Start as King of the Alola Islands

Chapter 294 Clever and Stupid

Chapter 294 Clever and Stupid

Although they are all elves, not every one has enough thinking ability.

In Meteor's view, whether an elf is "smart" is closely related to wisdom itself, but not as closely as to the remaining wisdom.

Residual wisdom is total wisdom minus survival wisdom.

Generally speaking, if the total amount of wisdom of healthy individuals of the same species is certain, then the less survival wisdom consumed, the more wisdom will remain.

The more wisdom is left, the smarter the individual is.

This is what I think since Meteor discovered in his previous life that these cats and dogs who were purely pets were getting smarter and smarter.

The cat he raised more than ten years ago did not know how to "get angry".

As for the cat owner of his friend's house before time travel, if he was bullied by his friend and his friend did not apologize, he would not take a bite even if the cat food was placed in front of him, even if he was hungry.

It’s like becoming a sperm!

In the same way, because house elves are raised by humans, they usually don't have to worry about their own safety and food sources. Therefore, almost all their survival wisdom can be spared, thinking more, and training. The efficiency is not comparable to that of wild elves. of.

If the trainer were stronger and trained more scientifically, the elf's strength would skyrocket.

As for wild elves, they are always struggling to stay alive. Even if their overall intelligence is the same as that of house elves, how much intelligence is left that can be used to improve themselves?

When it comes to people, it means they have more than enough ambition but not enough energy!
Because of this, many wild elves appear ignorant.

Just like now, the leader Da Xuan La and the overlord Old Man Long were having a good conversation, and the wild elves behind them began to become restless.

The elves who originally lived in the cave were okay, but the outside elves looked at the mountain-like supplies, and a desire to monopolize them rose in their hearts.

And it's not just ambition. Perhaps because there are more elves nearby who have similar ideas, they who were originally lacking in courage gradually turned their ambition into desire, and even... action!
At the last shout of unknown elf, these elves rushed out with red eyes.

The overlord Old Man Long felt the actions of these elves, and when he looked back, he couldn't help but be shocked...

Is this the peace you want?

However, these elves' attempts to rush over and snatch supplies failed even though they were caught off guard.

Because a strong sandstorm appeared out of thin air, just like it enveloped the Mahuola before, it directly covered these elves inside.

However, unlike what the Mahuolas encountered, these elves were not hit by rockfalls and earthquakes.

However, rocks composed of sharp stone attacks broke out of the ground and trapped them all inside.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying black figure of the general burst out of the ground, and the soil he brought out fell on many frightened elves.


The general deliberately made his voice very low, sounding very threatening.

Seeing the aura of the huge black Shakiras in front of them, these elves did not dare to move.

He looks more dangerous than Overlord Mahuola.

Hearing the threat from Overlord Shakiras and the opening of a gap behind them, the elves who had basically calmed down ran back non-stop...

Meteor looked at this situation and thought of a common saying - evil people need to be punished by evil people!

That’s not right. How could one’s own general be a villain?How he loves peace!Directly stopping a riot that was about to break out, this is a great merit!When all the elves ran away, the general controlled the ground thorns protruding from the ground to retract underground. Meteor smiled and took out an evil Z and handed it to him.

However, the general who had been very excited when he saw the evil Z before was now glaring at Meteor angrily.

Meteor was glared at and immediately reacted...

Forgot, Shakiras can't eat!
The general has not learned the sand-gathering technique, so he cannot eat dirt, let alone evil Z!
It feels like he regrets evolving.

Meteor was right, that's what the general thought.

Although he has only evolved for a short time, the general is already starting to feel hungry!
If I had known I wouldn't evolve... I would have at least eaten enough first!

The general, who was wrapped in a hard shell and was reorganizing his life form inside, really wanted to cry without tears.

But it was also at this time that he felt a very warm force pass through his hard shell and nourish his body and mind.

Moving his eyes downward, the general saw Meteor's hand on his body, and the green light continued to enter his body.

"Although I can't make you full, it's better than nothing, right?" Meteor looked up at the general with a smile, "Try to squeeze out all the potential in your body! I really want to see the black overlord Bankilas as soon as possible figure!"

The general looked at the meteor and nodded solemnly, saying that he would not let him down.

However, the general did not tell Meteor that he could feel that his evolution speed was very fast. In just a short period of time, he already felt that his shell was squeezing and hurting.

He should be able to evolve successfully before the Marshal.

The general decided to wait until he evolved to surprise him.

————Sharp Stone Attack————

Because of the general's intervention, the riot ended as soon as it started.

Therefore, whether it is considered a riot or not cannot be accurately defined.

However, after this incident, these foreign elves were despised by the elves inside the cave!
This is a direct grab!

And not only the part that must be given to them, but also the compensation that must be given to the inside of the cave.

Under such circumstances, how could the elves inside the cave give them a good look?

The leader Da Xuan La and the overlord Old Man Long also quickly completed the handover ceremony, and then quickly left with the Ma Xuan La.

But the overlord Mahuola left, and the black overlord Shakiras is still there!

He is not the overbearing old man Long who seems to have a good temper. He really dares to take action if something happens!
So, under the watchful eyes of Meteor and General, these foreign elves took over the compensation given to them one by one. They didn't dare to be greedy and asked for more, so they left in despair.

They also have to return to their original nest... I hope they won't be occupied by other elves during this time!
Meteor watched them disperse and felt relieved.

Although it is a bit ignorant, if the elves do not get together and the negative emotions generated by each do not overlap with each other, they can quickly regain their senses.

There are really no elves who can live in the wild who are hopelessly stupid, otherwise they would have been eliminated by nature long ago.

It's interesting to say that if there really is such an elf that is so stupid that it is hopelessly stupid, it is very likely that it will appear in the hands of human trainers...

Because among human beings, there will also be people who are hopelessly stupid!
(End of this chapter)

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