half demon glass

Chapter 533 Between Men

Chapter 533 Between Men
These words are: "Something is wrong."

I turned my head in surprise and glanced at him. Then he wrote a few more words on the back of my hand, "I recognize these stone statues, they shouldn't appear here."

He recognizes it?
"Where have you seen it?" I turned my back on his arm and replied.

But before Ye Jinli returned to me, two gazes cast from behind me in an instant, so hot that they seemed to burn my back!
Looking back, a gaze came from Lin Sishen, and the smile on his face was gloating.

A look came from the man wearing the Shura mask standing beside him.

His eyes were full of murderous intent, as if I had offended him somewhere.

I have an inexplicable feeling in my heart, if I still dare to get so close to Ye Jinli, I will be the next one to be unlucky!
I was terrified in an instant, and moved away from Ye Jinli's side abruptly.

Ye Jinli noticed the strangeness in me, and at the same time he glanced at me, his eyes fell behind me, and directly met the cold eyes of the man wearing the Shura mask!

The two were far away, but there was a tendency of swords drawn, as if they were about to fight in the next second!
But this is the site of the Sun Moon Temple, no matter what the identity of the man wearing the Shura mask is, this is not a place for fighting!
Frightened, I quickly stood between the two of them, trying to fight and pull Ye Jinli away, but Ye Jinli stood there motionless like an iceberg!
Seeing that the others have already gone far, and if we don't leave, we will be found to be left behind, Lin Sishen was reliable for a while, and I don't know what he whispered in that man's ear ...

The man cast his eyes coldly, and after straying away from Ye Jinli and me, he passed us and walked forward.

After he left, I was relieved, but my back was already sweating nervously!

It wasn't until Lin Sishen and the man wearing the Shura mask were some distance away from us that Ye Jinli spoke coldly, and asked me in a tone of joy and anger: "Is he your little fox?"

"I..." I was about to answer, but he interrupted me again, "Looking at your reaction, I already guessed it, right?"

I guessed it, but couldn't confirm it.

It wasn't until Ye Jinli asked me that, that I dared to be a little sure that that man might really be Feng Jiuqing...

I wanted to explain "well", but the cold light in Ye Jinli's eyes hit my heart directly, as if he saw through me.

The sneer hanging from the corner of his mouth was even more ironic.

Along the way, the time I have been in contact with him is not short, and I can see that this is a sign that he is about to get angry.

In the end, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask him: "You...how did you find out...that he is Feng Jiuqing's?"

Ye Jinli seemed to have heard a joke, and the sarcasm on his face became stronger. He glanced at me fiercely without answering, and walked forward on his own, leaving me behind.

Only he knows that between a man and a man, sometimes you don't need to say much, just a look, you can see the love in each other's hearts.

In this world, a man who can look at a woman with that kind of eyes must be very concerned about her.

What's more, when Feng Jiu looked at him, the look of wanting to cut him into pieces was exactly the same as it was more than 1000 years ago...

(End of this chapter)

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