Nai Zai's growth record of beast control

Chapter 265 Xiao Ningbao works hard for bedtime stories

Chapter 265 Xiao Ningbao works hard for bedtime stories

As for whether the sacrifice of flesh and blood is considered an evil thing, what does that have to do with her?After all, it was other people's flesh and blood, and those who died were those humble servants. In the end, it just benefited her.

Xue'er's face is a little pale now, but she doesn't take it seriously. She just lost some blood. It's still a good deal to get No. 1.Little did she know, she lost more than just some blood, she also lost a small part of her soul...

Ning Bao was lying on his bed obediently, waiting for Mumu to tell him a bedtime story.

Mumu said before that she is the youngest among all the contestants, and to get No. 2 is already a good performance, so she should be rewarded.

Ning Bao rolled over and over on the bed, flipping through her small bookshelf, and couldn't decide what story she wanted Mumu to tell her.

Woo~Princess Snow White, this won’t work, Ning Bao has heard it many times.The complete collection of pet beast fairy tales, this one is not good either, Ning Bao seems to have listened to them all...

Ning Bao got up with a grunt, his two chubby arms folded in front of him, and he looked thoughtful.So what story should Ning Bao let Mumu tell her?Well, this is a very serious question.

After Mumu and Wen Ya finished chatting, they walked in wearing a nightgown with green edges and white bottom. Her long black hair was draped behind her head, looking beautiful and gentle.

"What, you haven't decided yet?"

Mumu immediately understood everything when she saw Ning Bao still running back and forth between the bookshelves.

"Aww, wait for Ning Bao just a little longer, and Ning Bao will be able to find him soon."

Ning Bao was still searching through her bookshelf. Some books were taken out, but Ning Bao couldn't put them back.As for some books, Ning Bao didn't know where to put them.

Mumu could only helplessly follow Ning Bao to clean up for her, stuffing the pulled out books back one by one in order:

"What are you looking for? Let me help you find it."

"Ning Bao wants to find a story book that Ning Bao has not read."

"There are no storybooks here that you haven't read. Haven't you read them all?"

Ning Bao paused while searching for books.Yes, are there any story books here that Ning Bao hasn’t read?

"Okay, okay, go and lie down on the bed and sleep. Can I tell you about what happened when you were a child?"

As a normal human being, Ning Bao certainly doesn't remember much about things before the age of three.So, she lay down on the bed obediently, waiting for Mumu to tell her a story.

"Don't Sister Fengyuan like to pinch your face? In fact, when you were younger, she also liked to poke your belly."

Ning Bao subconsciously pinched his fat belly with his chubby hands. Wow, it was full of flesh.

Mumu laughed and continued:

"You were still very young at that time, still drinking milk. You were a little kid, plump and round, and you looked very good. So Fengyuan pinched your belly."

"And then?"

It was said to be a bedtime story, but Ning Bao obviously didn't look like he was going to sleep. He stared at Mumu with his eyes wide open.


Mumu smiled again, looking very happy:

"Then you vomited milk and spit it all over her face. After that, she no longer dared to pinch your belly and started pinching your face instead.

However, I later stopped this behavior. I went to the human world to inquire about it, and it seemed that pinching faces frequently was not good for babies. "Ning Bao thought for a while:
"But Ning Bao seems to be pinched a lot."

"Well, when you have memories, have you grown up? So if you pinch gently, I won't stop you."

Of course, if it was heavy, Mumu would definitely have to open his claws.

Ning Bao nodded, and then continued to stare at Mumu expectantly, waiting for her next words.

"At that time..."

Mumu talked about a lot, including things in the world of beast control and things in the world of cultivating immortals.Although Ning Bao always felt that he was a little stupid when he was a child, he still listened with interest.

In Mumu’s words, babies don’t know anything, so they need to be taught.It's normal to be a little stupid, so Ning Bao accepted his silly childhood very naturally.

Ning Bao was very happy to hear it and became more and more excited.Mumu looked at the time, it was already 10:30. Children are growing up, so they should go to bed early and get up early.

Ning Bao pulled Mumu's sleeve to act coquettishly and begged her to say another paragraph.When Mumu finished speaking another paragraph, she continued to act coquettishly, wanting Mumu to speak another paragraph.

Mumu pushed the excited little Ningbao back to the bed and covered her with a quilt:
"There is a team competition tomorrow. If you don't get up early, you won't have time to have breakfast."

Ning Bao weighed it very tangledly. He could listen to the story next time. If he didn't eat breakfast, he would really miss a meal, and Ning Bao's belly would be hungry.So, she could only make a painful decision.

Mumu stood up to leave, but Ning Bao looked at her eagerly:
"Then if Ning Bao performs well next time, will there be any rewards?"

"Of course. But today, Ning Bao needs to have a good sleep first.

Ning Bao, good night. "

When Mumu went out, she turned off the lights in Ning Bao's room.

"Mumu, good night~"

Ning Bao took out his little hand from the quilt with a special sense of ceremony and waved towards Mumu.As she lay on the bed, she was still thinking about it. If Ning Bao won the top three in the single team competition, she would definitely be able to continue listening to stories...

However, before this idea lasted in Ning Bao's mind for 30 seconds, Ning Bao snored and fell asleep.

The next morning, Ning Bao still failed to get up early for breakfast.There is no other way. Going to bed at 10:30 is still too late for a little Zaizai like Ning Bao.Of course, Mumu was reluctant to let Ning Bao go hungry. She spread out the pancakes, put them in a thermal box, stuffed them into Ning Bao's small schoolbag, and let Ning Bao eat them when he had time.

Ning Bao yawned drowsily and floated into the competition arena with frivolous steps.Her little nose moved and she smelled the fragrant smell of pancakes.Woo~ I'm so hungry, and my mouth really wants to eat, but my eyelids just can't open.

Before the game, numbers were drawn as usual. Ning Bao closed his eyes, stretched out his little hand, and touched it casually.

"Ning Bao, let's go down."

Mumu watched Ning Bao finish drawing the cards, his head moving little by little, and almost falling asleep on the box, so he had to remind her aloud in his heart.


Suddenly hearing Mumu's voice, Ning Bao was like a student who was caught dozing off in class and was caught by the teacher. He suddenly woke up and looked around blankly.There are only three huge philosophical questions in my mind, who am I?where am I?What do I want to do?

"Ning Bao, it's time to go down, there are people waiting behind you."

(End of this chapter)

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