Hong Kong Comprehensive: Starting from taking care of colleagues’ widows

Chapter 301 Chapter 490 491 You are not worthy of a wife

Chapter 301 Chapter 490 491 You are not worthy of a wife (a four thousand word chapter)

In a cafe in Wan Chai, Liang Ziwei, Huang Xuesheng and Gao Hui gathered together again.

It has been more than a month since Peng Yixing's death. Gao Hui, who has been staying in Wong Chuk Hang to teach students, met the two at the same time for the first time this month.

Huang Xuesheng is untouchable and we have the opportunity to meet him every week.

The reason why I came here this time was mainly to help Liang Ziwei find Gao Hui.

Sitting next to her, Huang Xuesheng curled her lips as she watched Liang Ziwei leaning towards Gao Hui's body and then looking at the direction of her toes.

It should have been on Gao Hui's plate. I wonder how long the female chief superintendent can endure it.


I don't know if my female companion estimates when she will become a woman, but Liang Ziwei is taunting Gao Hui: "I sent you to the police academy to teach students, don't you know how to be a role model?"

"If you take a leave occasionally, you can come across a case."

"It doesn't matter if you encounter a case, it's a good thing to solve it."

"But you got two women who are enemies of the criminal and the police. What's going on?"

"The Operations Office complained about you, saying you were too wanton and reckless."


"Wouldn't it be better for Gao Hui to be unlucky?"

Huang Xuesheng looked strange and reminded Liang Ziwei: "Don't you want him to be unlucky?"


Liang Ziwei glared at Huang Xuesheng and reluctantly gave an explanation: "Gao Hui is from the Public Relations Department. He has ruined our reputation."


Gao Hui smiled helplessly: "There's nothing I can do about it, I'm so good."

"To appease Guo Liyi is to settle the injustice."

"My woman has always had the tradition of persuading good friends to join. She somehow became best friends with Miao Zhishun's wife."

"Chen Farong and Miao Zhishun divorced a month ago, and I and Guo Liyi had a few meals."

"One night when I was drunk, Guo Liyi hooked us up."

"There's nothing I can do about it, I can't push it out!"


Gao Hui seems to be complaining, but in fact it's more like showing off.

"To shut up!"

Liang Ziwei couldn't stand his arrogant look and said in a cold tone: "If you say such things again, there will be nothing left to talk about."

"All right!"

Gao Hui looked like a loser and immediately stated the purpose of his trip: "What does Chief Superintendent Liang think of Zeng Xiangrong?"

"Zeng Xiangrong?"

Liang Ziwei glanced at Gao Hui and fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a while, she raised her head with a strange look on her face: "I can't see through that person."

"When I'm in charge of the Flying Tigers on weekdays, I'm like a training madman."

"I think he is not as simple and crude as he appears on the surface. He is quite scheming in private."


"What about his relationship with Xu Yongji?"

Gao Hui asked the key point.

"The Operations Department and the Management Department have always been at odds with each other. The two of them..."

Liang Ziwei stared at Gao Hui with wide eyes: "Are they colluding?"


Gao Hui took out a piece of information and handed it to Liang Ziwei: "Take a look."

"Tuen Mun Police Station personnel information from Choi Yung ten years ago?"

Liang Ziwei looked through the contents with anticipation in her eyes.

"Xu Yongji and Zeng Xiangrong were once colleagues, and both worked for Cai Yong."

If she had some realization, she did not give up and said: "This can't explain anything, it can only be regarded as a normal workplace relationship."


Gao Hui smiled: "You should know whose cheese I touched when I caught Han Bin last time."

"In this case of Peng Yixing, Zeng Xiangrong's subordinate Fang Keming provoked me. It is difficult not to connect the two people."

"Zeng Xiangrong has been the leader of the Flying Tigers for three years."

"The Flying Tigers are an important force for the Operations Department to intervene in various police stations. He is not an easy person to get along with."

"Don't Chief Superintendent Liang want to improve the status of female police officers? I have an idea. Female police officers can also perform special tasks, so that Zeng Xiangrong's power can be divided."


"Improve the status of female police officers and form a women's flying tiger team?"

Liang Ziwei murmured to herself, her eyes brightening: "This is a good idea. I will propose it to the director at the next high-level meeting."

As the highest-ranking female police officer in the police station, Liang Ziwei is committed to increasing the proportion of female police officers in the police force.

The Women's Flying Tigers could give female police officers a place in special operations. Of course she approved of Gao Hui's plan. As for whether it would offend Zeng Xiangrong, it was not within her scope to consider.

The purpose of the three people's chat has been achieved. After drinking coffee, they left.

Liang Ziwei kept her word, and the next day at the high-level meeting of the police station, she proposed the formation of a women's Flying Tigers team.

The Women's Flying Tigers are also managed by the Operations Office, which helps the Operations Office expand its influence.

Cai Yuanqi, the head of the Operations Office, hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

This time the person who opposed it was Liu Jiehui. He felt that Liang Ziwei was out of her mind and that was why she acted to seduce the enemy.

Citing the need to reduce police department funding, Liu Jiehui voted against it.

Two people at the deputy director level had different opinions, so the director naturally wanted to expand the scope of discussion and let everyone present vote.

The result was unexpected. Zeng Xiangrong, who was supposed to vote in favor, actually expressed opposition.

Cai Yuanqi, who was sure to win, was stunned. He looked at Li Wenbin who was attending the meeting and realized that there was a mistake.

They defeated Huang Jiande, and Huang Jiande withdrew from the competition, but they forgot that there was still a senior person in the operations department.

Zeng Xiangrong is the senior assistant director. In terms of status and police rank, he is second only to Deputy Director Cai Yuanqi in the Operations Division.

In the past, this guy kept a low profile, and Cai Yuanqi regarded him as an obedient and obedient one of his own.

Now Zeng Xiangrong had his own opinion and made his position clear, immediately disrupting Cai Yuanqi's plan.

If they want to achieve a situation where the successor is always under their control, they must win over Zeng Xiangrong.

So Cai Yuanqi changed his strategy, gave up his plan against Gao Hui, and turned to trouble Zeng Xiangrong.

The result was unexpected. Zeng Xiangrong actually had some influence in Hong Kong City, and at least three members of Congress supported him. This was only on the surface, and they could not move him for a while.


Sitting in the office, Cai Yuanqi tapped the documents on the table and glanced at Li Wenbin and Li Jiajun: "The energy behind Zeng Xiangrong is too great. We must slow down our plans."


He looked at Li Jiajun: "Don't suppress Gao Hui for the time being, we want to focus on Zeng Xiangrong."

"Suppress Gao Hui?"

This was the first time Li Wenbin heard about it, and he gave Li Jiajun a hard look: "Are you jealous that he is more capable than you?"

"Ha ha!"

Cai Yuanqi smoothed things over: "Gao Hui and we are not of the same mind, and sooner or later we will have to deal with him. Wen Bin should stop arguing with Jia Jun. We must face up to Zeng Xiangrong and the people behind him."

"There can only be one voice on Hong Kong Island in the future, and that is us."


Cai Yuanqi exposed his ambition for the first time. Li Wenbin looked at his unruly face and fell into deep thought.


Li Wenbin does have the idea of ​​becoming the Commissioner of Police, but he has no intention of forming a clique for personal gain.

But now that one was his son and the other was his boss who valued him, it was already too late for him to withdraw.

What happened to the police station that got it to this point?

He was a little confused, but he quickly dismissed this weak thought and his eyes became sharp.

There is also someone who breaks the situation, and that is Gao Hui.

Thinking of this, Li Wenbin suggested to Cai Yuanqi: "Gao Hui submitted a report a month ago and mentioned the issue of Fang Keming, the captain of the Flying Tigers. I think we can do something to create trouble for Zeng Xiangrong."

"Oh?" Cai Yuanqi became interested: "Which report is it?"

He called the police officer in the archives room, got the document, made two copies, and gave it to the Li family and his son.

"Fang Keming provoked the superintendent in the street and even tried to attack."

Cai Yuanqi became interested: "Gao Hui pointed out that the reason why the Flying Tigers were domineering was due to the negligence of the person in charge, Zeng Xiangrong."

"Great job!"

He sighed: "It's a pity that we realized it too late."

"not late!"

Li Wenbin shook his head: "The document at least shows one thing. Gao Hui and Zeng Xiangrong will not deal with each other. We can join forces with Gao Hui to defeat Zeng Xiangrong."


Cai Yuanqi agreed with Li Wenbin’s idea.

"I disagree."

Li Jiajun objected: "Gao Hui is a ferocious tiger. We just locked him up in the police academy. Once he is released, he will definitely not go back in."

"We can't let down our guard against Gao Hui, and we can deal with Zeng Xiangrong at the same time."

"It's a little adventurous."

Cai Yuanqi disagreed: "There are people from the management office who are watching with eager eyes. We must unite one force now, otherwise we will suffer a loss if we fight one against three."

It's okay to be afraid of Gao Hui, but there's no need to be so afraid of him.

Gao Hui is just a superintendent, and he is still a long way from being a candidate for director. They shouldn't be so afraid.

"Gao Hui participated in the arrest of Peng Yixing last time, and he is also very familiar with the tactics of the Flying Tigers."

Cai Yuanqi thought for a while and said: "If you can get good reviews as the vice principal of Wong Chuk Hang Police School, you can also guide the Flying Tigers."

"At the next high-level meeting, we recommend Gao Hui to concurrently serve as the instructor of the Flying Tigers. In this way, he and Zeng Xiangrong will have a head-on confrontation, and we can reap the benefits."

"Oh, right!"

He found another document: "The sniper team of the Flying Tigers needs to appoint a captain. Zeng Xiangrong recommended Fang Keming because he knows how to adapt. But I think Ling Jing is better. He is the winner of four sniper team competitions. , strong business ability.”

A hammer!
Fang Keming, who was full of hope, was in tragedy. After waiting and waiting for three days, what he got was the notice of Ling Jing's promotion.

It is true that Zeng Xiangrong was in charge of the Flying Tigers, but it was Cai Yuanqi who made the final decision.

After hearing the above explanation, Fang Keming was so aggrieved that he was absent-minded when having dinner with his girlfriend Fan Huiqing in the evening.

"Shall we get engaged tomorrow?"

Fan Huiqing reminded Fang Keming: "The wedding will be held next month."


Fang Keming looked up blankly: "What kind of wedding dress are you ordering? Who said you want to get married?"


Fan Huiqing was stunned: "You said that last week!"


Fang Keming put down the plate, turned around and left: "I don't want to get married now!"


Fan Huiqing cursed.

She is not the wife who was raped by Fang Keming a few years later. She is young and energetic, and dares to love and hate.

He somewhat knew what Fang Keming was thinking, but Fan Huiqing didn't know how to explain it.

Isn't it just a matter of promotion in the police force?
If Fang Keming and Ling Jing compete with each other, then they should be evaluated based on their performance and management level.

If you can't get promoted this year, then next year.

Why do you have to compete with Ling Jing to win or lose? With Ling Jing's temperament, reaching senior inspector level is the limit.

Because of Fang Keming, Fan Huiqing, who is also familiar with Ling Jing and Ling Jing's girlfriend Jingying, can read people very accurately.

Ling Jing cares too much about his family. Apart from his hobby of shooting, he doesn't care about job promotion at all.

With one step of patience, the sky will be brighter, and Fan Huiqing is more concerned about Fang Keming's future.

I can't calm down now. Even if I'm good at it, I still won't be promoted because of problems like this.

She sat there without moving, not wanting to accommodate Fang Keming.

"what happened?"

When he walked outside the restaurant, Fang Keming noticed that Fan Huiqing hadn't moved, so he turned around angrily and asked.

"I'm tired."

Fan Huiqing said angrily: "I want to rest."

"Why rest?"

Fang Keming committed chauvinism and pulled Fan Huiqing's hand: "If I want you to go back, you must go back."


At another table blocked by the baffle next door, a woman stood up and shouted at Fang Keming: "If you maliciously threaten others again, I will call the police."

"you dare!"

Fang Keming glared at the other party: "I'm from the sniper team. It's none of your business if a boyfriend and girlfriend quarrel."

"Just because we are boyfriend and girlfriend, we can't be so simple and crude."

A man stood up from the woman's side and said slowly: "Inspector Fang Keming, I see you again. Every time we meet, something happens. We seem to have some conflicts!"

Gao Hui!

Recognizing who the man was, Fang Keming's expression changed: "Are you eavesdropping on our conversation?"

"What a joke."

Gao Hui pointed to the table: "We came earlier than you."

He was telling the truth. He and Guo Liyi had made a decision to come here for dinner.

Hearing someone talking about wedding photography next door, the male voice sounded familiar, and Gao Hui didn't remember who it was for a moment.

He was worried about being embarrassed when he met an acquaintance, so he didn't come forward.

Later, Fan Huiqing and Fang Keming had a dispute, and it was Guo Liyi who couldn't hold back and took the lead in making accusations.

Gao Hui didn't intend to show up, but Fang Keming went too far and directly revealed his identity as the Flying Tigers. Gao Hui naturally remembered that it was him who was an acquaintance.

Fang Keming was Zeng Xiangrong, so Gao Hui naturally had no good impressions of him.

"I'm too lazy to care about you!"

Realizing that Gao Hui had indeed arrived earlier, Fang Keming was speechless and took Fan Huiqing's hand: "Let's go!"

"Excuse me!"

Fan Huiqing was more reasonable than him and immediately apologized to Gao Hui and Guo Liyi.


Fang Keming was angry: "It's this guy named Gao who blocked my promotion. Why are you apologizing?"

As he spoke, he pulled Fan Huiqing, whose clothes made a tingling sound.

"Too much!"

Upon seeing this, Gao Hui immediately came over and glared at Fang Keming: "You don't deserve a wife with such an attitude towards women."


Guo Liyi stood next to Fan Huiqing: "You should see clearly the true face of this bastard. He doesn't have you in his heart at all."


Fan Huiqing felt extremely aggrieved and stood there, at a loss for what to do.


Fang Keming looked at Gao Hui, then at Guo Liyi: "You kidnapped Miao Zhishun's wife, and now you are targeting me again."

"Are you going?"

He urged Fan Huiqing again and turned around to leave without waiting for her to respond.

Fortunately, they were not married, otherwise Guo Liyi would have seduced Fan Huiqing. Wouldn't he be a cuckold?
Fang Keming actually felt lucky that he had forgotten that he and Fan Huiqing had a five-year relationship.

Watching him flee as if he was running away, Gao Hui was speechless.

Fang Keming!
You have too little confidence in yourself!

Your girlfriend is indeed beautiful!
He glanced at Fan Huiqing and sighed secretly.

Guo Liyi, on the other hand, glanced sideways at Gao Hui, then glanced at Fan Huiqing, and once again had confusing thoughts in her mind.

good woman!
Everyone should follow 'husband' Gao Hui!
(End of this chapter)

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