneously. I am so enveloped that I can hardly breathe, and my body is even floating in the air.

But at this moment, that pitch-black figure walked to my side step by step, and gently tapped a red mark between my eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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