Start as King of the Alola Islands

Chapter 237 Sirona’s Divine Seal Training Method

Chapter 237 Sirona’s Mythical Training Method

Dinner time was delayed because of the fighting.

Everyone, including Sirona, was eating dinner together.

Unfortunately, Lena had to go home and cook for his uncle, so she had to leave.

After dinner time, Ryusei and Sirona were reviewing the battle just now, while Kasana and Saki were listening.

In fact, there isn’t much to talk about.Both sides basically guessed what the other side was thinking about tactics.

What I couldn’t understand at the time, I will naturally understand now that I think about it.

The only thing is that Meteor restricts himself from biting the land shark.

If Sirona could say that she thought Meteor looked down on her before, but after seeing this biting land shark eating three reverse scales from the sharp-toothed land shark and still being able to do it with ease, she could only admit that he was indeed too strong.

Without self-restriction, ordinary trainers have absolutely no chance of defeating him.

Looking at the other side, her own Biting Land Shark was chasing and trying to fight with Meteor's Biting Land Shark, but was ignored by the other party and started to teach several little dragons. Sirona couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that if it weren't for Menas, Mahuola and Absolu were all beside Meteor, Sirona would have thought that he was a dragon specialist when she saw Meteor waving his hand to release the baby dragons, Mo Haima and Ya Ya.

And if it weren't for these little dragons, she would definitely fight him first if she bites the land shark.

My own fierce biting land shark is the most helpless against these little guys!

Now that we’ve talked about the battle part, it’s time to talk about the stream of consciousness part!

Meteor was very interested in the highly unified will of Sirona and the Fang Tooth Land Shark during the battle.This aspect is where he falls behind compared to trainers in the elf world.

"In my hometown of Sinnoh, there are three lakes. It has long been said that there are three mythical beasts living in them. They are respectively in charge of mind, will and emotion."

"These three come from the same great existence, so when they are present at the same time, they can trigger powerful power!"

"According to my own understanding, in terms of the relationship between trainers and elves, knowledge is tactics, will is the continuous pursuit of powerful goals, and emotion is the direct bond between trainers and elves."

"When we have these three at the same time, we can unleash our strongest power!"

Sirona did not skimp on the knowledge she knew, and she did not reserve it.

But her situation is similar to Daigo's.This method of training elves is most suitable for them.

As a mythology researcher, Sirona is able to get inspiration from myths and legends to train herself and the elves' knowledge, will and emotions according to the Trinity method to improve her own strength.

Others...had a really hard time understanding what she meant.

Although Meteor understands, this is based on his knowledge of the creation legend of Arceus and the process of Arceus' differentiation into the Three Holy Mushrooms, so that he can be sure that this is indeed a path of growth.

For example, Kasana and Saki didn't really understand.

Seeing the expressions on both of them, Sirona knew that they didn't understand, but she believed that Meteor would understand.

Because during the battle just now, he directly said the three words knowledge, will and emotion. It was strange that he didn't understand what she said.

Under Sirona's gaze, Meteor nodded, "I really want to go to Sinnoh when I have time and meet the three legendary elves in the lake in person!"

Sirona smiled sincerely, "If Mr. Meteor goes to Sinnoh, I am willing to be a landlord and come to show you around!"

When Meteor heard this, he smiled brightly.

It feels really good to be complimented by a future champion!
"By the way, Sirona, why did you come to Alola? If you need my help, you can tell me."

Meteor almost understood why Sirona appeared in Alola.This was really an opportunity he had given himself to make Sirona owe him a favor.

Sirona hesitated slightly and then told what was going on.

She heard that special elves from fairy tales and even myths and legends were discovered here in Alola. As a mythology researcher, she naturally wanted to come back and investigate.

However, the Aether Foundation rejected her request to visit and did not let her see Kaguya Tiehuo or even let her in.

In fact, it's not just a single researcher like Sirona. In just a few days, a large number of research institutions have already come to Alola, hoping to conduct joint research.

But at Lusamine's insistence, all invitations were declined.

That's decisive. It can be said that if different scenes of Tie Huo Kaguya were not shown on TV every day, and there were lucky people who could see Tie Huo Kaguya with their own eyes every day, someone might criticize them for fraud.

However, unlike researchers like Sirona who immediately accept their fate after being rejected, there are many people who have other ideas.

There are always people trying to sneak into lockdown areas these days.

However, in terms of security, not only the Ether Foundation's own people will patrol, but the Skeleton Team on Meteor's side has also sent people to cooperate.

They've found people who sneaked in many times.

Relying on them, the cooperation between the Skeleton Team and the Aether Foundation is gradually getting on the right track.

Letting Sirona go to see Tiehuo Kaguya is a very easy thing for Meteor.

But with what excuse?
When the Aether Foundation banned all other research institutions, I couldn't tell Lusamine that Sirona was just a researcher and it didn't matter if she was allowed in.

This is definitely an action to challenge Lusamine's power.

Meteor would not do such a thing.

So the rest is a good choice.

After thinking about it, Meteor replied, "I have a very good relationship with the Ether Foundation, and I have a share of the credit for finding Kaguya Tiehuo. However, the Ether Foundation does not want to share its research on Kaguya Tiehuo with other research institutions. .So Sirona, next time I go to Melemele Island, I can take you to meet Tiehuo Kaguya, but your identity can only be my friend, not a researcher. Can you accept this? "

Of course Sirona agreed.

She didn't want to become a doctor or anything by relying on this research.She just wanted to witness the myth with her own eyes.

The authenticity of myth is her pursuit.

Meteor nodded and smiled, "Okay! I'll let you know next time I go to Melemele Island!"

Sirona said gratefully, "Thank you very much!"

After making an agreement with Sirona, Meteor turned to look at Kasana, "Kasana, when is Cameron's battle?"

Cassana replied doubtfully, "Tomorrow! I told you!"

Meteor looked at the time and said, "I want to ask about the exact time. Is it tomorrow morning or afternoon?"

"Afternoon! Two o'clock in the afternoon."

"Oh~" Meteor thought for a moment, "Then I will go to Pikachu Valley tomorrow morning..."

"I want to take Pichu back for a visit!"

(End of this chapter)

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