Start as King of the Alola Islands

Chapter 141 Super Absolu

Chapter 141 Super Absolu
The general's aura surged out, growing more and more, even exceeding the sum of the Lord Bao and the Marshal.

The ferocity contained in it makes people tremble just by looking at it.

This unexpected situation caused the marshal, who was about to fight with the general, to stop spraying gas.

Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous!

The general in front of him seemed to have turned into a big devil, and the power he exuded was beyond the marshal's imagination.

Staring at the completely changed brother in front of him, the marshal has put himself in the fullest fighting state... He must beat the general back to his original state!
However, the general, whose eyes turned white and whose pupils could no longer be seen, looked at the marshal and smiled sinisterly, and directly used a big move.

The wave of evil!

Countless dark circles combine to form a super powerful attack, turning into a whip that sweeps towards all nearby targets.

This whip is so thick that it is comparable to the marshal's current waistline.

Such a powerful attack composed of energy is naturally very fast and powerful.

The marshal, who had been staring at the general and had sufficient mobility, calmly dodged, but the lieutenant general and Bao Ye were hit without haste.

The lieutenant general was directly beaten away.If the major general hadn't intercepted him spontaneously, he would have flown farther.

And Mr. Bao suffered a lot of damage.He is such a strong ghost-type object defender, but he is afraid of this kind of evil-type special attack.

But a question arises... The general didn't know how to use the wave of evil before?
Not to mention having such power.

"Hee hee hee……"

Letting out an increasingly horrifying laugh, the general pursued the master... The marshal had no choice but to push forward and try to block the next attack with his own body.

However, the marshal did not expect that when the general's wave of evil was about to hit him, it suddenly changed its direction, from turning a corner to going in a straight line... and hit Bao Ye straight again.

In fact, this is normal. After all, it is a whip-type attack. Random changes in the attack route do not seem to surprise people.

"Shaji!" the marshal shouted, but the general ignored him at all.

Seeing that the wave of evil was about to hit the seriously injured Mr. Bao again, a red light shot him in advance.

After Bao Ye's huge body quickly shrank in this red light, he disappeared with the red light!
The wave of evil hit the empty space and shattered several large trees.

"When you are besieged by others, just find the right one to hit! You and I made similar choices in the past."

Throwing Lord Bao's elf ball, Meteor walked within the attack range of the black general under the worried eyes of the lieutenant general and major general, "But I was defending and counterattacking at the beginning, you are just looking for trouble!"

"And you dare to take over my family's body!"

"Get me out!"

Meteor's words were deafening, but to the black general's ears, they were a complete joke.

The black general just wanted to use another wave of evil to let the annoying human below know who he was talking to, but he suddenly felt a huge danger.

A figure quietly appeared behind the black general, stared at him with a vicious look, and slapped him before he could react.

"Yoji!" The black general shouted, but it was of no use - the color on his body began to fade rapidly with this slap...

Groups of black substance that looked like souls were shot out of his body... most of them came out of his eyes, nose and mouth.

When all the black matter was gone, the general, who had returned to his original color, fell to the ground.

A large amount of black matter flew into the air and condensed together, becoming a mysterious gas-like substance and growing a terrifying face.

Although there was no keystone underneath, Meteor still recognized that the elf that gradually turned from black to purple was a flower rock monster - the elf that used to be called a ghost potted plant. Its attributes were ghost and evil. Tie.

And not only that, the aura that erupted from the general just now clearly belonged to him, so he was also an extremely powerful overlord Huayan Monster.

This is really...possessed by a ghost!
Meteor looked at the general's appearance and guessed that he was possessed by a ghost-type elf, so he asked Absol to sneak over and use the evil-type shooting technique to knock out the elf occupying his body.

However, Meteor thought it was the sealed Gengar!After all, Meteor knew that there was a sealed Gengar on the island, but he didn't know the exact location of the seal.

It's very possible to release him by using random tricks like a general losing his temper.

But when the general released his aura, Meteor knew that it was not the Gengar that possessed the general.That Gengar named "Greedy Lapp" is not the overlord elf...otherwise, he wouldn't have been defeated so easily by Gala Gala!

Then Meteor thought that since there were sealed Gengars on the island, there might be other sealed elves.

That Gengar was rumored to have been sealed by a previous island king, so isn't it highly likely that the island king sealed more than one elf on the island?

Anyway, no matter which ghost-type elf it is, it can be shot down and shot out, so Meteor's order was absolutely correct.

But after thinking so much about ghost elves, Meteor really didn’t expect it to be the Huayan Monster.

Because flower rock monsters shouldn't exist in Alola?It doesn't seem like this kind of elves can reproduce in large numbers, right?
Forget it, Meteor doesn’t have time to think about it.Because the overlord flower rock monster started to act!

After restoring his original body, all the strength of the overlord Huayan Monster was released.

The aura he erupted was nearly twice as strong as when he possessed the general's body.

Meteor's eyelids are twitching wildly... This is an old ghost who has lived for many years!
By the way, which one is looking for money, and which one is looking for disaster?

Forget it, it’s all feudal superstition anyway!
For the ghost type, who basically won't die of old age, it's also very good to focus on strengthening their own strength if they are sealed away and have nothing to do.

Especially for an overlord like Huayan Monster... This seal seems unable to prevent the light from being absorbed by Huayan Monster and turned into his strength.

Meteor finally figured out that there were a lot of elves in Po Town, but why were there no overlord elves? The light was taken away by the overlord Huayan Monster, and other elves couldn't snatch him away!

However, although his strength was completely released after emerging from the general's body, the overlord Huayan Monster seemed very impatient.

He did not choose to attack Absol who was close at hand... instead he rushed towards the general who fell to the ground.

Meteor suddenly understood the reason for the action of the overlord Huayan Monster.

So Meteor took out the general's Poké Ball in a very cunning manner and took him back as well.

The existence of the flower rock monster requires items that can be relied upon.According to rumors, the Huayan Monster is an elf created by the gathering of 108 souls.When he came out of the general's body just now, the black matter seemed to be the souls that made up the Huayan Monster.

But there is really a spiritual world in the elven world.One or two souls may still be able to stay in this world, but the aggregate of so many souls should definitely be taken into the spirit world.

So the Flower Rock Monster relied on the keystone and lived inside the keystone, which was the Flower Rock Monster's home.No matter which flower rock monster is attached to the keystone, it can exist.

Although this overlord flower rock monster is so powerful, it does not have a keystone on its body, so its existence is slowly disappearing, or it is being sucked away by the spirit world.

Therefore, the main reason why he possessed the general just now seemed to be to use him as a living keystone.

After all...Youkiras has a rock element.In a sense, it can really replace the role of the keystone.

However, Meteor doesn't want his spirit to be possessed.Even after being possessed, you will become very, very strong!But the elf itself
Not only the generals, Meteor looked at the overlord Huayan Monster, smiled, and put the lieutenant general, major general and even the marshal back into the elf ball.

Anyway, anything with rock properties will not be left to him!
The overlord Huayan Monster was furious... He understood that if he didn't quickly defeat this human whose whole body was filled with his disgusting smell, it would be impossible for him to possess Yukiras again!
There may be other rock elves in this forest, but the only elves with enough physical strength for him to rely on are those from Meteor.

Then... let's fight!

Two waves of evil that were thicker than before erupted at the same time, sweeping towards the meteor together.

It directly attacks humans, and it also has two whips with evil waves.The overlord Huayan Monster has no mercy.

But a powerful attack is useless even if it misses.Before the evil wave arrived, the meteor jumped onto Absol who was rushing towards her. She avoided these powerful attacks with her super speed.

And Meteor quickly put a stone on Absol's head and said with a smile, "Just right, forgive me, let's try the power of what your parents left for you!"

What was placed on Absol's head was her super evolution stone.

And Meteor already holds the key stone in his hand!

In an instant, through these two stones, Meteor and Absol, who already had a tacit understanding, simultaneously felt each other's heartbeats, and felt each other's will and belief.

Without any rejection, the same idea popped up in both Meteor's and Absol's heads.

To win!


Meteor and Absol raised the corners of their mouths at the same time!
super evolved...

Super Absolu!

A pink light burst out, and the overlord Huayan Monster felt uncomfortable all over because of the vitality of the light. Even the waves of evil were interrupted!
"Ha!" A huge shadow ball was thrown towards Absol from a distance by the overlord Huayan Monster.

But right in front of the eyes of the overlord Huayan Monster, this ghost-type attack that condensed a lot of his energy was cut in two from the middle...

The figure of Super Absol rushed towards the overlord Flower Rock Monster from the center of the shadow ball flying to both sides.The rich black evil energy on the longer Di Renjie's sharp corner explained how the shadow ball was cut open just now.

Super Absol looks stronger than before.A pair of white wings also appeared on the shoulders, but in fact these were not wings, but hair growing upward from the shoulders.Super Absol can control the flapping of these false wings. Although he cannot fly with them, he can use them to intimidate his opponents.

The overlord Huayan Monster is now a little frightened by the image of Super Absol... It turns out that Absol can evolve from afar!I have lived for so many years without knowing it!
Overlord Huayan Monster has so many thoughts, but Super Absol’s attacks will not stop.

Insidious attack!

Although there was not much energy in the corners after splitting the shadow ball, Super Absol still relied on this move to close the distance with the overlord Flower Rock Monster.

Then, the light of the fairy type shines...


Super Absol, the most powerful physical attack of the Fairy type, may be able to directly defeat the overlord Huayan Monster by using the playful move.

The ghosts and demons of the Flower Rock Monster match each other very well.In the game, before the appearance of the Fairy type, there was no weakness for an Elf of both types.

So some people have said that if they exchange the magical protective characteristics of the shelling ninja with the flower rock monster or the soul-stirring eye, wouldn't it make them invincible?

Meteor had actually read a fan novel before where the protagonist had a ghost bonsai with this characteristic.

But after the fairy system appeared, its only weakness also appeared!
Although it is said that ten pieces of gold can defeat the dragon, Meteor always feels that the evil team of the fairy team has serious ability to target them.

Now the powerful attack power of Naughty has also fallen on this overlord flower rock monster!

The Overlord Flower Rock Monster was directly hit by Super Absol's attack, and its entire huge body was beaten dozens of times by Super Absol.

Then, Overlord Hua Yan smiled strangely and turned into mist and disappeared.

This is...a stand-in?
The true form of the overlord Huayan Monster appeared behind Super Absol.

Super Absol's extremely fast reflexes caused her to immediately turn around and face the overlord Huayan Monster head-on.

But the overlord Huayan Monster smiled sinisterly and threw his move.

The overlord Huayan Monster uses the immobilization method!

The body-fixing technique was originally called the stone transformation technique.

However, unlike the effect in the animation where the opponent is completely immobilized, the effect of the immobilization method actually makes the opponent unable to use the last move again for a short period of time.

That is, playfulness.

The overlord Huayan Monster has lived for countless years. He has a lot of experience and knows that the move of playing is the only fairy attack move that Absol can learn.

Even if he has evolved now, he shouldn't be able to learn anything more.

So as long as this move is blocked, the overlord Huayan Monster thinks that he can defeat Absol and the humans on her back in the next time the immobilization method takes effect!

But...the fact that the overlord Huayan Monster didn't know Super Absol became the only and biggest failure in his plan.

Because after the light of the Immobilization Technique fell on Super Absolu... it bounced back!

It re-selected its target and landed on the overlord Huayan Monster!
The immobilization method completely failed against Super Absol!

(End of this chapter)

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