Nai Zai's growth record of beast control

Chapter 313 When the mission is completed

After getting the news from Ning Bao that the wolf was Ning Bao's contract pet, Zhou Haien automatically completed all the plot.

Although I don’t know why this half-grown wolf cub contracted such a small beast master.But it's probably because this wolf cub was admitted to Interstellar Junior High School. This time he took his own beast master out to do guild activities. But he found that the little beast master was too troublesome, so he left the little guy here and went to do his own tasks.

Somewhere far away, Wen Ya is working diligently:

"Aju! Who is thinking of me?"

She stretched out her paw and rubbed her nose.

"Click click?"

A strange creature that looks like a duck but not a duck, looks like a snake but not a snake, asked a little worriedly.

"I'm fine. You said you wanted to find a beast master and asked me to help translate. How old are you this year? Why do you suddenly want to find a beast master?"

"click click~"

With the body of a snake and the beak of a duck, Wen Ya didn't know what kind of beast it was, so she twisted her body shyly at this moment.

The corners of Wen Ya's mouth twitched.

Not all pet beasts want to find a human beast master, just like she never thought that one day she would make a contract with a human.The guy in front of me was a staunch non-contractist in the past.

Until one day, he was saved by a human when he was seriously injured and dying.

Then the guy in front of me fell in love and wanted to commit myself to him.

Well, don’t get me wrong. It’s not the kind of commitment that humans understand. There is reproductive isolation between pet animals and humans.The so-called commitment here is to treat someone as a pet.

Although the contracts in the world of beast control are quite equal, for a pet beast that is firmly non-contractual, this is definitely a huge determination.

After all, having a beast master means you have a new family, and you are not as free as your own beast.

Wen Ya strongly agrees with this point.For example, she has done so much more work since her contract with Ning Bao!

But contracts are not something that the pet beast can do unilaterally. It also requires the consent of the human being.So this half-snake, half-duck pet beast went to the mission center to post a mission and requested foreign aid, hoping that Wen Ya could translate his words well and impress the human.

Wen Ya looked up at the sky wordlessly again. She originally thought it was just a simple translation task, but now it seems that she may have to act as a lobbyist.

Because judging from this short encounter, the emotional intelligence of the pet beast in front of him is really not high, and it is not even as good as Xiao Ningbao, who can occasionally be "wise and foolish".If she translated it exactly as it was, it would probably be a shame.

Forget it, let's play it by ear when the time comes.


Although Zhou Haien still doesn't think Ning Bao can be admitted to Interstellar Junior High School on his own, it is still possible that he was brought in by a pet beast. Maybe Ning Bao is hanging around in the branch school now?

My pet beast is going to participate in guild activities, and as a beast master, Xiao Ningbao also wants to take on the task, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. "Uncle, can Ning Bao take over the mission?"

Without food, Ning Bao immediately became active, and since she was a young girl who was not afraid of life, she became even more lawless.

She climbed down from the stool nimbly, walked up to Zhou Haien with two short legs, and ran to Zhou Haien's side. She grabbed Zhou Haien's legs with her two small fleshy paws, and used her little fat face to touch Zhou Haien's legs. Rubbing it with his big hand.

"Uncle, can you tell Ning Bao which tasks are easier to do?"

That's how Xiao Ningbao is. Call her smart, but she really doesn't look very smart.But call her stupid, she is indeed quite smart sometimes.

Even though Zhou Haien has an eight-year-old nephew, he himself is single.Among the few children he had contact with, the only one was his little nephew who went to Fangjiewa without being spanked for three days.

As soon as his hand touched Ning Bao's soft little face, he immediately retracted his hand as if he was electrocuted.Then he heard Ning Bao Nai whirling coquettishly. At least he thought it was coquettish, and his heart immediately softened.

It's not a big deal, it's just to tell this little baby which tasks are easier to complete.He won't help to finish it, so in the end this little guy has to finish it by himself.It was unfair for such a young baby to compete with those teenagers. He just provided a little help, which should be fine.

Zhou Haien successfully convinced himself. He wanted to hold Ning Bao on his lap, but when he really touched the soft little one, his body became a little stiff.

Can such a young baby really complete the task on his own?

Unconsciously, his mind became even more biased.

"Xiao Ningbao, right? Then what kind of mission do you want to do?"

Unlike some children who knew how to recognize their babies, little Ningbao didn't feel awkward at all sitting in the arms of the uncle she met for the first time. She even consciously grabbed Zhou Haien's arm holding her with her small claws.

"Ning Bao wants to do high-level tasks, the higher the level, the better~"

Xiao Naiyin is very serious and serious, and she is not joking at all.

But Zhou Haien was in trouble.In his opinion, it is already very good for a kindergarten baby to learn how to practice. Now he has to do high-level tasks...

Zhou Haien's mind turned around several times, and he suddenly discovered something. He might have fallen into inertial thinking.If that wolf could get into Interstellar Middle School on his own, he would have to be at least level three.As for the little Ning Bao in his arms, as the wolf's master, the difference in strength cannot exceed one level.In other words, this little guy is at least level two now.

Zhou Haien, who was only at the third level until now, suddenly had doubts about life.What is he doing at this age? Oh, he hasn't learned how to practice at this age.

Since Ning Bao was already at the fourth level, Zhou Haien was only at the third level, so Zhou Haien couldn't see through Ning Bao's level at all.But even if he realized that he had a coherent mind, there was no way he could think in this direction.A five- or six-year-old baby is already very powerful with only two levels. After all, it is impossible for a person to start practicing at birth.

Seeing that the uncle didn't respond to her for a long time, Ning Bao tried her best to raise her head, but she could only see Zhou Haien's chin.

Ning Bao: ...

Woo~ When will Ning Bao grow taller?
To be honest, Ning Bao has actually grown taller.She used to be just over 1.1 meter tall, but now she is over [-] meters tall.However, compared to most people, Ning Bao is still just short.

Zhou Haien finally recovered from the shock and took out some professional task booklets from the drawer as if in a dream.

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