Start as King of the Alola Islands

Chapter 611 The discouraged Absol

Chapter 611 The discouraged Absol

Meteor is still very satisfied with Baby Dragon's improved strength.

Therefore, Meteor's praise for Baby Dragon was not stingy at all.

This made the baby dragon happily jump somersaults on the spot.

What a nimble little dragon!
After thinking about it, Meteor decided to speak openly and directly asked Baby Dragon about the garbage.

"Baby Dragon, I already know about your sister and that garbage. I want to know what you think? Why are you so hostile?"

Meteor felt that the story Ha Kelong told him before had given him some preconceptions.

Since Baby Dragon did not let his training go to waste, it means that his thoughts may be different from what his sisters guessed.

When Meteor mentioned the rubbish, Baby Dragon's expression suddenly froze, but he didn't speak immediately. Instead, he observed Meteor's expression... He wanted to know if Meteor was called by his sister to be a lobbyist.

But Baby Dragon couldn't see Meteor's expression, so he could only express his thoughts with Meteor's encouragement.

Baby Dragon He didn't decide that his sister couldn't have a boyfriend.

Sister Hackron also said that she had a boyfriend when she was a mini dragon!

Baby Dragon truly just felt that that piece of garbage was not worthy of his sister Mo Haima.

He is too weak and not good-looking... He can't even catch one of his dragon claws. How can he protect his sister in the future?
Moreover, Baby Dragon feels that even if her sister wants to find a boyfriend, she should find a dragon-type guy... This poison-type guy is not worthy of his sister at all.

Oh I got it!

Meteor understood.

The main reason is that Baby Dragon's arrogant character belongs to the dragon family, which makes him look down on Garbage Zao.

However, although Garbageweed is now a poisonous water dual-type, it will become a poisonous dragon dual-type after it evolves!
Just like Mo Haima, he doesn't have the dragon type now, but he will have it when he evolves to the Thorn Dragon King.

Therefore, Garbage Algae can also be considered a member of the dragon family.

When Meteor said this to Baby Long Yi, it really made him hesitate.

real?Can such a weak guy be considered a dragon?
Meteor nodded sharply... I felt like I could let Baby Dragon meet some weak dragon elves in the future.

Like fruit-gnawing insects.

But even if he knew that Garbage Zao was considered a dragon, Baby Dragon didn't agree immediately... he was still too weak.

Not worthy of my sister... not worthy, not worthy!

Baby Dragon's attitude was still very firm, which made Meteor think twice.

"Let's do this!" Meteor proposed a compromise, "I'll let Biting Land Shark also train that Garbage Algae. After a period of time, you can see if he has made enough progress. . If that piece of garbage is really worthless and unwilling to work hard to improve itself for Mo Haima, then... Baby Dragon, I will stand by your side and let them separate."

As a parent, Meteor does not exclude his elves from having feelings and starting a family.

But Meteor really doesn’t want to see his elf being deceived and sad.

Moreover, eating soft food is simply not possible among dragon elves.

In other words, these little dragons from Meteor are not very familiar with the world. If one of their parents was here, that piece of garbage would have been thrown far away!It is simply impossible to get such an opportunity to change your destiny.

The main reason why Overlord Tyrannosaurus can deceive so many female dragon overlords is that he is really strong enough.

And you must know that, not to mention whether Garbage Zao can finally be recognized by the baby dragon, simply accepting the training of biting the land shark can almost make an ordinary elf change his fate against the odds.
As long as he can learn more, he may become the king among other garbage groups in the future!
Baby Dragon was not completely satisfied with Meteor's decision, but after thinking about it, he still nodded his big head.

Just do it!
Now he also wants to see how hard that stinky guy can work for his sister!
"By the way, baby dragon!" Meteor said to him before taking the baby dragon back, "Don't forget to continue training and improve your own strength! Otherwise, if you are defeated by that garbage algae, …”

That would be so embarrassing!
When the baby dragon heard what Meteor said, he jumped up on the spot.Will he lose?Impossible, absolutely impossible!
It should be, it must be impossible...!
————Dragon Claw————

After taking back the baby dragon, Meteor tapped his back.

Being a parent is really tiring!

After taking a rest, Meteor released the Biting Land Shark and told him his thoughts.


Liebite Lusha nodded to express his understanding.

But... to what extent should that piece of garbage be trained?
There are several levels of training plans here at Liebite Land Shark.

The most advanced one is Biting Land Shark's own training plan, which no other elf can stick to.

It's the type that the arrogant Hackron would worship the Biting Land Shark after seeing it once.

No one can keep up with even the lower level of training.

Baby Dragon's training plan needs to be at least three levels lower, otherwise his body won't be able to bear it.

Not everyone is as perverted as the one who bit the land shark when he was a child.

Meteor thought for a while, "Let's use a training plan that is a level higher than that of Baby Dragon? And you tell him that if he loses the battle with Baby Dragon, then I will directly separate him and Mo Haima."

Meteor didn't say that to Baby Dragon, but it would definitely put enough pressure on Zao Zao.

After all, only when the pressure comes up can the potential be truly stimulated.

As for whether Garbage Zao's body will be injured due to high-intensity training... then just let the healing elves watch from the side.

"Let Xiao Yi watch!" Meteor said, "Her praying moves also need to be practiced more!"

Biting the land shark shows that it understands and has its own ideas.

He is also Mo Haima's brother.

If Garbage Zao is really too muddy to hold up the wall, then Baby Dragon won't need to make the decision. He will throw Garbage Zao far away so that he can never find it again.

Bite the land shark fiercely and do what you say!
——Holy Sword————

After finally explaining everything, Meteor looked in the direction of Absol again.

After being taught by the three holy swordsmen, Absol has been working hard to condense the energy of fighting attributes into the long horns on his temples.

And turn it into a holy sword.

But Absol has always been unable to find his way.

If this is because Absol is of the evil type, Absol can even use higher-power brute force and close combat.

The overlord of the ghost type, the Shield Sword Monster, also knows the Holy Sword, so the start of this move should have nothing to do with the attribute.

Is it really impossible to learn?

After Absol failed again and again, he became unusually discouraged.

But this time the shooting star spoke!

"It's okay, forgive me! Once your characteristics change to dream characteristics, it should be fine!"

Absol's dream characteristic is the same as that of the three holy swordsmen - the heart of justice!
 I want to read new books, and I can still write old books, and there must be some connections between them.
(End of this chapter)

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