Chapter 389 Chapter 666 667 I volunteered (four thousand words long chapter)

Chen Jingci called.

A little ashamed, a little unwilling.

But compared with justice, this is nothing. He is trying to catch the big boss behind the scenes!
Feeling his own "greatness", Chen Jingci sublimated himself and no longer cared about shame.

"Director Chen?"

"Chief Superintendent Gao, please help me because you were once the nemesis of crime."


There was silence for a while, and Chen Jingci's palms became sweaty.

He could feel that Gao Hui was not the only one on the phone, Jiang Xueer was also listening.

After being reduced to surrendering to the person who took away his ex-wife, Jiang Xueer must despise him even more.

never mind!

Jiang Xueer, you don’t understand!
You don’t understand what people who pursue justice can do for the goals in their hearts.

A full 2 ​​minutes passed, which was actually very short, but for those waiting for the results, it was so long.

"Help him."

Jiang Xueer spoke up and pleaded with Gao Hui: "You are not doing it for Director Chen, but for the boss behind the scenes."

Gao Hui glanced at Jiang Xueer and made up his mind to conceal what he had done recently.


The boss behind the scenes took advantage of the loopholes in tobacco/grass sales and defrauded a large amount of wealth.

But he wasn't much better. He also used his foresight to make more profits.

"it is good!"

Gao Hui nodded and reminded Chen Jingci: "Recall carefully, you should know Ye Yongqiang and Du Zhiming, right?"

"did you mean……"

"Check the backgrounds of these two people."

Gao Hui hung up the phone.

Ye Yongqiang and Du Zhiming?
Chen Jingci patted his head and had some realization.

"I want all the information on the backgrounds of Ye Yongqiang and Du Zhiming."

After leaving the office, he called Chen Jiale.

Staying in the office, Chen Jingci watched for a full day and night.

Ci'an Hospital?

Ye Yongqiang and Du Zhiming once went to Ci'an Hospital, where he and Xu Zhiyao first met.


Recalling how they met the two of them, they stayed up most of the night and the head nurse punished four people. Chen Jingci's eyes were deep and she slammed the table.

He got it.

Ye Yongqiang and Du Zhiming were not there to monitor Xu Zhiyao, they were cooperating with him in acting.

Why does Xu Zhiyao want to act?

His true purpose...

When Chen Jingci was pondering Xu Zhiyao's intentions, something happened to Xu Zhiyao in Aozhou.

When he went to buy groceries that day, as soon as he arrived at the parking lot, a car sped by and two people got out and arrested him.

Gao Hui and Jiang Xueer, who were about ten meters behind Xu Zhiyao, didn't have time to react and watched the car leave.


Gao Hui warned in a deep voice, and immediately dialed the number of the driver of Hutou Ben, very decisively: "Hit the car A4785."

When he and Jiang Xueer arrived, the two cars were already in close contact.

The person who kidnapped Xu Zhiyao woke up quickly and fled immediately when he saw that the car could not start.

Gao Hui and Jiang Xueer didn't have guns and could only watch them disappear in another car.

"Call an ambulance."

Gao Hui told Jiang Xueer to pull Xu Zhiyao and the driver out.

Went to the hospital for a checkup, both of them were fine.

"I'll go back with you."

Xu Zhiyao was frightened, and with determination in his eyes, he expressed that he wanted to return to Hong Kong Island with Jiang Xueer.

Good guy!
The acting is really top-notch!
If Gao Hui hadn't known about it beforehand, he would have been deceived by him.

Gao Hui did not intend to expose Xu Zhiyao.

What Xu Zhiyao did was illegal, but if he really followed the rules, could he punish the big boss behind the scenes?
"Go now!"

Jiang Xueer was very decisive.

Before preparing to go back, she glanced at Gao Hui.

Seeing him nodding, Jiang Xueer did not hesitate to ask someone to book a flight ticket.

Worth it!

Gao Hui was very pleased.

It’s true that he loves Jiang Xueer recently, and she will consider his feelings.

The three of them set off, preparing to go to the airport.

In the taxi, Xu Zhiyao was chatting with Jiang Xueer, and suddenly said that he was an undercover agent arranged by Chen Jingci.

He talked about having a nose and eyes, playing billiards with Chen Jingci in some billiard room, and the two talked about the business dealings of Lida Trading.

Why does Xu Zhiyao doubt the company's source of profit!

Why did Chen Jingci give advice and ask Xu Zhiyao to look for evidence.


Jiang Xueer looked serious after hearing this and hurriedly called Director Ma to report the situation truthfully.


Xu Zhiyao thought he was an undercover agent, sent out by Chen Jingci.

Why didn't Chen Jingci tell the ICAC? Was it because she didn't have the authority to know?

Facing Director Ma on the phone, she raised questions.

Based on this identity, we can deduce how the undercover agent suddenly left Hong Kong Island and whether Chen Jingci was manipulating a plan.

If Director Ma is also involved, isn't that just teasing Jiang Xueer?
"I see!"

Director Ma's tone was calm and there was no hint of emotion or anger: "I'll give you an explanation!"


Jiang Xueer hung up the phone, her face full of indignation: "Director Ma seems to be angry, shouldn't it be me who is angry?"

"Is there a possibility?"

Gao Hui glanced at Xu Zhiyao and reminded Jiang Xueer: "Maybe Director Ma doesn't know either."


Jiang Xueer lost her voice in surprise, and suddenly realized: "Chen Jingci did it himself, he can indeed do it."

Whether it is the ICAC or the police force, if they send out undercover agents, they must be registered.

On the one hand, it is to protect the safety of undercover agents, and on the other hand, it is to facilitate subsequent monitoring and fund disbursement.

Chen Jingci violated the rules.

In fact, Director Ma was really angry and even wanted to curse.

He hung up Jiang Xueer's phone and immediately called Chen Jingci.

Chen Jingci felt something was wrong. When he arrived at Director Ma's office, he walked slowly with anxiety in his eyes.

Director Ma moved his eyes away from the computer screen, stared at Chen Jingci and said: "The power given to us by the law is that before conducting undercover intelligence collection, we must create a file to authorize and declare expenditures."

"Otherwise, the court will not accept relevant criminal evidence."

"You should be very clear, right?"

He asked one last question.


Chen Jingci's heart sank and she could only nod.

He understood what the problem was, Xu Zhiyao had tricked him.

At that time, the two people clearly agreed to conceal the matter.

"Then what do you say?"

Director Ma's face was gloomy: "Should you forge a file yourself, or should I, the person in charge, help you?"

Chen Jingci said nothing and stood blankly.


Director Ma opened his phone and put it on the table: "Look at this!"

Chen Jingci had already expected it, and when he actually saw the text message content on his mobile phone, he felt no luck.

It was information that Jiang Xueer later sent out. Xu Zhiyao said that his undercover behavior was all assigned by Chen Jingci.

"What's your relationship with Xu Zhiyao?"

Director Ma said in an indifferent tone: "He is your informant in Lida? Has anyone officially authorized you?"

"Do you know how many resources we have put into this case? How many resources have the ICAC put into training you?"

"Is the evidence you obtained from the undercover agent you arranged privately useful to this case?"

"I will inform Jiang Xueer and tell Xu Zhiyao not to come back."...

Seeing Chen Jingci's lips twitching as he continued to argue, Director Ma stretched out a finger, nodded and said, "You took one more step!"

"Letter of resignation!"

Taking out a piece of paper, he handed it to Chen Jingci: "Think about it yourself."


Chen Jingci took the piece of paper and returned to the office. She sat there and thought for a while, then finally admitted her defeat and wrote her resignation letter.


He is defeated!
He was defeated by Xu Zhiyao, who was never on guard.

He was defeated by his arrogance.

Looking around, none of his subordinates were gone. They all knew his fate, and no one came to see him off.

It is unprecedented and unprecedented for a general investigation director to achieve this level.


Scanning the place where he once dominated, Chen Jingci picked up his belongings and prepared to leave the ICAC.

"Director Chen! Director Chen!"

As soon as he walked out of the office, Wenzi timidly greeted Chen Jingci: "You can never imagine who will come to see you next moment?"

What do you mean?


Chen Jingci murmured secretly, but felt more cordial.

There is also a literary boy in the office, and he is not alone.

"I'm leaving!"

Chen Jingci sighed with emotion.


Wen Zai's face was full of shock: "Chen Chaoqun is here."

"Chen Chaoqun?"

Chen Jingci thought for a while and sighed: "It has nothing to do with me. I resigned."

He shook the resignation letter in his hand and told Wenzi: "Let someone else take over."

"Chen Chaoqun only sees you."

Wen Zai insisted on his opinion: "Show up the courage you had to pry off my girlfriend back then and go talk to Chen Chaoqun."

"All right!"

Chen Jingci didn't want to leave confused, so she went to the interrogation room to meet Chen Chaoqun.

"It's all done by the boss behind the scenes and the accountant named Xu Zhiyao. I'm just a puppet."

When Chen Chaoqun saw Chen Jingci, it was like meeting his reborn parents: "You have to protect me, you have to protect me."


Chen Jingci didn't listen to anything this guy said.

He understood all of Xu Zhiyao's plan.

But this guy can earn tens of millions every year, why is he working so hard for it?

A text message came on my phone. It was from an unknown number. The content probably meant 'the promise was fulfilled'.

Who is it?

Chen Jingci was confused. The beeps kept ringing and someone called in.


"Cizai, you are now successful and have donated hundreds of millions to the hospital. At that time, I thought you were different from others, but now it is just as I expected."


I found out on the phone that she was the head nurse of Ci'an Hospital back then, and she is now the director.

Remembering that when he and Xu Zhiyao, Ye Yongqiang and Du Zhiming were forced to stand, Chen Jingci was relieved when he mentioned to Xu Zhiyao that he wanted to donate money to the hospital.

Part of the money Xu Zhiyao took was donated to Ci'an Hospital.

And his career future is the price Xu Zhiyao pays for fulfilling his promise.

Then it is easy to guess who the unknown number is.

After leaving the police station, Chen Jingci immediately dialed an unknown number and said angrily: "You are so powerful now. Not only are you an undercover agent of the ICAC, you also stole 20 billion in one go."


He paused and said, "Aren't you afraid that they will come to your door? Those people can do anything."

Based on the friendship between childhood and college classmates, Chen Jingci reminded Xu Zhiyao.

Xu Zhiyao, who was wearing skating clothes, was at the ski resort. In response to Chen Jingci's friendly gesture, he just said "goodbye" and hung up the phone.

He had already made arrangements, so he wouldn't die easily.

Xu Zhiyao went to the locker room of the ski resort and exchanged identities with Ye Yongqiang, who was already there.

The two of them were similar in stature, and their faces were covered by their clothes. It was impossible to tell them apart unless they got close.

Ye Yongqiang has an incurable disease and will die soon.

After hearing his plan, Ye Yongqiang and Du Zhiming were willing to cooperate, so they implemented it step by step.

Worth it!

Who wouldn't want to exchange a dying man for a large fortune?

Five minutes after Ye Yongqiang left, Xu Zhiyao left the locker room, turned around, and returned to a small island in Southeast Asia.

When he was almost home, he realized that no one was following him and let out a sigh of relief.

What Xu Zhiyao fears most is Gao Hui. This man has too many powers at his disposal.

Now that he doesn't pay attention to himself, there is no need for him to hold back.

Taking out a USB flash drive, Xu Zhiyao threw it to the ground and crushed it to pieces.

There is evidence that financial companies under Huihuang Holdings make profits through Bitcoin. With it, if you follow the clues, you can find out the problem.

Now that he has destroyed it, he and Gao Hui are now clean.

Gao Hui, who secretly observed all this, secretly smiled.

Xu Zhiyao knows what he is interested in, so let him go.

It seemed that Gao Hui followed Jiang Xueer to the airport, but in fact Gao Hui stayed in Aozhou and followed Xu Zhiyao.

From the ski resort to the small island, Xu Zhiyao could do it easily without wanting him to notice.

Gao Hui's extremely high physical attributes were not something that weakling Xu Zhiyao could feel.

The moment he turned back, he hesitated for a moment and sent a text message to Xu Zhiyao: "Do you want to join us?"

No one can find out the Oshu black market number he used.

Xu Zhiyao's text message was quickly sent back: "Thank you for your love. We owe nothing to each other."

He guessed it was Gao Hui, but didn't specify.

Gao Hui stopped replying, destroyed the card, and walked away.

Half a month later, the Kojima News had an inconspicuous report, which was published in the corner of the newspaper.

[A rich man drowned. It was suspected that his daughter pushed him into the water. His wife and daughter passed it on to someone else the next day]

This rich man was Xu Zhiyao. He suffered from heart disease and was playing hide-and-seek with his daughter by the swimming pool. Her daughter pushed him into the water, and he died like this.

A rich man dies when he dies. Who but Gao Hui can understand that Xu Zhiyao, who can survive by playing tricks on the big boss behind the scenes, escapes reality, but is not far away from the tricks of fate.

"The receiver is cheaper."

Gao Hui put down the newspaper and hugged Carina Chung: "We should go learn yoga."


Zhong Jialing's face turned slightly red: "This time I want to practice sit squats."

She became a Gao Hui woman ten days ago. She was not reserved or hesitant. She only met her once and played poker.

"The case will be dropped."

Gao Hui conquered her with just one sentence.

This is indeed the case. With the disappearance of Xu Zhiyao, Chen Chaoqun made a new confession, proving that Carina Chung had nothing to do with Cigarettes/Draft and that she would never be prosecuted again.

"Aren't you worried?"

Zhong Jialing reminded Gao Hui: "Tomorrow is a critical day for the ICAC to review Yang Jianshan's accusation against you."

"What are you afraid of!"

Gao Hui smiled mysteriously: "Mr. Chen, the investigation director has resigned, and Jiang Xueer and Wang Manling are now in charge."


Zhong Jialing's eyes flashed: "You are so awesome."

"When will they come?"

There was expectation in her eyes, and emotion in her words: "To be able to be sisters with the two directors of the ICAC, it's so unpredictable!"

The more amazing thing is yet to come. Gao Hui chuckled to himself, but did not tell Carina Chung, but urged her: "Don't be half-hearted when practicing yoga. You will have to set an example for them both later!"


Carina Chung had no doubt about him, she worked out very hard, and soon she was sweating profusely.

The next day she went to attend Gao Hui's prosecution case, and when she heard Yang Jianshan voluntarily say the words "I volunteered," she could no longer contain her shock.

Gao Hui is so bad!
Chen Jingci deserves to be in trouble. Even if Yan/Diao is not unlucky, he can't escape this case!

(End of this chapter)

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