Hong Kong Comprehensive: Starting from taking care of colleagues’ widows

Chapter 378 Chapter 644 645 Bandit Wang Xinyuan Wasteland Lin Faliang

Chapter 378 Chapter 644 645 Bandit Wang Xinyuan Wasteland Lin Faliang (a big chapter of [-] words)
Still in Cai Yuanqi's ward, Li Wenbin stared at Li Jiajun: "Dong Piao was attacked. Did you send someone to do it?"


Li Jiajun's eyes averted, but he denied it.

"never mind!"

Cai Yuanqi smoothed things over: "Put Dong Piao's matter aside for now, let's focus on Gao Hui."

"Now he can only persuade Wu Jinzhang, and there are still three out of the four groups that are difficult to shake."

"Wenbin, don't forget to communicate with you more, we can't take it lightly."

"In ten days, there will be a high-level review meeting by the Chief Superintendent. We cannot let Gao Hui succeed."


"All right!"

Li Wenbin glared at Li Jiajun fiercely and stopped chasing him.

Li Jiajun sighed secretly.

Regarding Dong Piao, he entrusted an organization across the nearby sea to handle it, and he was really afraid that his father would pursue him.

However, Cai Yuanqi approved the money, so he would help him cover it up, so Li Jiajun was not too worried.

After all, he is doing things for his own faction, and the deputy director can still handle it clearly.

That old bastard Dong Piao, who was running around for Gao Hui, should have ended up like this long ago.

"rest assured!"

Li Jiajun vowed: "Gao Hui will definitely not succeed."

"There's something else going on in the operations department!"

Li Wenbin frowned when he saw this: "I'm leaving first."

"Pay attention to Zeng Xiangrong."

Cai Yuanqi warned: "This guy has been too settled recently, so he must be on guard."


Li Wenbin nodded and left.

"Your father is too principled."

Cai Yuanqi comforted Li Jiajun: "You have been wronged."


Li Jiajun is very good at talking: "I am very happy to have Director Cai support me."

"Ha ha!"

Cai Yuanqi was filled with emotion: "I have no children, otherwise if I had a daughter, you would be my son-in-law."

Li Jiajun cursed secretly.

You want to be my father, who do you think you are!
His mother died early, and Li Jiajun, who admired his father extremely, did not believe in the "father is kind and son is filial" deliberately created by Cai Yuanqi, and was a little disgusted.

Knowing that what he did exceeded Li Wenbin's bottom line, Li Jiajun casually chatted with Cai Yuanqi for a few words and found an excuse to leave the ward.

He had to go to work and stick to his post to prevent his father from complaining again.

Feeling that the overall situation was decided, Li Jiajun turned his attention to Zeng Xiangrong and no longer paid attention to Gao Hui.

He was careless.

Gao Hui will not give up, although he is acting a bit flat now.

"Director Gao!"

Lin Guoping came to the director's office again: "What's going on with Ye Shouzheng? You should have some attitude."


Wen Fang also came: "We brothers support you, you can't give up."


Gao Hui smiled: "I can handle it!"

"Ye Shouzheng refuses to see me and wants to try his best to solve the jewelry robbery case three months ago."

He said lazily: "I happen to be the best at solving crimes, so I will help him get this done."

"Director Gao, don't be careless."

Lin Guoping hurriedly reminded: "I heard that the jewelry robbery was committed by Wang Xinyuan, a famous gangster in Hong Kong Island."

"Wang Xinyuan is bold and cruel. He is not an easy guy to deal with."


"Do you want to send a group of brothers?"

Wen Fang also made suggestions.

"Ha ha!"

Gao Hui shook his head: "It's just Ye Shouzheng, I can handle it."

"Have you brought all the information you want to investigate?"

he asked Lin Guoping.

"Brought it."

Lin Guoping nodded hurriedly: "I found Chen Jun from the Tsim Sha Tsui Anti-Gangster Group. He is my classmate in the police academy."

"It's a pity that he is just a police chief, otherwise he could give the person in charge some advice."


Lin Guoping was very upset and felt lucky at the same time.

Chen Jun is also Han Chen's man, and like him, he comes to the police station to work as an undercover agent.

Comparing the two, a senior inspector and a police sergeant are completely different.

So he showed some kindness to the other party and said that he was helping Gao Hui. Chen Jun immediately surrendered and was willing to collect information for him.

What people want!
A low-level police officer who dares to fight and fight, who wouldn't want to follow Gao Hui?

Lin Guoping firmly believes that Gao Hui will win.

He was also the one who trusted Gao Hui the most. Seeing Gao Hui's confidence, he took out the information and immediately pulled Wen Fang away.

Gao Hui picked up the information and looked through it carefully.

Sure enough, the images in his mind confirmed that Ye Shou was exactly who he thought he was.

too easy!

To break the dilemma in Tsim Sha Tsui, as long as he waits patiently for a few days, everything will come to light, and the obstacles can be overcome without him even activating the last chess piece.


Gao Hui clicked on Wang Xinyuan's photo, still wanting to meet this ruthless gangster for a while.

"Scabby yellow!"

He dialed the phone: "Help me find a guy named Xu Fan who can start with poison powder."


Mangy Huang responded, hung up the phone, and took action immediately.

Half an hour later, he called Gao Hui back: "We found Xu Fan. He is hiding in an old house that is about to be demolished."


Gao Hui left the office and drove the Maybach out of the police station.

At the intersection in front, two Maybachs merged and entered the tunnel in front of him together with his car.

Now that the Action Faction is keeping a tight watch on him, and there are people monitoring him at all times, Gao Hui can only use this method to confuse the public.

As soon as he entered the tunnel, Gao Hui immediately changed places with a Hutouben parked next to the tunnel.

Gao Hui drove Hutou Ben to where Xu Fan lived.

After looking around, he found a commanding position, rented a house, set up a telescope, and stared at Xu Fan.

Three months have passed and Xu Fan's death is coming soon. Gao Hui is here to collect evidence.

Ninety days ago, Xu Fan, Hongmao and Ouyang Kejian, led by Wang Xinyuan, raided a jewelry store in Tsim Sha Tsui.

At that time, there were more than four of them, and there was also a robber, who was actually an undercover agent and was arranged by Ye Shouzheng.

Xu Fan was not very clear-headed because he often swallowed poisonous powder.

Yang Jianshan, a clerk in a jewelry store, tried to press the alarm switch. Xu Fan found out, pulled her out, shot her in the spine, and then punched and kicked her.

Upon seeing this, the undercover agent couldn't bear to see anyone sacrificed, so he went to stop Xu Fan.

During the argument between the two, the recording equipment on the undercover fell off, revealing his identity.

The undercover agent died on the spot, and it was Wang Xinyuan who fired the gun.

At this time, Ye Shouzheng arrived with his people, and Wang Xinyuan and the others were in trouble.

But Wang Xinyuan is indeed a tough gangster. He dared to suppress the arriving police with a gun, and then jumped into Hongmao's car parked outside to escape while the customers were fleeing in confusion.

During their escape, they killed four more police officers.

Ye Shouzheng lost an undercover agent and sacrificed four brothers, so he naturally hated Wang Xinyuan deeply.

Not only did he hate the gangsters, Yang Jianshan, whose spine was punctured by a bullet, and her boyfriend He Zhaodong, who was working as a jewelry store security guard at the time, also hated Wang Xinyuan and others.

There is also a man named Yao Sheng who sells beef. His mother died of a heart attack after being robbed, and he also wants to seek revenge on the gangsters.

Through the surveillance video and collected information, Ye Shouzheng felt that the three of them might be partners, so he found He Zhaodong, Yang Jianshan and Yao Sheng one by one, and wanted to work together to kill the gangsters and take revenge.

If they are not arrested and brought to justice, they will have to pay for their lives with their lives.

According to Gao Hui's calculation, these two days were the date of Xu Fan's death, and he wanted to record the murderer.The murderer could not be Ye Shouzheng, but as long as he followed the murderer, sooner or later he would be able to collect evidence that Ye Shouzheng violated police regulations.

When the time comes, whether it is forcing Ye Shouzheng to leave or breaking the news to the TV station, Gao Hui will be able to handle it with ease.

Ye Shouzheng is not an obstacle. The key is who will succeed him and whether he can help Gao Hui achieve his goal.

Anyway, don't rush, Gao Hui is not impatient, just wait slowly.

As soon as he sat at the window, he saw the expression on Xu Fan's face that looked like an immortal race. This guy must have just swallowed poisonous powder.



Just when Xu Fan was unconscious, the door outside was opened and someone came in.

To be precise, it was two people.

One is He Zhaodong and the other is Yao Sheng.

"Look outside!"

He Zhaodong ordered Yao Sheng, his eyes full of cruelty: "I'll kill him!"

"You, who are you?"

Xu Fan had just come to his senses and turned around to ask.

But he has long been like a god. He can't see people clearly and can't make an effective counterattack.

He Zhaodong took the lead and came behind Xu Fan. When he turned his head, he took out the knife and pulled it.

Blood splattered everywhere and Xu Fan fell to the ground.

He struggled to catch He Zhaodong.

He Zhaodong stepped back and the ring on his hand accidentally hit the chair, and the sapphire on the ring fell off.

That is Gao Hui, who has amazing eyesight and can see this scene.

The parrot in Xu Fan's house only saw He Zhaodong killing its owner, and did not understand what Yao Sheng who was guarding the door was doing, so it only remembered He Zhaodong.


He Zhaodong was ready to leave.

"what is that!"

Yao Sheng pointed to the bag in the corner, with longing in his eyes: "Could it be jewelry?"


He Zhaodong became interested and went over to open it and check: "They robbed it that time."

"take away!"

Yao Sheng encouraged He Zhaodong: "Let's divide him."

"it is good!"

He Zhaodong nodded: "Yang Jianshan can only use a wheelchair for this. This is compensation."

"It's better not to tell Superintendent Ye."

Yao Sheng reminded He Zhaodong: "He is not from the same group as us."

"That's right!"

He Zhaodong also agreed.

The two agreed on how to divide the spoils and left quickly.

Just as they left, the parrot in Xu Fan's house suddenly swooped down, picked up the sapphire, and swallowed it.


Gao Hui secretly admired.

If evidence of a crime is preserved, it means this parrot is really smart.

But it's more likely that the sapphire is too bright and the parrot is just curious.

When recording the criminal evidence of He Zhaodong and Yao Sheng, he also paid attention to his surroundings and did not see Ye Shouzheng.


If Ye Shouzheng saw it, he would definitely stop the two of them from taking the jewelry.

Later, it was impossible for the two of them to kill Ye Shouzheng because of this.

Cheap Ye Shouzheng!

Gao Hui sighed, but did not leave, continuing to wait quietly.

After waiting for a full two hours, he waited for Wang Xinyuan.

Wang Xinyuan was unshaven and looked like a savage.

He cautiously entered Xu Fan's room and was stunned for a moment when he saw his companion's body. Then he searched around and even looked up at Gao Hui.

He is indeed a ruthless gangster and knows how to monitor.

Gao Hui recorded Wang Xinyuan's whereabouts and quietly left the house.

When he went downstairs and returned to Hutou Benli, he saw a thin and withered guy who had just gotten off the taxi.

It's red hair!
Gao Hui recognized who he was.

Another companion of Wang Xinyuan, Hong Mao, was the one who arranged for the latter to monitor the house where Xu Fan died.

The gangster changed his job to solve the case. Gao Hui couldn't laugh or cry, and he also thought it was ridiculous.

But these have nothing to do with him.

He Zhaodong, Yao Sheng and the others took revenge, and Wang Xinyuan deserved to be punished. It was a matter of course and Gao Hui would not stop him.

He Zhaodong and others killed Wang Xinyuan's brothers. Wang Xinyuan wanted to find out these murderers. It was dog eating dog.

But next, He Zhaodong and the others wanted to kill Wang Xinyuan's companion Ouyang Kejian, which Gao Hui could not allow.

Ouyang Kejian's wife opened a laundry and was pregnant with a child.

Yao Sheng deliberately placed clothes with time bombs for them to dry clean, and pressed the remote control to blow up Ouyang Kejian.

As a result, not only Ouyang Kejian's wife was seriously injured and his child was not saved, but he also injured a dozen passers-by.

To take revenge to this extent would be a heinous crime.

Gao Hui wants to go further, but that doesn't mean he can wipe out his conscience.

You should be even more evil towards evil people, and you should take more care of ordinary people. This is the compassion that a strong man should have.

To save Ouyang Kejian's wife, Gao Hui would do it even if his traces were exposed.

However, it would still be some time before Ye Shouzheng's informant found Ouyang Kejian and then he informed He Zhaodong to kill someone.

Gao Hui plans to contact a person, a cat lover who seems timid and cowardly, but is wise and foolish.

His name is Lin Faliang!
This case was due to the cooperation of Lin Faliang and the female colleague Xu Shaomei who assisted him, and they were able to uncover the final murderer.

With the information Lin Guoping obtained through Chen Jun in hand, it should not be too easy to find Lin Faliang.

However, the situation changed too quickly. When Gao Hui pretended to meet this guy by chance the next day, he actually met Lin Faliang's group of loan sharks.

"Lin, come out!"

The loan shark boss had a big belly and knocked on the door fiercely: "Pay back the money, pay back the money quickly!"

No one opened the door.

There seemed to be no one inside, but soon the ringtone rang, and the loan shark boss immediately knocked on the door.

When I heard him go in and curse, "Is it the owner of the cat house, or is it a cat living in a human house?", a figure jumped out from the skylight and quietly fled downstairs.

It's Lin Faliang!
Gao Hui, who was standing at the top of the stairs, saw this scene the whole time and followed the skinny Lin Faliang.

"Want to rush to the crime scene?"

Lin Faliang didn't notice anyone following him in the front, and was talking to someone on the phone: "I'll rush over right away."

He wasn't too useless. He finally realized something was wrong and turned to stare at Gao Hui: "Who are you?"

"Don't know me?"

Gao Hui was stunned and pointed at his face: "Look again."

"Still don't know."

Lin Faliang looked at it carefully: "You are not Yanzu or Guanxi, why should I know you."

How miserable a policeman would be if he didn't know him!
But perhaps it was by maintaining a normal mind that Lin Faliang was able to discover the omissions in the case.

He is not as good as the detective or Chen Jiaju, but he can be said to be conscientious.

It is with this foundation that the Hong Kong Island Police Force can gradually get on the right track.

If Gao Hui realizes something, he will no longer be pretentious: "I am from a mixed society, you can call me Datou Hui."

"Big head Hui!"

Lin Faliang's face was full of confusion: "Is something wrong?"

"I like having cats."

Gao Hui made nonsense: "I heard that you adopted a lot of people, so I came to take a look."


Lin Faliang scratched his head: "Let's talk another day."

"it is good!"

They left their numbers with each other, and Gao Hui watched him go away with emotion.

The gangster Wang Xinyuan and the useless Lin Faliang!
Strange opponents, strange combinations, but they work together to achieve results.

(End of this chapter)

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