Chapter 412 Chapter 711 712 You still owe me!
  "It's not that I don't want to."

Gao Hui was still honest and said to the two of them seriously: "I don't want to hurt A Ping."

A Ping?

Gao Liping blushed.

Huang Jialing curled her lips and secretly thought that Gao Hui was pretending to be clear.


Seeing Huang Jialing's disdain, Gao Hui suddenly picked her up and said, "Arrange it for me as you please, and I will punish you."


Huang Jialing lost her voice in surprise, but soon stopped struggling.

Hearing the movement in the bedroom, Gao Liping blushed and became restless.

  She suddenly felt like vomiting.

After running to the bathroom, Gao Liping retched for three minutes. Then she looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't help but feel crazy.

She feels uncomfortable too!
  Gao Hui always flirts with her, why doesn't he get serious about it?

After looking at her hands, Gao Liping listened to the sounds outside again, finally finding a way to vent her surging feelings.


Just as she slumped to the bathroom, someone at the door said in a faint voice: "I will definitely regret it."

It's Gao Hui!
  When she saw who that person was, Gao Liping was ashamed and angry.

She forced herself to stand up, her face full of indignation, and she completely exploded: "What do you want? Are you a devil?"

What she meant was that Gao Hui was always hanging on her like this!

"Do you think I would let you go if I had a chance?"

Gao Hui looked helpless: "I told you to go to the hospital for a check-up, but you just refused to go."

"did you mean……"

Gao Liping didn't take it for granted anymore.

She recalled retching and suddenly realized: "Am I really pregnant?"


Gao Hui said fiercely: "If this were not the case, would I let you go?"

"No one can escape the woman that I, Gao Hui, like."



Huang Jialing appeared from behind him, with a confused face: "Is it my eldest brother's?"

"What do you say?"

Gao Hui said angrily: "Are you not stupid?"

"It's not your eldest brother's. Could it be that A Ping would still date someone else?"


"That's for sure!"

Huang Jialing glared at Gao Hui: "Sooner or later, I will give birth to you."

That's right.

Gao Hui did not refute and nodded naturally.

Gao Liping was stunned and quickly said to Gao Hui: "Come here and help me!"

She didn't know it before, but now she agrees with Gao Hui's statement, so she naturally has to protect herself.

  After spending the past few days with Gao Hui, she always felt sorry for Huang Zongbao.

Now that she has Huang Zongbao's child, Gao Liping feels that she finally has an explanation, and she feels less guilty when she pursues happiness.

"It's cheaper for you!"

She looked sideways at Gao Hui, who was helping her up: "I will have a godson soon."

Gao Liping didn't think Gao Hui would dislike it.

Because of their interactions in the past few days, Gao Hui had already guessed that she was pregnant. There was something in his eyes, but he did not hurt her rashly.

This is the persistence of a good man!
  After going through so much with him, it is impossible for me to find another man.

Gao Hui is considerate of her, so of course he is the godfather of her child.

As for whether he is her son, she thinks there is a high probability that it will be fine.

The Huang family should not be extinct.

Seeing the maternal radiance on her face, Gao Hui stroked Gao Liping's hair: "We are going to the hospital now."

"I want to wash up."

After smelling it, Gao Liping's face was full of disgust.

"We'll help you."

Gao Hui and Huang Jialing said in unison.

After the three of them had washed up, it was already twelve o'clock in the evening, and they were just looking for trouble when they went to the hospital.

Gao Hui went to the [-]-hour store to buy test strips and used them for testing.

"Sure enough, there is a child."

After Gao Liping passed the test, she was very excited. She hugged Gao Hui's face and kissed her twice: "Thank you!"

It was Gao Hui who reminded her repeatedly and tried his best to protect her. She was naturally grateful and did not treat him as an outsider.

  She touched her belly and prayed secretly.

Baby, baby, when you come out, mother will be able to enjoy happiness.

The next morning, the three of them went to the hospital. After a comprehensive examination, they confirmed the results and informed Mrs. Huang.

Mrs. Huang came to the hospital, grabbed Gao Hui's hand, and kept thanking him.

The Huang family has a heir!
  As for her eldest daughter and daughter-in-law being at Gao Hui's house, she no longer cares about such trivial matters.

The only regret may be that Huang Jiaru wanted to join the ranks of the eldest sister-in-law and eldest sister, but she was unable to do so.

Gao Hui ignored her.

Are you kidding? Huang Jiaru and Huang Jiali are the same, they are reserved for sages.

To be honest, Huang Jiarui was okay, but she looked stupid. For the sake of the harmony of the Huang family, Gao Hui didn't do anything.

All right!

After taking care of the Huang family, it's time to deal with Ruan Hua and Ruan Ying's Annan gang.

"Be careful!"

She handed over the task of avenging her ex-husband to her current boyfriend Gao Hui, and Gao Liping touched her belly to send Gao Hui off.

"Do not worry."

Gao Hui looked at her red lips and smiled meaningfully: "You still owe me!"

"Go to hell!"

Gao Liping guessed what Gao Hui was thinking and pinched him hard: "Don't think nonsense!"

Her 'no' is more like come quickly.

Gao Hui kissed her, smiled and set off with Huang Jialing.

Although he could capture Ruan Hua and Ruan Ying by himself, Gao Hui did not do so.

He is already the Assistant Director, and he has the final say in the Management Office and Operations Office. Is it necessary to make another meritorious service?
  It is the last word to share the work with others and promote those whom you value.

Gao Fai not only brought Huang Jialing, but also her three younger sisters, as well as Guan Jinbao and several other police officers, all from the Kowloon City District Police Station.

At [-]:[-], their car arrived near the dock, and according to Gao Hui's arrangement, they separated and ambush.

"real or fake?"

Huang Jiarui and Huang Jialing followed Gao Hui. The former muttered: "If Ruan Hua comes late, won't he have to wait a long time?"

"To shut up!"

Huang Jialing glared at him: "If you talk nonsense again, you will go back."

If she dares to question her husband, it’s okay if this sister doesn’t want him.

Huang Jiarui was not convinced.

Didn’t you just sleep with Gao Hui? This eldest sister started to help him, even forgetting their decades of sisterhood.


Glancing at Gao Hui's angular face, and then taking a look at his jade tree facing the wind, Huang Jiarui's heart couldn't help but beat twice.

When Ruan Hua arrived, she was immersed in fantasy and was actually exposed.

"There are police!"

Ruan Ying was more alert and was the first to spot Huang Jiarui.

"Kill her!"

Ruan Hua shot immediately.


Gao Hui saw that something was not going well and immediately threw Huang Jiarui down.

  She was worthy of being a Hong Kong sister, and he felt the warmth.

"Gao, Assistant Director Gao!"

Huang Jiarui's face turned red and she reminded Gao Hui: "We can't let the Annan gang go."

  There was loud gunfire, and Guan Jinbao and the others had begun to attack.


Ruan Hua saw this and hurriedly backed away.

His sister Ruan Ying was smarter. When she saw a motorcycle next to the pier, she immediately got on it and drove her eldest brother away.


Gao Hui, Huang Jialing and Huang Jiarui were closest to the place where they escaped.

Before he could drive again, Gao Hui also found a motorcycle.


Huang Jiarui rolled his eyes, jumped behind the motorcycle, and pushed his eldest sister Huang Jialing away: "I'm going to arrest them."


Huang Jialing was stunned.

Looking at her sister carefully, she suddenly realized.

It makes no sense to help the elder sister-in-law but not the younger sister.

never mind!

She sighed quietly and reminded Huang Jiarui: "You have to be careful!"


Gao Hui had already started the motorcycle. The conversation between the two sisters ended and the car sped forward.

They chased and chased until they reached an abandoned factory. When the motorcycle reached a slope, Ruan Ying and Ruan Hua failed to control it well and both fell off.

Ruan Hua fell directly down the slope and lay there, seemingly dead.

Only Ruan Ying was left.

"I'll cover you, you go up and beat her up."

Gao Hui warned Huang Jiarui. Huang Jiarui put his arms around Gao Hui's waist and was so absorbed that he didn't respond.

"Hey, I'm calling you!"

Gao Hui had no choice but to pat her hand and pointed at Ruan Ying: "Go quickly!"

"it is good!"

Huang Jiarui rushed forward excitedly.

Silly woman!
  Gao Hui was speechless.

Don't you have a gun in your hand?
  If you don't use it to restrain the opponent, are you going to hit him with bare hands?

Gao Hui secretly complained and looked on coldly, without giving any advice to Huang Jiarui.

Just hit me!

If you know pain, you will develop a brain.

He and Huang Jialing have a close relationship, and they become the mentor sister-in-law.

  What followed was indeed not what he expected, Ruan Ying knocked down Huang Jiarui with one punch.


Huang Jiarui screamed in pain, hit the pillar, and burst into tears.


She looked back at Gao Hui stupidly.


Gao Hui reminded her: "If you don't fight her, how will you avenge your elder brother?"

The four daughters of the Huang family have all joined the SWAT team and are very capable in combat.

Huang Jiarui is just too spoiled and pampered, so Gao Hui plans to provide on-the-spot guidance.

  Taking advantage of the moment Huang Jiarui turned around, Ruan Ying rushed over and kicked off.


Huang Jiarui was miserable and fell to the ground.

Seeing her in full contact with the ground, Gao Hui's heart ached for her.

Squash it!

Perhaps feeling the squeeze, Huang Jiarui jumped up suddenly, his face lost his timidity, and his eyes were red.

"If you dare to hit my aunt, I will fight with you."

Huang Jiarui was furious, like a lioness descending from the mountain, howling and running towards Ruan Ying.

Punch your ears with both fists!
  Monkey picking peaches!

Lift up your lower body and legs!


It seemed that she had touched Ni Lin just now. She was so powerful that she was even more powerful than Ruan Ying.

not bad!
  Gao Hui's eyes showed approval.

The Wong family can still stand tall in Kowloon City, and there is something good about it.

"come on!"

Gao Hui stood nearby and shouted in his spare time.


Huang Jiarui's face was full of arrogance: "I'm not bad."

If she lost her mind, she would be in trouble.

Ruan Ying came out of the Baishi Refugee Camp. She is used to suffering and has always been tenacious.

Huang Jiarui had just been violently beaten, but she seemed to be retreating, not suffering any damage, and silently gathering strength.

Now, seizing the moment when Huang Jiarui relaxed, Ruan Ying launched a counterattack.

Side kick!




She was able to attack from various angles, and Huang Jiarui was defeated again, screaming in agony.

This time Ruan Ying learned the lesson.

It seemed that Huang Jiarui guessed that certain places were taboo, so she didn't touch that place again.

Huang Jiarui was in tragedy again.

Suddenly, Ruan Ying hugged her legs, rushed forward, and threw Huang Jiarui onto the iron railing.


Huang Jiarui screamed in pain and fell down.

"Go to hell!"

Ruan Ying suddenly jumped up and fell high, hitting Huang Jiarui's heart with her knee.

She is going to kill with one blow!

Gao Hui rushed to the side of the formation. How could she get what she wanted? He gave a cold shout and rushed over.


Ruan Ying smiled contemptuously and kept her pace.

She had already paid attention to Gao Hui and calculated that she could kick Huang Jiarui to death first.

Kill one, then kill the second!
  She didn't recognize Gao Hui, so she wasn't afraid at all.

  Ruan Ying underestimated Gao Hui, or rather underestimated Gao Hui's shamelessness.

Seemingly running, Gao Hui put his hands on his waist, already prepared.

Draw your gun!



All in one go!
  The bullet passed between the eyebrows, blood spurted out, and Ruan Ying died on the spot.

  She fell to the ground, her eyes widened, as if she was questioning Gao Hui's lack of martial ethics.

"If you have a gun in your hand, who will use your fists?"

Gao Hui smiled contemptuously, and pulled up Huang Jiarui, who was watching all this dumbfounded: "Brother-in-law teaches you this trick, you must remember it."


Huang Jiarui pouted: "What kind of brother-in-law are you?"

"I'm no worse than the eldest sister. You should ask her to call you brother-in-law."


Good guy!
  After fighting with Ruan Ying, she seemed to have unlocked new skills and spoke so directly.

"Little brat!"

Gao Hui didn't take her words seriously.

"Who do you call a brat!"

Huang Jiarui was furious and grabbed Gao Hui's hand: "Weigh it!"

It’s really heavy!

"Don't make trouble!"

Gao Hui retracted his hand: "I am your brother-in-law."


Huang Jiarui glanced sideways at Gao Hui and slowly approached: "You don't want my sister to know what you just did, do you? Then just listen to me."

She threatened him!

"What do you want?"


It is obvious that Huang Jiarui is not satisfied with just scratching the surface.

"I'm leaving!"

"Don't go!"

The two of them were pushing and shoving, which delayed them for half an hour.

The atmosphere nearby was lively, but Ruan Ying's body was completely cold.

"Dog men and women!"

Someone jumped out roaring: "I'll fight with you!"

  There are others!
  Lip points!

Lower legs!

Hold back!

Gao Hui pulled Huang Jiarui back to avoid the attack.

  He saw clearly and understood.

It’s Ruan Hua!
  He is not dead!
  "You two bastards killed my sister."

Ruan Hua's eyes were filled with scarlet red, and he glared at the two of them: "While her body is still cold, he was making fun of her."

"I will kill you today and bury you with my sister."


This is a strange thing to say!
  Your sister is dead, isn't it normal for her body to be cold?
  Could it be that he still wants to take advantage of the heat? !
  too disgusting!

Gao Hui thought about that scene, trembled all over, raised his foot and kicked forward.

  It was very easy to find the flaw and kicked Ruan Hua in the heart.

Ruan Hua screamed in pain, where did he come from and where did he go.

He is gone.

"Did you kick him to death?"

Huang Jiarui screamed, then chuckled, glanced sideways at Gao Hui and said, "You want to eliminate the evidence of the crime, eliminate the evidence of what you just did."

  Turning around, she caught Gao Hui's eyes and suddenly closed her mouth.

An hour later, when a strange smell filled the air, Gao Hui and her strolled back to the dock while pushing their motorcycle.

"You are finally back."

When Huang Jialing saw the two of them, she was full of surprise: "We have caught all the gangsters here."

"Ruan Hua, Ruan Ying!"

When she saw the two corpses of a man and a woman on the motorcycle, she was overjoyed: "I finally avenged my eldest brother!"

"Thank you!"

Huang Jialing ignored her reservations and came up to hug Gao Hui and kissed her twice.

And Gao Hui, who was enjoying all this, was stared at by two stern eyes.

The owner of the gaze, Huang Jiarui, changed his mouth shape and threatened Gao Hui: "You still owe me!"

owe her?
  Who paid the most just now?
  Gao Hui was speechless.

He thinks others are stupid, but actually he is stupid!
  (End of this chapter)

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