Start as King of the Alola Islands

Chapter 234 Dissatisfied Sirona

Chapter 234 Dissatisfied Sirona
"Good fight!" Meteor smiled and took back Menas and praised, "I didn't expect it!"

Good guy, does it turn out to be the vitality characteristic combined with being particular about scarves?What a quality!

Vitality increases the power of moves, and scarf increases speed.

In this way, Menas after the Dragon Dance is still slightly slower than Togekis!
Meteor's original plan was to wait for Minus to use self-regeneration to bring his physical strength above the warning line, and then use his special move to hold on.

Hard support is a physical attack, its power is doubled under abnormal conditions, and it can ignore the physical attack halving effect of burns.

Although it may not be as powerful as the freezing ray, Togekiss's special defense is much higher than its physical defense. If you calculate it carefully, the damage caused to Togekiss by holding on will be higher.

Not to mention that Dragon Dance also increases Menas' attack power.

But, it all failed at the beginning.

Saki and Kasana were surprised at the same time even though they were in two places.

It was Meteor who lost the elf first!

This is really rare, or perhaps none of them have ever seen it.

"That female trainer is no ordinary trainer!" Capone sighed.

Kasana nodded solemnly.

On the court, Sirona smiled brightly as she listened to Meteor's praise.

For Sirona, fighting the meteor felt good.Because your tactics can be understood by the opponent.

Although it was after being knocked down by myself.

"It's your turn, Ada!"

Meteor released Mahuola and asked him to face Pokkisi.

Sirona looked at Mahuola and didn't feel very good.

Because she has a fanged land shark in the back row.For the fang land shark, Mahuola is too dangerous.

So be sure to deal with him first.

But in this situation, it's really hard to tell whether Ma Xuanla is faster or Pokkisi, who is wearing a dainty scarf, is faster.

And because of the props, Togekis can only use air slash now.

Can one move of air slash defeat Ma Xuan La?

If not, Mahuola can defeat Pokkisi with one punch.

But Sirona can't change the elf... Even if the other elf can withstand Mahuola's attack, the substitution now is to give Mahuola a chance to strengthen.

If Ma Xuan La takes the opportunity to perform a sword dance, it will be a huge loss.

So... bet!
"Pokkisi, air slash!"

"Ma Huanla, boulder!"

Sirona was not sure about the speed, but Meteor was very sure that Ada was slower than the current Togekis.

Because Ada's speed is not as fast as that of Menas after the Dance of Dragons.

But...why should he be afraid?
Mahuola is a boulder that can attack first with the ice element!For double damage from the flying type, Mahuola is still good at physical attacks.

With Pokkisi's current physical strength and defense, it is impossible for him to take down Ma Huola's shot of boulders!

Then everyone saw an ice ball appear out of thin air, and Ma Xuanla punched Pokkisi.

Pokkisi was hit by a boulder on the front of his head, lost consciousness and fell from the air.

Sirona took him back in time.

"Mahuola!" Ada looked at Sirona, grabbing her claws in front of her.

Seeing his appearance, Sirona didn't feel like he deserved to be beaten, because she liked such an elf with personality very much.

After winning a victory, of course he can do whatever he wants.

If he can still win...

Sirona then released her second elf.


The very rare and very popular Lucario appears... He's really handsome!

And if she faces him, Mahuola will be in danger!
"Chop tiles!"

"Bo missiles!"

Mahuola's super high speed caused his claws to hit Lucario's solid body first.The dual attributes of fighting and steel did not help him form effective protection, but instead he was injured more seriously.

But Lucario's expression did not change at all, and the blue wave missile that appeared between his fists was like the boulder just printed directly on Ma Xuan La's forehead.

Mahuola seemed to be hit by a spiral pill, spinning and flying sideways.

Mahuola, who is four times weaker in combat, can't catch this wave of missiles... right?

When the smoke dissipated, the two halves of the belt that fell from Ma Xuanla's body saved him the last bit of strength.

Momentum Sash, a combat prop. When full of blood, you won't be killed instantly by one move. You can maintain your last stamina and continue fighting.

The effect is exactly the same as the strong properties of the elves such as Little Fist Stone.

This is really suitable for Ma Xuanla... His double defense is not very high, and even if he doesn't use fighting moves, he can easily be killed with one move.

One more chance to take action may change the situation of the battle.

But...if we face Lucario, this chance will be gone!

"Chop tiles!"

"God fast!"

It’s because it’s so fast!This +2 advance system move is faster than boulders, and Ma Xuanla's remaining physical strength is destined to be harvested!
Being punched in the stomach by Lucario in his super-speed state, Mahuola fainted immediately.

Lucario supported Mahuola to prevent him from falling to the ground, waiting for Meteor to take him back.

Meteor smiled and took Ma Xuanla back, then took out the third ball.

But then Sirona suddenly spoke.

Her expression wasn't very pretty.

"Excuse me, do you treat me as an ordinary challenger?"

Her questions were normal yet unusual.

Meteor stopped moving and looked at her doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

"Because I am very dissatisfied with your action of letting Ma Xuan face Lucario just now!"

Sirona's expression was very serious. Although she was young, her sense of majesty had already appeared... She already had the prototype of a future queen-like champion of Sinnoh.

Sirona believed that her tactics in the first round were worthy of Meteor's seriousness.

Let him know that he is no longer an ordinary challenger.

However, the way Meteor let Ma Xuan La give him away so obviously made her realize that he was still in the same state as the gym leader... without exchanging the elves, and kept fighting after releasing the elves.

Under normal circumstances, Mahuola will definitely run against Lucario!

After listening to Sirona's words, Meteor smiled really brightly... He seemed to have said this before. When he fought against Hala for the first time, it was because of his subconscious guidance and not rotating the elves that he finally got the victory. victory.

But Meteor really didn't think so this time.

"Sorry! I made you feel that way!" Meteor looked at Sirona and explained to her, "I just imposed some self-restrictions because the last elf was a little too strong! I didn't give him a chance to rotate."

"Otherwise, there is no way you can defeat him!"

Meteor's words made Sirona's anger disappear, but she still didn't believe it.

What kind of elf has that kind of strength?

Meteor looked at Sirona with a big smile, "That's him!"

Throwing the Poke Ball in his hand, a very obvious pressure appeared on Lucario.

Even ordinary people feel some of it.

That is the pressure of dragon elves.

It's the pressure of a quasi-god.


A cry that was really familiar to Sirona appeared.

An extremely strong biting land shark appeared in front of her.

Biting the land shark fiercely, let me show you this elf first!

Meteor's smile became even brighter!

 Thank you to my friend for the reward "just because you became a demon", my friend is so generous!

(End of this chapter)

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