But...the boy's eyes dimmed again as he thought of the words of his elders in the family.They said: This little sister is his enemy. They have a relationship between No.1 and No.2. They are naturally incompatible with each other.

The little boy doesn't understand why No.1 and No.2 can't be friends?The adults also told him that if this little sister worked harder, she might take away his No. 1 position.

The little boy didn't understand even more. That means this little sister is very powerful. Why can't he make friends with her?
But this time, the adults didn't tell him. They looked very angry and scolded him.

The boy lowered his head in despair and tried to concentrate on the textbook in his hand, but he still couldn't read a word.

In a sense, what the boy's parents said was not entirely wrong.Because if Ning Bao works hard enough, it is indeed possible to take first place this time.After all, she clearly had some paddling in the final team race.

However, Mumu felt that since the child was still so young, happiness was more important than ranking.Moreover, getting No. 2 is already great.

Ning Bao played house with the girl, and the girl took out a set of Barbie dolls she had collected.Ning Bao curiously took a doll and looked around. She had never played this kind of game before.When she was in the world of cultivating immortals, her favorite toy was her small wooden sword. Later, when she came to the world of beast control, she added a small pistol.

"How do you like it? Does it look good? I'll give you one. These are my most beloved dolls."

The girl picked up a Barbie doll that was pink from head to toe.

"No need~"

Xiao Ningbao waved his hands repeatedly:
"This is my sister's favorite doll. Mumu taught me not to take away what others love."

Of course, the most important thing is that Xiao Ningbao is just looking at it as a novelty.If she really likes them, she still prefers her weapon-style toys.

"Brother, why don't you come and play together? We can play... play... pretend to be cute."

This was originally the girl's suggestion. If Ning Bao had brought it up, she might have suggested that everyone play sword dancing together.However, since Ning Bao had never played it before, his curiosity aroused, and now he is quite interested in the game of pretending to be a family wine.

Ning Bao ran up to the little boy, tugged on the boy's trouser legs, and raised his fat face with a sincere expression.Oops, if there are too few people pretending to be a family drinker, it won’t be fun.This is what the young lady told Ning Bao.


The little boy put down the book in his hand, looking hesitant.

"My elders don't let me play games."

The boy looked at Xiao Ningbao's innocent little face and finally failed to say that his parents did not allow him to touch Xiao Ningbao. He felt that such words were very hurtful.If someone just didn't want to play with him, the boy thought, he would be very sad.

"Huh? It's so hard, little brother. Mumu said you should balance work with rest."

Xiao Ningbao looked at the boy with a sympathetic look in her eyes. She took out a handful of White Rabbit toffee that she had finally saved from her pocket.Although she has gotten a lot of snacks recently, not all of them can go into Ning Bao's own pocket. Many of them are kept by Mu Mu on his behalf.

"Brother, you eat the candy. The candy is sweet. It makes you happy and powerful."

Ning Bao made a gesture to try harder.Although she felt that people couldn't work hard all the time, they had to have fun occasionally, that's what Mumu told her.But Mumu also said that you cannot impose your own values ​​​​on others.If she insists on playing with her little brother now, he may be scolded if he fails to complete the homework assigned by adults.

This is probably why Ning Bao is always so lovable.Although she always seems not very smart, and although she is often naughty and mischievous, she is actually a baby who is quite considerate of others.

"Thank you."

The boy took one of the toffees from the handful held by Ning Bao's little hands and felt even sadder.Sir, it's really strange, why can't No.1 be friends with No.2?
Ning Bao had no way of knowing the bitterness in the boy's heart.When she saw that the boy had taken the candy, she no longer planned to disturb the boy's studies.If someone is always making noise next to Ning Bao while he is doing his homework, Ning Bao will be angry.So Ning Bao doesn't bother others.

She ran back and played house with the girl. Although the girl said it might not be fun when there were few people, Ning Bao still played with gusto.

Well, in fact, the main thing is that there is a freshness in it. If Ning Bao is allowed to play a few more times, she will definitely not want to play.No matter how many people there are, she won't want to play with them.

Amidst all the new things, time flew by and the three of them quickly reached their destination.Although the boy did not dare to contact Ning Bao at first, within two days, he still became friends with Ning Bao.How could it be that there were just three children and their pet animals here, without any adult supervision.Of course the boy's pet was also close to the boy, so it was definitely impossible to file a lawsuit against him.

But then again, if the children are not allowed to take care of their parents, and these three children are allowed to go out alone, this dog should be scolded by the officials.Why, are you afraid that the adults will go and reveal "important secrets"?Do you have something shameful?

"Xiao Ningbao, hold our hands, don't get lost."

After getting off the space pet, the boy and the girl held Ning Bao's little hand, one on the left and the other on the right. They were already two very competent brothers and sisters.


Although Ning Bao felt that she would never lose it, she still nodded obediently.

They are obviously children, but the short and chubby Ning Bao wants to hold the hands of his elder brothers and sisters, and the chubby arm has to be raised up.When the three of them walked forward at the same time, Xiao Ningbao was simply a dazzling figure.There's no way around it. With short legs, boys and girls take a step forward normally. Ning Baodao had to work very hard to take a big step forward. But wouldn't it be a conspicuous bag?

The little boy and the little girl looked at each other and slowed down in unison.Ning Bao suddenly felt that her walking became smoother, but she didn't think much about it and continued to head towards her destination happily.

"Wow, so many eggs!"

When he actually arrived at his destination, Ning Bao was so amazed.There are so many eggs that you can't even see them at a glance, and some of them are really big, bigger than a Ningbao.

The little boy and girl were actually quite surprised, but they were more reserved and did not sigh directly like Ning Bao.

"You are the top three in this interstellar cub competition, right?"

Ning Bao saw a beautiful aunt coming over.As for why she is called aunt instead of sister?Because Xiao Ningbao, who has sharp eyes, saw the wrinkles at the corners of the other party's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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