Nai Zai's growth record of beast control

Chapter 224 The waiter who is almost dizzy with happiness

"This little brother, are you really okay? Don't hold on if something happens. Although it's a bit expensive to find the Bobo Football Association, our lives are more expensive, right? That's the soup made by devil's pepper. It can cure the disease. You're in shock, how dare you drink all the soup!"

The waiter was so scared that he almost cried.How could he not know about the vegetables sold in their store?Extremely spicy!Most guests have to drink a lot of water just to eat the food. Who would risk their lives to drink the soup?I still drank the whole pot of soup. What if someone died?

The poor waiter became more and more frightened as he thought about it, and his tears began to flow down uncontrollably.He had told Lao Wang a long time ago that he had to sign some kind of contract before eating. Lao Wang still didn't take it seriously, saying how could someone eat chili peppers and eat himself to death? Didn't his body count?Ouch, this is not going to happen!
When a beauty sheds tears, it is called pear blossoms and rain.The waiter was in tears, it was really a lot of snot and tears.

Feng Yuan took out the napkin and gave it to him. She was just eating a dish. Why did she make someone cry after eating it?
"I'm not fine."

"You are fine now, but what if you... suddenly collapse later?"

The waiter is still feeling sorry for himself. You said that he was a good young man and was involved in human life. What will he do in the next life?

Fengyuan was speechless.By the way, big brother, can you raise your head and look at me?I stand in front of you with nothing wrong.

The waiter cried for a while and finally realized that the man in front of him, who he characterized as possibly going into shock or even death after eating spicy food, was fine at all.

" are you okay? This is impossible, that's the devil pepper..."

The waiter grabbed the napkin in his hand, wiped his nose randomly, and asked with sobs.


how?Do you still expect anything to happen to me?
"Don't cry yet. I've been fed back by pet beasts many times. I'm in good physical condition. I'll be fine if I eat some spicy food."

Fengyuan simply handed over the entire napkin box on the table this time.

The little brother was too sad before, and now he can't stop. His body is still twitching, and he chokes with sobs:
"This... this is impossible. There is devil's pepper in the soup. Even if a fourth-level beast master eats it... he will get into trouble..."

The waiter wiped away his nose again, wiped his tears, and carefully looked at Fengyuan from head to toe:
"Even if a fifth-level beast master eats it, he won't be completely fine. Are you...are you really okay? Are you a sixth-level beast master?"

At this point, the waiter was about to jump up again.As an ordinary first-level pseudo-beast master, he usually doesn't have many opportunities to see a third-level beast master, let alone a sixth-level one.

Fengyuan was silent for a moment and then replied:
"Then don't worry, I'm at level seven."

To be honest, let alone Fengyuan being at the seventh level now, even if she is really only at the first level, just eating some chili peppers with her steel stomach is nothing.But that didn't stop her from speaking out now to reassure the crying waiter in front of her.

Unexpectedly, the young man in front of me suddenly became epileptic, his body was shaking, and his words were even more awkward than when he was crying before:

"You, you, are a seventh-level beast master!"

Feng Yuan was just about to nod and say yes, but the man in front of him ran away like a gust of wind, leaving Feng Yuan completely confused.

What kind of show is this?

Forget it, never mind, she can eat hers.

Fengyuan sat down again and took a bite of the second dish brought out by the waiter. The person who had just disappeared ran back like a gust of wind. "Can you...can you...sign it for me?"

The waiter was so nervous that he was stammering, holding a notebook and a pen tightly in his hand.For ordinary people like them, the probability of meeting a seventh-level beast master in real life is lower than the probability of winning the lottery.

After all, there are only so many seventh-level beast masters in the entire Bobo Star, and people who are either rich or noble, why would they come to eat at this kind of snack street?
Fengyuan is very familiar with things like signatures.I went to their school and asked around, and found out that many junior girls have her autograph.


She stuffed all the food on the chopsticks into her mouth, then signed with a pen, all in one go. The whole process took no more than 30 seconds. The waiter on the side looked at her with stars in her eyes, as if he would become her fanatical fan in the next moment.

Looking down at Fengyuan's handwriting again, the waiter was dumbfounded.

this... this... this
Why does this word look so ugly?It's a bit like a dog crawling.

No, no, how could he question the words of a seventh-level beast master?This may be some kind of special font, but ordinary people like him don't know how to appreciate it.

The waiter finished the self-hypnosis, and then asked with a shy look if we could take another photo together.

Oh, Feng Yuan is also familiar with taking photos together.The girls in the school who wanted to take pictures with her every day lined up from the north gate to the south gate of the school.

"Okay, but later you have to recommend to me what delicious food you have here."

Fengyuan responded carelessly, drank all the soup in the basin in one gulp, and stood up to take pictures with his mobile phone.

At this time, the waiter's mind was filled with the idea that a seventh-level beastmaster actually wanted to take a photo with him. He could show off for a lifetime, so how could he care about such a trivial matter as Fengyuan chewing off the devil's pepper in a few mouthfuls.

Then, a strange scene happened.Fengyuan was tall and had long legs. He stood there and put his arm around the shoulder of the waiter next to him, while holding up his mobile phone with the other hand.She didn't bring a selfie stick, so she just made do. Anyway, she couldn't take good pictures with a selfie stick.This kind of thing is done by Nangong Lian in school.

The waiter, who was half a head shorter than Fengyuan, was flushed at the moment, shyly shrinking next to Fengyuan, and even a little afraid to look at the camera.

With a click sound, Fengyuan took a look at the photos on his phone to the waiter:
"That's it, my photography skills are not good, and it won't be much better if I take more photos. Add me as a friend and I will send you the photos."

Add a friend, add a friend, add a friend...

This sentence kept echoing in the waiter's head.

What!Not only could he get the autograph and photo of a seventh-level beast master, he could actually become friends with a seventh-level beast master!To round it off, he has a friend who is a seventh-level beast master.

At this moment, he only felt dizzy, as if he had suddenly been hit by a [-] million grand prize. It felt very unreal, as if he was floating and his feet could not touch the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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