But after all the fun, Ning Bao was really sleepy.Normally at this time, she would have been lying on her little bed and fast asleep.

At this moment, she tried hard to open her eyelids with her fingers. No, no, she had to finish this task with great difficulty. She had to go to the mission center to exchange the two tasks she completed today into small badges.

What if the teller told her that it would not be replaced after the expiry date?
Xiao Ningbao still has a psychological shadow over the task No. [-]. If the twelfth-level task could be successfully exchanged for a small badge, she would have won a long time ago, and there would be no need to work hard to complete the task until late at night. .

Alas, life is not easy, Ning Bao sighed.

Ning Bao stuffed a mint candy into his mouth to wake himself up a little, and walked towards the mission center with heavy steps.

Originally, No. [-] wanted to do the work for Ning Bao.However, the settlement of tasks must be done by the person who accepted the task. Even the pet beasts in the contract cannot settle the tasks on their behalf.

The "gentle" No. [-] has already begun to curse, but with his lack of vocabulary, Mumu feels that even if he curses in front of others, he probably won't be able to make them angry, but he may be angry to death. .

Mumu was different, she was always swearing, but Mumu was very cultured in scolding, without using any curse words, but it was just able to make people vomit blood.

Alas, this is the importance of learning. Illiterate people cannot win even if they scold.

By the time Ning Bao finished his task and dragged his tired little body back home, it was almost 12 o'clock.

She kicked off her shoes, fell on the bed and fell asleep.Mumu originally wanted her to wash up, but seeing how tired the child was, he was reluctant to wake her up in the end. He gently used vines to help her take off all her clothes, and then stuffed the whole dumpling into the bed.

Because he went to bed late, Ning Bao naturally couldn't get up the next morning.Mumu didn't call her, and it wouldn't matter if she went on the task a few hours late.Ning Bao is still growing, so sleep must be ensured.

By the way, after experiencing the melee last night, Mumu also understood why the police here were so "indifferent".The main reason is that the most capable combatants on this planet are all on the front lines fighting against creatures that have failed to open their souls. Naturally, those parents who have no energy to take care of the common people have their own shortcomings.

If you look at the way the people here are not surprised by fighting against unnatural creatures, you know that the situation on this planet is still quite tense.That's right. Can you not be nervous?After all, it is a frontline, and it is also the most important frontline for mankind.Once this planet is lost, it is estimated that many planets will be lost in succession. I don’t know if it can resist it.

Mumu was making breakfast while expanding her knowledge.In fact, it was not that she didn't know these things before, but what she read in books was always not as profound as what she experienced personally.After all, after living in a comfortable environment like Blue Star for a long time, it is really difficult to change your mind all of a sudden.

And if nothing else happens, Ning Bao has already gone to Interstellar Junior High School, and will probably go to the battlefield eventually.It is definitely better to understand these things early.

After Mumu "gnawed" two books seriously, Ning Bao finally fell into a daze.After all, she still had the task in mind, so it wasn't too late to get up.Mumu looked at the time, 7:15. She thought Ning Bao would not wake up until at least eight o'clock.

"Now that you're up, go wash up quickly and then have breakfast."

Ning Bao nodded and obediently started her morning routine of brushing her teeth and washing her face with her eyes closed.

Alas, there is no way, the child is too sleepy.Normally, she should sleep for at least eight hours.

What?You said that she usually brushes her teeth and washes her face with her eyes closed when she has a full sleep.

Ahem, isn't this how children save time? They can rest while doing things, so it's great to do both.

"This is the plan I wrote when I came back last night. It's for the remaining tasks you haven't completed yet." While Ning Baochao was eating the big meat buns seriously, Mumu pushed the plan he wrote last night to her. .

Ning Bao subconsciously stretched out his oily little fleshy paw to pick it up, until a finger touched the paper, leaving an oily reflection.

Ning Bao: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

She quickly retracted her little hand as if she had encountered a hot potato.The head turns left and right.

Where are the napkins?Where did the napkins go?
"Okay, let me read it to you. You can't wipe off the oil with a napkin. You should wash your hands after eating."

Although she said that, Mumu still took out a piece of wet tissue and stuffed it into Ning Bao's little hand.

Ning Bao finished the remaining buns in two mouthfuls, and then carefully wiped his two little hands clean.

She had just seen a blue cat pet in a cartoon two days ago that could take out anything from its pockets. She felt that Mumu was actually similar. No matter what she needed, Mumu seemed to be able to take it out.

Woo~ Doraemon

Of course, Mumu took so many notes in vain.As long as Ning Bao is likely to use it on a daily basis, Mumu will be prepared here to be as comprehensive as possible.

From daily necessities to stationery, as small as napkins, and as large as quilts, there is nothing that Mumu can't get out.

Xiao Ningbao dragged her bulging cheeks full of meat buns and listened to Mumu read her plan very seriously.

Hmm... although she didn't really understand it.This doesn't stop her from listening. Anyway, she can just listen to Mumu's words and do it when the time comes.

It has to be said that preparation in advance is still useful. Anyway, Ning Bao's work efficiency this day was much higher than yesterday, and he completed six level four tasks in one morning.

At noon, Ning Bao ate the loving lunch that Mu Mu made for her, and the whole dumpling was bubbling with happiness.

Ah, how could Mumu be so good~ How could Ning Bao have such a good pet beast like Mumu~
While she was eating, she was shaking her head happily.

No. [-] does not have lunch. This is not because Mumu is partial, but because a high-level pet like No. [-] does not need to eat every meal.One meal a month is enough.

If he only eats every meal, there are a lot of good things stored in the No. [-] space, which is much richer than the lighthouse, and he will go bankrupt soon.After all, resources above level ten are not so easy to save.

What Ning Bao didn't know was that she had become famous unknowingly.A little dumpling who always goes to the mission center to pick up missions. Hey, it’s hard not to be famous.

(End of this chapter)

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