Hong Kong Comprehensive: Starting from taking care of colleagues’ widows

Chapter 461 Chapter 809 810 The family was destroyed, Gao Hui solved the case too fiercely

Chapter 461 Chapter 809 810 The family was destroyed, Gao Hui solved the case too fiercely (a four thousand word chapter)

Liang Xiaogang is the most junior person in the forensic department, so he will naturally not refuse Gao Yanbo's assignment.

He was also enthusiastic and immediately took Gao Hui to visit various places in the forensic department and introduced various instruments.

"This is a 3D scanner."

"This instrument can scan every corner of the scene in color without damaging the crime scene. It is faster, more convenient and more advanced than a digital camera."

"It can also display blood stains and brake marks, and then reconstruct the crime scene through a computer. This instrument can not only be operated in a bright place, but more importantly, it can also be operated in a dark environment."

"Multi-band light."

"It's something like a flashlight that shines back and forth at the crime scene. This instrument is a multi-band light. It can easily detect blood, urine, bite marks, etc. at the crime scene."

"Spectrophotometer is mainly used for blood testing, estimating the residence time of blood outside the body, etc."

"The comparison microscope is used to detect traces of bullets, fingerprints, etc., bringing more accurate clues to solve crimes."

"A centrifuge can quickly separate two immiscible substances."


Liang Xiaogang talked eloquently.

Gao Hui also listened with interest.

He read a book on forensics yesterday and only understood part of the theory.

These instruments seemed incomprehensible, and Gao Hui didn't know how to use any of them.

What can he do if he comes to the forensic department?


Liang Xiaogang slapped his forehead and said with excitement: "The police headquarters will send a DNA analyzer soon, and it will be more convenient for us to solve the case."

DNA analyzer?

Gao Hui's heart moved.

This instrument is not difficult to operate. He also saw it in advance yesterday. It may be the key to his breakthrough.

"DNA analyzer?"

Gao Hui said confidently: "I learned this once when I was studying in England."

The resume Li Wenbin forged for him mentioned his experience of studying abroad in England and having done similar forensic work, so there was no need to worry about the secret being exposed.


Liang Xiaogang was overjoyed: "Sister Tina resigned, we are short of laboratory technicians."

"I will tell Sir Gao."

He vowed emphatically.

Tina resigned?

Gao Hui knew that this woman's real name was Chen Minru.

It seems that because of his appearance, the forensic department has also undergone slight changes.


Tina didn't show up much to begin with, so Gao Hui came to fill in the role.

"Have you ever operated a DNA analyzer?"

After listening to Liang Xiaogang's report, Gao Yanbo hesitated slightly: "I originally wanted you to come with me."

"No delay."

Of course Gao Hui didn't want to shrink his office, so he hurriedly expressed his position: "Sir Gao and I will finish the scene and do the DNA testing when we come back."

"it is good!"

Gao Yanbo patted Gao Hui on the shoulder: "I like people who work hard like you."

"I'll do a good job."

Gao Hui naturally replied with some scene words.

Next, they analyzed the items brought from the housing estate and cooperated with Gu Zechen from the Forensic Medicine Department to deduce the time of death of the deceased.

In this housing estate massacre, a total of three people died, the owner Tan De, Tan De's wife Pan Huifang, and their daughter Tan Liling.

The only survivor is the Tan family's son, Tan Weisheng, who is still being treated in the intensive care unit of the hospital.

Based on the time of Tan Liling's death and the fact that the crime team had photos of her boyfriend on her mobile phone, Liang Xiaorou and others identified the suspect as her boyfriend Chen Wendi.

Because on the day of the incident, Liang Xiaorou arrived at the crime scene and saw Wendi Chen in the crowd outside.

His girlfriend died, and he didn't care about it and still hid. If he wasn't suspicious, who would be?

"Where were you the night before yesterday?"

Liang Xiaorou took people to the garage where Chen Wendi worked.

"I'm at the Moon Viewing Bar."

Chen Wendi mentioned a place to explain the reason why he did not dare to show up: "Tan Liling is dead. I was afraid that you would doubt me."


Liang Xiaorou didn't rub the sand in her eyes: "Tan Liling asked you to be her boyfriend. She must be blind."

That being said, she did not take Chen Wendi back to the police station.

Chen Wendi is a bit of a scumbag when it comes to treating women, but she can't just arrest people without convincing evidence.

That night, she went to Guanyue Bar to check whether Chen Wendi's words were credible.

"Madam, we meet again."

As soon as he arrived at the bar, Gao Hui, who was waiting, greeted her.

"Is that you? Your name is Gao Hui?"

Liang Xiaorou raised her eyebrows and asked.

I'm not impressed enough, I can't remember his name.

Gao Hui secretly sighed and made up his mind to ask Liang Xiaorou to change her view of him tonight.

He had put a lot of effort into it, and just now he deliberately called Gu Zechen to lure the forensic doctor away, so that he could cooperate with Liang Xiaorou instead.

"Do you often come to this kind of place?"

Gao Hui asked the question without answering.

"I'm looking for someone to ask for clues."

They were all colleagues in the police station, and they were involved in the housing estate murder case. Liang Xiaorou did not hide it from Gao Hui and told her own situation.

After she responded to Gao Hui, she directly asked the waiter at the bar.

"Did you see this guy last night?"

Liang Xiaorou showed Chen Wendi's photo.

"I've seen it."

The waiter laughed and said, "He drank five beers that day and gave me a tip."

"When did you come?"

"eight pm."


eight pm?

Liang Xiaorou sighed secretly.

According to the inferences of forensic doctors and forensic evidence, Tan Liling was killed at 9 p.m.

Chen Wendi also proved his alibi, so he was not the one who committed the crime.

"and many more!"

Seeing Liang Xiaorou about to leave, Gao Hui called out to her and stared at the waiter at the bar: "Think clearly about the consequences."

"Chen Wendi is suspected of a murder case, and perjury is also a crime."

"If you don't want a prison sentence, you'd better tell the truth."


The strong aura locked onto the bartender, and when he mentioned the stakes, the latter naturally succumbed.

"I was wrong, I remembered it wrong."

The bartender quickly changed his story: "Chen Wendi gave me five hundred yuan and asked me to testify for him."

"He came at eight o'clock that night and left after only sitting for half an hour."

"Then at ten o'clock he showed up again."



Liang Xiaorou glared at him fiercely, turned and left.

"Are you going to find Chen Wendi?"

Gao Hui followed her and asked softly.

"Thank you!"

Liang Xiaorou spoke softly, then said with a solemn face: "There must be something wrong with Chen Wendi asking someone to give false testimony."

"Not necessarily."

Gao Hui reminded Liang Xiaorou.

"Come to the bar at eight o'clock and show up again at ten o'clock. He clearly has serious suspicions."

Liang Xiaorou said categorically: "Scumbags like this who kill their own girlfriends must be caught."

"I'll go with you."

Gao Hui smiled and said: "I am also very interested in this case."

"what ever!"

Liang Xiaorou started the car and looked at Gao Hui sitting in Hutou Ben. He immediately remembered the first time the two met yesterday, and his heart was filled with ripples.

The two of them have met too many times!

The thought flashed through her mind, but she quickly dismissed it and turned her attention to the case in front of her.

When she arrived at the garage where Chen Wendi worked again, she found that he was not here. Liang Xiaorou went to check Chen Wendi's locker and found that there was a large amount of banknotes hidden in it.

"Do you see it?"

Liang Xiaorou was quite proud and said to Gao Hui: "Tan De, the head of the Tan family, took a batch of diamonds a few days ago, but they haven't been found at home yet."

"This money should have been obtained by Chen Wendi after selling diamonds. He must be the real murderer."

…… "All right."

Gao Hui blinked and said, "Just check it out."

His casual attitude showed distrust and angered Liang Xiaorou.


She turned and left.

Gao Hui had no choice but to follow her no longer.

This woman is also a strong man, so you can't coddle her as if he were a licking dog.

"High sir."

When he arrived at the forensic department the next day, Gao Hui approached Gao Yanbo and questioned: "I heard from the crime team that Tan Liling's body is a little hot."

"In addition, I checked the small bag that Tan Liling carried, and there was antipyretic medicine in it."

"The time of death we provided to the crime team should be a little premature, right?"


"Fever-reducing medicine?"

Gao Yanbo immediately paid attention.

To put it bluntly, detecting the time of death is based on the bacteria and other microorganisms in the body of the deceased.

High temperature can sterilize, and taking antipyretics can sterilize, which will have an impact on time estimation. He wants to discuss it with Gu Zechen again.

"The time of death was ten o'clock in the evening."

After Gao Yanbo got the result, he took Gao Hui to find Liang Xiaorou.

"Feel sorry!"

He pointed at Gao Hui and said: "Thankfully Xiao Gao discovered the abnormality, otherwise we would have wrongfully accused innocent people."

The innocent person Gao Yanbo was talking about was Chen Wendi.

Liang Xiaorou didn't find him last night, so she asked Shen Xiong to arrest him and bring him back to the police station this morning, preparing for interrogation.

"you again!"

Liang Xiaorou glanced sideways at Gao Hui and suppressed the anger in her heart.

According to the new time of death, the bartender said that Chen Wendi returned to the bar at ten o'clock, so the latter was not suspected and the case must be retried.

She was not willing to waste so much time and have to start everything over again.

“Better than wronging a good man.”

Gao Hui interrupted to remind.


Liang Xiaorou glared at Gao Hui and asked, "Why did Chen Wendi lie?"

"Yes, I feel strange too."

Gao Hui reminded Liang Xiaorou: "He should be interrogated carefully. He probably didn't do anything good."

Do you need to tell me?

There must be a trial!

Liang Xiaorou rolled her eyes at Gao Hui.

"The bartender took your money and perjured yourself."

She immediately entered the interrogation room and glared at Chen Wendi angrily: "Be honest about your crime, otherwise you will be the murderer of Tan Liling."


Chen Wendi sighed and finally told the truth.

It turns out that Tan De has always disapproved of his relationship with Tan Liling.

Chen Wendi wanted to elope with Tan Liling that night, but she didn't agree.

Chen Wendi just wanted to get some money, so he went to steal a car with others.


After hearing what happened, Liang Xiaorou's mouth felt bitter, and she also felt unconvinced.

Is she not as powerful as Gao Hui, a new police officer from the Forensic Division, who has the same name as Senior Assistant Director Gao Hui?

Liang Xiaorou was not convinced.

But she couldn't be convinced. The investigation of the case had reached a bottleneck, and she could only ask Shen Xiong and the others to investigate for clues.

While the crime squad was working hard to solve the case, forensic evidence and medical examiners were not idle either.

"Could it be that the murderer deliberately misled us?"

Gao Hui put forward a hypothesis: "Why didn't the murderer kill Tan Weisheng? Can you investigate his social background?"

"Tan Weisheng?"

Gao Yanbo's heart moved, he nodded and said: "I will notify the crime team."

After listening to the analysis by Gao Yanbo and others, Liang Xiaorou had a new direction in solving the case and made new progress in the investigation process.

The new development was related to the harassment of model Shi Qi, and they finally identified the suspect Zhang Jiale.

Zhang Jiale is a cleaner at the entertainment company where Shi Qi works. He has a bad habit of stealing some of Shi Qi's clothes and using them for fun.

When the evidence was conclusive and Zhang Jiale confessed, they discovered that the suspect Zhang Jiale's residence was actually next to the murder case. They even found photos on his computer of the suspected murderer of the murder case.

It turns out that Zhang Jiale used a camera to spy on Shi Qi and accidentally photographed the murderer's back.

There are new clues in the case, and it seems that the criminal finally walked away.

But Gao Hui made a new discovery. He found different shoe prints, confirming that the 'suspect' returned to the house again and then never went out again.

That's strange.

There were only four people in the Tan family house, three died, and only Tan Weisheng was left alive.

Could it be...

At this time, Ling Xinyi, a member of the serious crime team, also had investigation results. She found out that the computer company of Tan's son Tan Weisheng was about to go bankrupt and he was in a hurry for money.

Is it Tan Weisheng?

Thinking that the diamond was missing and Tan Weisheng had a motive for committing the crime, everyone cheered up again and went to Tan's house to collect evidence.

Gao Hui also followed Gao Yanbo.

He first found the second murder weapon, which the murderer had hidden in the ceiling.

Then Gao Hui discovered something was wrong with the fish tank.

"You have a good man."

Seeing this, Gu Zechen patted Gao Yanbo on the shoulder and praised Gao Hui: "Gao Hui is indispensable for solving the case this time."

"I also learned from Sir Gao."

Gao Hui acted very modestly, but glanced at Liang Xiaorou.

Liang Xiaorou noticed it and hummed dissatisfied.

Somehow, she just couldn't stand Gao Hui's pride.

So she asked Gao Hui provocatively: "I still have a doubt. Tan Weisheng almost died. Does he need to be so cruel?"

"you ask me?"

Gao Hui asked deliberately and said carelessly: "Isn't it the responsibility of the crime squad to solve the case? We are only responsible for providing evidence."


Liang Xiaorou stared.


Gao Hui smiled: "Why is Inspector Liang so angry? Let me make a bold guess. You can see if I am right."

"Not everyone is born a criminal, and the same is true for Tan Weisheng."

"Even if he wanted to kill his parents, he was not a professional killer."

"When he planned to stab himself, he also pretended to be attacked. That was the only way."


Gao Hui demonstrated.

The knife was caught in the middle of the cabinet, and then his body was bumped into it, completing the process of Tan Weisheng faking his injuries.

"Well done."

Gao Yanbo and Gu Zechen applauded.

Mo Shuyuan, Liang Xiaogang and Shen Xiong also cast approving glances.

Gao Hui's wonderful deduction convinced them.

"We'd better interrogate Tan Weisheng."

Liang Xiaorou said unconvinced.

But the facts proved that Gao Hui could not be wrong.

Two days later, Tan Weisheng passed the critical period. By analyzing the residue on his clothes and comparing it with the fish tank, plus the evidence that he deliberately induced Zhang Jiale to leave behind, he finally admitted his crime.

The murder case was solved, and Liang Xiaorou was not happy.

She felt that it was all Gao Hui's fault, and she had no sense of accomplishment.

Misfortunes never come singly. At this moment, her boyfriend who was studying abroad called her and wanted to break up with her.

Liang Xiaorou became even more depressed.

She drank a lot of wine while celebrating with the crime squad police officers and went home alone afterwards.

When the taxi arrived at the alley, Liang Xiaorou felt someone was following her behind her and immediately became vigilant.

She hid around the corner, waiting for the stalker to follow, and then jumped out to attack him.

"It's you!"

Seeing that person clearly, Liang Xiaorou became even more angry.

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(End of this chapter)

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