Start as King of the Alola Islands

Chapter 290 Distortion of Time and Space

Chapter 290 Distortion of Time and Space
The leader, Taiyang Ibrahimovic, relied on a move of mental strength to directly knock the leader, Daxuanla, away... further away from the border.

Listening to the wailing cries of Xuan La who had already left the boundary, the leader D Xuan La rushed out while preventing her from returning.

But at this time, the surrounding space became even more distorted, and the wild power that usually only grew slowly in the body became stronger and stronger as they fought.

The leader, Da Xuan La, originally wanted to escape, but if he didn't fight, the other elves would fight. As their strength grew stronger, he became weaker.

So, he could only start fighting.

Then...I couldn't stop!
It started by waving his claws at all the elves charging towards him.

Later, he took the initiative to attack other boss elves to make himself stronger.

Until the end, all the elves he saw became the targets of his attack...

When the leader, Da Xuan La, finally stopped fighting, the other elves around him disappeared.

What replaced it was darkness.

And when he finally felt a little light, he had appeared on Mount Lanakila.

And he raised his head and saw that what brought him light was a sun that was in a total solar eclipse!
————Life-Destroying Claw————

The memory of the leader Da Xuanla ended here, and the smoke completely dissipated.

All the elves who had watched the whole process were shocked and somewhat sympathetic to his experience... No wonder they hadn't seen him before. It turned out that he suddenly appeared on the mountain.

And the world he originally lived in was too terrifying!

So many red-eyed overlords fighting each other...does he really want to go back?
All the elves looked at the leader, Da Xuan La.

The leader, Daxuan La, was still stunned at this time.

Because he really forgot how he got here before.

Now seeing his hidden memories being brought out, the leader Da Xuan La finally remembered what he wanted to do most.

That’s going back!go home!

He wants to see Xuan La again!
For this reason, the leader Da Xuanla bowed to Celebi and asked her to send him home.

However, Celebi is also in a dilemma now.

Because this situation is much more difficult than she imagined!

The level of power that distorts time and space is definitely much higher than hers.It was an existence that was beyond her reach. There were many situations in it that she didn't even know how to form...

It’s not just time, it’s also the use of space.

Celebi asked himself deeply, he really didn't have the ability to go against the effect of time and space distortion and send the leader Da Xunla back.

But just because she couldn't do it, it didn't mean that other elves couldn't do it.

Celebi looked at the shooting star!

Meteor was still thinking about the scene just now.

This boss giant actually traveled to Alola on the day of the total solar eclipse...

Isn't that the same day as him?
What a coincidence.


Celebi's voice made Meteor wake up from his thoughts and turned to look at her, "What's wrong?"


"You said I could send him back? Are you kidding me!" Meteor waved his hands repeatedly, "If I had that kind of strength, I would have been running around all over the place. Let's wait until A Tai evolves!"

Celebi didn't say much, he just pointed at Meteor's heart and let him figure it out.

Meteor looked at the heart she pointed at, and after thinking for a while, he understood what she meant.She meant Lady Necrozma inside him!Relying on his power and reversing the effect of time and space distortion, there is still no problem.

But Meteor refused!

And Meteor looked at Celebi with a very serious expression, "Xiaoxue, you know what I care about! Are you making me angry?"

In order to prevent Lord Necrozma from being discovered, Meteor didn't even go to the Ultimate Cave, but now Celebi asked Meteor to ask him to open the time and space distortion?

Being stared at so seriously by Meteor, Celebi knew that he had said the wrong thing and quickly retracted his head behind the elf egg.

After waiting for a few seconds, he secretly looked at Meteor and found that he was still staring at him. Celebi hid again.

After repeating it several times to make sure that Meteor would not lose his temper so easily, Celebi came out with his head hanging down and admitted his mistake.


Meteor touched her head and the incident was over!

However, because of Celebi, the leader Daxuanla looked at the meteor with great anticipation, because he had something to do.

It's really troublesome.

Meteor scratched his head, then called, "Ata!"

Without any special fluctuation, A Tai instantly moved in front of Meteor and was hugged by him.

Perhaps because Meteor has been feeding Atai with his own light, Meteor and Atai have established a connection that is not particularly clear.

Although they haven't yet reached the point of telepathic communication, when Meteor called to Atai, Atai was able to sense it and use teleportation to find him.

This really prevents Atai from using teleportation to run to other places and then not being able to find his way back.

Moreover, if Meteor is in the Ultimate Cave in the future and Meteor is separated from Solgaleo due to unexpected circumstances, then he can also teleport directly to him.

Carrying Atai to the boss Da Xuanla, Meteor introduced, "His name is Atai. Although he is still a little loser who doesn't even know any attack moves, when he evolves to his final form, he will be able to lead people through time." Space and time.”

"Can you wait until he evolves?"

The leader, Da Xuan La, was slightly startled. He looked at Atai, who bit Meteor's finger because he called him a loser. He knelt down on one knee and lowered his head, "Da Xuan La!"

Atai, who was fighting with Meteor's finger, heard the words of the leader Daxuan La, looked up at Meteor, and then said to the leader Daxu La very solemnly, "Mo~"

After speaking, the power of teleportation appeared around Atai's body, and a tree fruit appeared out of thin air... which Atai invited him to eat.

Meteor looked at the sand scale fruit and directly knocked Atai's head, "You're showing mercy to me, aren't you?"

Atai held her slightly aching head and said pitifully, "Mo~"

Although Atai still has no attack moves, his strength continues to improve under the continuous light of Meteor.

His teleportation can not only move other people and elves, but also move the things he wants in front of him.

However, after A Tai's thief behavior was discovered by Meteor, Meteor gave him a hard lesson and forbade him from stealing other people's things again.

So A Tai immediately changed himself and stopped stealing other people's things... only stealing meteors.

Atai: Because Meteor is not someone else!
This really left Meteor speechless.

Fortunately, the Meteor family has a big business, and they made an agreement with Atai that he can only steal one sand scale fruit a week, and he can take other fruits as he pleases.

However, the quantity required him to keep accounts and write down all the stolen fruits.

When the math problem fell in front of A Tai, A Tai immediately retreated and refused to take ordinary tree fruits!

Atai: I really don’t know how to do math!
 Zhu~Zi~Okay, from now on I will be Qiao Feng!

(End of this chapter)

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