Start as King of the Alola Islands

Chapter 229 Ibrahimovic Expert and Fire Ievee Expert

Chapter 229 Ibrahimovic Expert and Fire Ievee Expert
It was a man in his 20s and a man in his 30s wearing a magician costume arguing.

In the middle of them, an Eevee and a Fire Eevee were baring their teeth at each other.

The two men seemed to still have some fame, and Meteor could hear onlookers talking about them.

One is Shadow Tiger, known as Eevee Adept.

One is Cloud, known as the Fire Eevee expert.

When a trainer has a title similar to "Expert", it means that he is a specialized trainer.

He is also a powerful senior trainer.

However, general specialization only specializes in a certain attribute.

Like gym leaders everywhere, they are all experts in a certain attribute.

Trainers who specialize in a certain type of elf are even rarer.

Because in a normal regional conference, there are at least 33 singles, and even 66 all-round matches are not a few.

Among the rules of these conferences, there is a rule that only one elf can be allowed.

So how do these expert trainers who specialize in a certain type of elf participate?

This is really a difficult task.

Maybe only areas like Alola that don't conquer too many elves will have more expert trainers.

Moreover, in Alola, there are expert trainers of all Eevee evolved types, and each one of them is a senior trainer.However, almost all of them live on the other three islands, and only this Fire Ive expert often lives on Akala Island.

Not to mention the various evolved forms of Eevee, Eevee Expert is definitely only available in Alola.

Because only by possessing the Z pure crystal called Eevee Z, can Ibrahimovic still have a chance to compete head-on without using mine-type play when he has other elves in front of him.

It's just that if you want to use Eevee Z to use the Nine Colors Sublimation Gathering, you must be able to use the treasured moves... and how troublesome it is to use the treasured moves, it seems that there is no need to discuss it here.

Maybe other people may not know that there is still a chance for Shadow Tiger, but experts of Fire Ibrahimovic naturally have a lot of research on Ibrahimovic.

If you know yourself and your enemy, you will be able to fight without danger.

Therefore, these two experts fought many times, and Claude, the Fire Eevee expert, won all of them.

Not only against Fire Eevee experts, but also against other Eevee evolved experts, Shadow Tiger has never won.

This situation has been going on for a long time.

Every time they meet, Shadow Tiger demands a fight.

Today, in front of the already troubled Claude, Shadow Tiger finally hit a wall.

Cloud said fighting Shadow Tiger was a complete waste of time.Shadow Tiger used the same routine every time he fought with him, without any improvement at all. Such a battle would not benefit either party at all.

This is not to say that Shadow Tiger only has one combination of moves when fighting.

But Shadow Tiger is too obsessed with using Eevee Z to defeat the evolved form of Eevee. No matter what moves he uses, the ultimate goal is to use the Nine Colors Sublimation to Gather the Top.

Although Fire Eevee's attack method is basically Flame Charge + Flash Charge + Flash Charge... but it is enough to deal with Eevee.

Claude spoke his mind when he was in a bad mood, but this was too hurtful to Shadow Tiger.

After all, no matter what, he is also a senior trainer, and the Ibrahimovic he possesses is also very strong, but he is said to be so bad by the other party.

This will naturally lead to a fight.

However, just before they were about to fight, a Candlelight Spirit appeared between Eevee and Fire Eevee, stopping their fight.

It has fire-drawing properties and is a ghost-type candlelight spirit. One can destroy both Eevee and Fire Eevee at the same time.

This made Ibrahimovic on both sides become cautious.

The staff of the breeding house were originally unable to stop the quarrel between the two senior trainers and saw that they were about to fight. But now after discovering that the possibility of fighting with the Candlelight Spirit suddenly decreased, they finally found the opportunity to stop them. "Two customers, if you want to fight, please go out and fight. The breeding house is not a place for you to fight."

Beside the two experts, there was a woman on each side who also followed the staff's words and pulled them away.

The woman in her 20s next to Shadow Tiger should be his girlfriend or wife.

The teenage girl next to Claude called him "uncle", probably because they were related.

However, Meteor took a closer look and found that this girl was still an acquaintance.

It was the female trainer named Rena who bought the Awakening Stone from him when he came to Akala Island last time.

She has a female Kirulian who will evolve into Eluredor.Because he couldn't evolve after getting the Awakening Stone, he escaped using teleportation.

She didn't know if the Kirulian evolved into Gardevoir and returned to her.

Meteor still remembered that he gave Reina an idea, asking her to tame another female snow boy and use the awakening stone to evolve into a snow witch to fulfill Kirulian's wish.

Rena didn't see the meteor. She was trying to drag his uncle out of the breeding house... If they offended this place and were blacklisted and couldn't come back again, wouldn't they have to hatch the elf eggs by themselves?

How could they?

Moreover, Rena also knew her uncle's temper. Although she was convinced now, her stubborn character was taking effect and she just didn't want to show that she was admitting defeat.

Rena dragged him out, but he was still fighting against her.

So, a Gardevoir came out of Rena's elf ball and used her super power to directly throw Claude and the Fire Eevee who was confronting the Candlelight Spirit out.

Very decisive and awesome!
However, this should be a more embarrassing situation for Claude, right?
Reina hurriedly apologized to Shadow Tiger and then went out with Gardevoir.

Gardevoir seemed to notice the shooting star, but didn't say anything, and didn't even tell Rena.

She seemed to have become quite withdrawn.

There was no such loud quarrel. Soon, more people noticed the huge Absolu and Meteor beside her, and recognized Meteor, the king of the island.

"Overlord Absol" is now a recognized characteristic of Meteor.

And when they saw the Candlelight Spirit that stopped the fighting return to Meteor, many people took it for granted.

He is indeed the king of the island!The trouble was solved without a single move.

With the coordination of the staff, Meteor was not blocked and went to the next visit smoothly.

While feeding the Candlelight Spirit balls of light, Meteor asked where to go next.

Kasana looked at it and guessed, "Probably going to the nursery!"

Most people come to the breeding house to produce offspring for their own elves... There are basically no cases of hatching eggs specifically to obtain highly talented elves.

It's just that there will always be people who regret their decisions after making them due to various circumstances.

But the eggs are already laid, and there is no way to stuff them back... Elf eggs are not born from the body of elves.

As a result, these elf eggs and the elf hatched from them will have various situations.

For example, releasing them into the wild, or giving them to some trainers after a little training, or even to children who are not trainers yet.

"It was in this breeding house that I met my heavy mud draft horse when he was still a mud donkey," Saki said.

Saying that, Saki released the heavy mud draft horse.

Returning to his birthplace, Chongni Wanma was a little surprised, but also very happy.

In recent years, in order to fight against foreign trainers, Capone has put a lot of effort into training young trainers, but the results have not been obvious.

Saki's heavy mud draft horse is already considered good.

The possible that the elves that are easily obtained will not be cherished?
(End of this chapter)

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