Mystical Recovery of Consciousness Infinity

Chapter 135 Confrontation and Rules

Chapter 135 Confrontation and Rules
In the dark eyes of that fierce ghost, Liu Rui felt a familiar feeling, as if he had seen those eyes before.
Suddenly, his eyes were closed tightly, not daring to look anymore.
"Is it possible that my eyes are from this ghost?"
There was no time to think about this at this moment, because at this moment, Ye Zhen was about to be attacked.
The fierce ghost's eyes exuded a rich black light, as if they were being swallowed up by an endless abyss.
Before Liu Rui had time to open his eyes, he heard Ye Zhen screaming.
I don't know what kind of attack the other party suffered, but Ye Zhen kept shouting at this moment.
"Ye Zhen!"
Liu Rui resisted the trembling in his eyes, opened his ghost eyes, and looked over.
However, there was Ye Zhen in that place at this time. The one screaming beside Li Gui was a skeleton.
Ye Zhen was standing next to him.
"Fortunately, I made preparations in advance, otherwise I would have been the one yelling."
The skeleton was obviously a supernatural object, and it blocked the attack from the ghost.
Although Liu Rui was surprised, he didn't show it: "It was the ghost that attacked you with his eyes just now, and I can now confirm that this place is the ghost village I visited before."
This can be known from the throbbing of the ghost eyes.
Even though this is not a ghost village, it does not have anything to do with it. Just in case, it is best to just treat it as a ghost village.
"So, there's not just one evil ghost here."
Liu Rui said, picked up his two guns and attacked Li Gui.
The flames and ice collided together, erupting into a terrifying white mist.
And among them, the fierce ghost actually caught two short spears with one hand.
And the strength was so great that Liu Rui couldn't pull it out immediately. The two of them were now involved in a battle for strength.
"good chance."
Ye Zhen took this opportunity to turn around and come behind Li Gui, raising his fists to smash them down.
However, this time, it did not hit Li Gui himself, but attacked Liu Rui.
"Ye Zhen, what are you doing!"
Liu Rui roared, but Ye Zhen didn't move at all. His fist instantly fell on Liu Rui's chest, causing him to fly backwards for dozens of meters.
The two guns were released immediately, and were caught by Li Gui.
But Ye Zhen attacked again at this time.
Liu Rui was so angry that Ye Zhen was surrounded by the ghost world, and his body instantly appeared on the opponent's head.
The ghost rope was like a sharp sword, and Liu Rui inserted it directly into Ye Zhen's head.
The latter fell to the ground and turned into a skeleton, but he himself did not appear at all.
"It's that vision again."
This time he didn't wait, but fired directly at the ground.
The ghost gun suppressed it, and the illusion disappeared instantly.
And Ye Zhen also appeared next to Liu Rui, with a confused look on his face: "Did I die again just now?"
"I killed him, don't be fooled by that thing."
Liu Rui pointed at the fierce ghost holding two guns upside down in front of him, a dark light flashing in his eyes.
This time, he used the ability of ghost eyes on himself. When he exceeds a certain range, he will appear here instantly.
"Ye Zhen, grab the two guns back."
"no problem."
The latter agreed, and the two of them were instantly ejected.
Liu Rui struck first and kicked Li Gui. Instead of kicking Li Gui out, the huge force bounced him back.
Following him to the ground were the footsteps of Li Gui.
Boom boom boom!
The low voice kept echoing in Liu Rui's ears, as if thousands of cavalry were running towards him. The moment the sound approached, a scream suddenly rang out.
It turned out that Ye Zhen died again.
"It was attacked."
In just a few minutes, Ye Zhen died three times in succession, which made him confused about his own strength. Was he really weak?
But that's not what he was thinking about now. While he was dazed, Liu Rui had already arrived in front of Li Gui.
The terrifying black handprint was printed directly on the ghost gun.
The next moment, Li Gui suddenly let go!
The ghost gun was snatched back.
But before he could use it, Li Gui's arm had already touched Liu Rui's face.
A skeleton flew out and instantly turned into ashes.
Liu Rui suddenly appeared next to Ye Zhen. He knew that the other party had saved him: "Thank you."
"Let's settle it first."
Ye Zhen took the ghost gun and rushed towards Li Gui.
Liu Rui, on the other hand, stood still and used the ghost realm to help Ye Zhen and analyze the rules of this fierce ghost.
Several are now known.
[-]: Illusion, the activation rules are unknown, and the ghost gun can break through.
Two: Slap, die immediately after being slapped and turn into ashes.
Three: Footsteps, the method of killing is unknown, and other sounds can interrupt the footsteps.
Four: Ghost Eye, it will scream after being triggered, and it is suspected that it will die.
"Now that I know four, I can crack them one by one. Anyway, Ye Zhen can die many times, so he is not afraid of not finding the rules."
Liu Rui was risking his life at this time. He was worried about being inhumane. As long as he could deal with this evil spirit, he could use any method.
What's more, Ye Zhen doesn't care about dying a few more times.
"Ye Zhen, look into his eyes."
When the latter heard this, his eyes stared at Li Gui's eyes, but at the next moment, he died again, the skeleton and the guns were left on the spot, and he himself appeared next to Liu Rui.
A sharp howl came from the mouth of the skeleton in the distance.
"You can avoid this rule by not looking at your eyes, or you can avoid this rule by having ghost eyes."
Liu Rui analyzed it instantly. The latter said nothing and rushed forward to pick up the two guns.
"What's the next experiment?"
"Don't go directly. Stay away from the evil spirits, but not too far."
Ye Zhen stopped immediately when he heard it, but at this time, Li Gui had already raised his feet.
"Go forward and hear the voice of the evil spirit say it. Other voices can interrupt this evil spirit's rules!"
Liu Rui spoke directly, but the ghost's footsteps still did not stop, and the faint footsteps appeared in Liu Rui's ears again.
"I heard."
At this moment, Ye Zhen shouted: "Monster, where are you going!"
"Don't get too close!"
The former was holding a spear and was about to kill him, but was stopped by Liu Rui's words.
But at this time, the distance limit has been broken.
Li Gui raised his arm.
Not surprisingly, Ye Zhen was shot away, the skeleton turned into powder, and the two guns were lost again.
But this time, it actually fell at Li Gui's feet.
"Within five steps, the ghost will slap you, and from ten meters away, the ghost will chase you. But I don't know what will happen at this distance. I'll try again."
The ghost realm flashed, and the two of them appeared directly within that distance.
But at this moment, nothing happened. It was as if the evil ghost didn't see the two of them. Instead of attacking, he walked forward.
(End of this chapter)

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