Nai Zai's growth record of beast control

Chapter 274 Breaking through the school is easy

The competition here in Ningbao hasn't finished yet, and Fengyuan's entrance exam has been completed. The efficiency is really high.Of course, apart from the reports that need to be written every month, this so-called entrance exam is not difficult for Fengyuan at all.

Please, at her current level, some graduated Space Marines may not be able to defeat her, let alone those who have not yet entered school.

No, as soon as she entered the school, she singled out all the students in the school.They fought hard without losing a single victory. This sturdy result made Fengyuan instantly become a celebrity in the whole school.

As for why Fengyuan became so high-profile all of a sudden, it was not because this school had a system that allowed students to graduate early if they were strong enough.Fengyuan wished she could graduate as soon as she entered school, go to the battlefield as soon as possible, finish the mission given by Little Tiandao as soon as possible, and then find her Qingqing and Ning Bao to go home together.

As a result, she beat up not only the students but also the teachers in the school. This shabby school actually refused to let her graduate!Why, isn't she strong enough?
If this doesn't reflect her strength, then don't do it one by one, let's do it together.

Fengyuan, who has been pushed to the ninth level with resources, has a somewhat fearless tone.Although the maximum limit for high-level planets is more than tenth level, there are definitely very few who can break through to tenth level or above.

Anyway, until now, there is no such master on the planet who can count more than five fingers.There are even some weaker planets that don’t have any.

Although the tenth level to the eleventh level is considered a big watershed, it is a bit unrealistic for Fengyuan to go to the eleventh level.But there is still no problem in playing level ten, just like the teachers in this school.

Here, I have to mention it again.Although the highest known level in this world is sixteenth level, as far as Fengyuan knows, the highest existing level is only thirteenth level.

And that thirteenth-level beast is a pet beast, a human beast master, and there is no one at the thirteenth level.

As for the sixteenth-level beast master in history and his sixteenth-level pet beasts, it can be said that they appeared out of nowhere and grew very fast, and they are still talked about by people today.

But he is the only one, there is no one before, and no one has come until now.And there are no ones of the fourteenth or fifteenth level at all, they are just faults.

Fengyuan now very much suspected that the sixteenth-level beast master in history might also be Xiao Tiandao's helper whom he kidnapped from nowhere.

What happened was that Fengyuan had discovered the truth to a certain extent.But that's not Xiao Tiandao's handiwork, she doesn't have this ability yet.

At that time, the world of beast control and the world of cultivating immortals had not yet been completely separated, and there were still inextricable connections between the two.It was the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Cultivation World who took action and threw all the talented people of the human and demon races in the Immortal Cultivation World into the beast-controlling world.When those geniuses settled their troubles and returned to the world of immortality, Heaven recorded a great merit for them.

Speaking of which, Fengyuan was quite unlucky, because she followed the abducted Ning Bao and was not sent by the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm.So even if they solve the problem and go back, they won't get any great merit.

But Fengyuan doesn't care about this very much. She just wants to find Ning Bao and Qingqing as soon as possible. She doesn't know if her two cubs are being bullied outside.

Alas, Qingqing's personality is too gentle, and Ning Bao is so silly. It's written all over his face that we are easy to bully. It really makes Feng worried.

In fact, compared to Ning Bao, Fengyuan was most worried about Qingqing.She doesn't know how long that kind of suppression can last. If she can't find Qingqing in time, and Qingqing can't find enough suppression of the Extreme Yang Flame during this period of time...

Fengyuan didn't dare to think any further.When we first met, I wasn't very moved because I had no feelings.Now if she were to see another Qingqing who looked like a broken doll, she would really go crazy.

That was a cub that she spent so much treasure and effort to raise!Fengyuan felt very irritated whenever he thought of Ning Bao and Qingqing.So even though she now understands the benefits of having several rich parents, she still wants to scold Xiao Tiandao.Can't you just let the three of them be together?Why do they have to be distributed separately?Why is it more efficient?
Little Tiandao, who had not considered this at all, had just woken up from her nap. She opened her eyes in a daze and took a sip of milk.

Woo~Where did the candy my brother gave the baby go~

Where else could the zombie candy go?Of course it's on Cher.

Shuiyu Bailian treated Xueer with a look of disgust.Really, after being a game therapist for so long, I have never seen anything like this...

Shui Yu Bai Suan's face was hard to explain. As a beast master, isn't it normal to get hurt?It's just a basic flesh wound, that's all.If you can't bear this little hardship, don't come to participate in the Star Cub Competition.If he faced a creature that failed to open his spirit in the future, he would be so frightened that he would tremble on the spot and faint.

"System! System!"

Xueer had lost such a huge person in public, and now her face turned blue and white, which was quite shocking.She shouted hysterically in her head:
"Why didn't you help me just now! Why didn't you help me!"

"Host, I gave you power, but you didn't use it well. Also, you still owe me that little snake."

Doomsday Candy had a look of disgust on his face. If he hadn't been so stupid, arrogant, and still offline. It was hard to find someone willing to sacrifice the flesh, blood, and soul of innocent people. He would have changed his host long ago.Really, there is not enough success and more than failure all day long.

"Return to the little snake, bah! You didn't let me win, why should I sacrifice to you!"

"Host, this is what we agreed upon. The previous energy was your luxury. If you can't get that little snake, you have to use something else to pay for it."

Doomsday Candy's voice turned cold.This guy actually wanted to take advantage of him without looking in the mirror to see who he was.

"Why! I didn't even win. I won't sacrifice! I won't sacrifice! I won't sacrifice to you anymore!"

Of course what Xueer said was angry.After all, she still wants to get power from the apocalyptic candy, so she will still make sacrifices in the future.But Doomsday Candy took it seriously, it was just a joke, and he ate his overlord meal.

"Then use yourself to pay for it."

The voice of Doomsday Candy was cold and eerie, making Xueer feel the coldness coming from her soul.Her body trembled, and just when she was about to give in, she suddenly let out a loud cry, and then her whole body collapsed to the ground.

Just as Shuiyu Baisuan was about to leave, she was startled by a loud shout from behind and narrowly avoided rolling down.

(End of this chapter)

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