Chapter 128
The beast never let go, and Asan even wanted to knock him out.

But Ah Da stopped Ah San.

Axiao looked at Xuanla who was crying and asked him what was going on?

The eldest brother has been called upon, but he has suddenly placed his position too low!

The three of them used to call Absol "Big Sister", but it was all because Absol took the initiative to raise them when they couldn't survive.

They haven't done anything now, but someone comes to call them "Big Brother"... It's really not used to them.

At this time, the other five beasts also came over.

Judging by their ages, they should be one pair of parents plus four children.

Among the children, only the one holding Ah San is male, and the other three are female.

After hearing Ada's question, the two old Xuanla spoke together.

Ada seemed to understand the situation.

There was another group of Xuanla who expanded their territory after their number increased. They expanded to their family and wanted to include them all.

But they don't want to be included... With their family's strength, if they join that large group of gangsters, they will only become the bottom members, and their lives will definitely not be as free as they are now.

Rejecting the family, the other party only gave them one choice. Unless they could defeat their leader tomorrow, their family's territory would not be preserved.

After all, they are an evil group, and they are still very fierce when pulling them.And here in Lanakila Mountain, there aren’t that many places on the mountainside that can produce enough food!

For the Xuanla ethnic group who intends to develop and grow, every place must be occupied.

It was just such an ultimatum that made the Xuan La family very anxious... The young male Xuan La was very panicked.He had already heard the name of the opponent's leader. It was a powerful Mahuola that had defeated the ice ghost guard coming down from the mountain. It was an opponent that he could not possibly defeat now!

The last remaining solution is for him to find the sharp claws and evolve into Mahuola before tomorrow. Only then will there be any possibility.

But this possibility also disappeared when he was defeated by Ah San and lost this sharp claw.He really didn't think he would be able to find another sharp claw before dark.

So, he chose to worship these three powerful Xuan La and Ma Xun La as his eldest brothers... I hope they can stand up for him!
However, after Ah Da, Er, Ah San found out that the number of the other party's Xuan La tribe was more than thirty, they immediately changed their faces.

No, no, Meteor said that if there are more than five, they will run away. Let them deal with thirty Xuanla and Mahuola?

Are you kidding me?
The smiling Ada stood up after shaking his head repeatedly and was about to leave.

But the kind of young man who doesn't want to give up will run over and hug his thigh, hoping that he won't let him go.

If he had used this trick on Ah Da first before, Ah Da would have been very happy.

Now... Ah Da jumped up, dodged Young Xuanla's "pounce", and kicked him back.

Even if you are miserable, this is not the reason for you to bully the weak and force us to help you.

As long as the young man can be tougher, Ah Da will not be so cruel, but... the other party is too useless.

In fact, the merger of species is not a big deal in A Da's eyes.

When there is enough food, they want to expand. When there is not enough food, the population splits. Ada and the others have seen too much since they were young.

This Xuanla family just doesn't want to give up their current relatively superior living conditions and become the most ordinary existence in a large group... This is not to demote them into slaves, nor is it that they are the only ones at the bottom, so Crying really makes Ah Da look down on her.

Ah Da didn't think that if he could show combat power beyond ordinary Xuanla when fighting the opponent's boss, the opponent would let him become just an ordinary member.

Let's go, let's not let this muddy water flow.

As Ah Da left, Ah Er and Ah San also followed.

Young Xuanla wanted to catch up, but when he saw the family behind him, he held back.

He can't be so cool!


"Why didn't I see that Ada was so decisive in making decisions before? He really listened to me!"

Meteor and Absol, who were flying in the sky, saw the whole process without disturbing the Xuan La people below.

When they arrived, the fight between Ah San and Young Xuan La had already ended, and it happened to be when Young Xuan La hugged Asan's thigh.

However, Meteor's evaluation of the Xuanla family is similar to Ada's, in that they are unwilling to give up their territory.

Otherwise, if you simply don’t want to join the other party’s group, then they can just run away now!
Even for such a long time, whenever he said that he would follow Ada and the others, Ada, [-], and [-] might take their whole family away.


"Of course I'm tempted! There's such a large group of beasts! But one bite won't make you fat. Even if I have high hopes for Ada and the others, I don't want them to bring back so many beasts for me right away!"

"And don't forget, Ah Da and the others have been conquered by me now. They are not wild elves but domestic elves! This Xuanla family is so weak that I didn't realize it, but for the wild elves who are strong enough, this taste is... The difference is huge.”

Generally speaking, quite a few wild elves don't like house elves.

"So in my imagination, even if Ah Da and the others want to form a population, they will still need to collect wild animals bit by bit that do not reject this. If they just form a group like this, the foundation will be too unstable!"

Absol understands what Meteor means. Although he likes things to be done as quickly as possible, he wants to do it on the basis that he cannot cut corners.

This is not only true on a physical level, but also on an emotional level.

It's just...a little troublesome.

"Let's go and meet Ada and the others! They should have nothing to do for the time being. We can go back to the interior of Lanakila Mountain and meet the elves we haven't seen for a long time."

Meteor still thinks of Vulpix, Mountain Rat, and Yukidouji... Unfortunately, Meteor has made up his mind not to conquer the elves in a short time!Otherwise, he thought these cute ice elves would be willing to go with him.

Absol didn't know what Meteor was thinking. Now she really wanted to meet the elves she was familiar with before.

Ah Da and the others were quickly caught up by Absolu... After all, they were flying, so it was easy to find them.

Ah Da and the others didn't think it was too weird when they saw the eldest sister falling from the sky with a meteor on her head.

Now if Meteor didn't stay with the eldest sister, they would be surprised!

Without mentioning what happened to the Xuanla family just now, Meteor just said that he would take them back to the inside of the mountain, and Ada and the others were happy.

Ah Er and Ah San raised the sharp claws they each received at the same time, thinking of receiving praise from Meteor.

But Meteor just didn't let them get what they wanted... He praised Ada for finding a good place with many sharp claws.

Ah Da was very happy to be praised, but Ah Er and Ah San looked at their eldest brother with very unkind expressions!
When we evolve into Mahuola tomorrow, let's see if you can still be so impressive!Looking at Ah Da, they were very beat Ah Da together after evolving.

Not only the back of the head but also the butt!

Ah Da, who is still happy now, doesn’t know what will happen tomorrow morning...

Absol understood it clearly.While she was thinking in her mind that Meteor was really bad, she asked Ah Er and Ah San to restrain themselves a little...but she did not remind Ah Da to pay attention. also bad enough.

Speaking of which, it hasn't been that long since Meteor left Mount Lanakila where he traveled through with Absol and the three beasts, but now that they have returned, everything has changed.

Meteor has become the king of the island, Absol has grown several times in size, Ah Da has evolved, Ah Er and Ah San are about to evolve...

There is quite a feeling that things are right and wrong.

But back inside Lanakila Mountain, Meteor's body emitted a warm, non-dazzling white light as before, and he once again became a moving light source.

At this time, Ah Da, Ah Er and Ah San were together again.

"Hong La Huo La!"


"Hongla, Mahuola!"

The three of them turned to look at Absol and noticed that she always had a smile on her face.

This made the three of them sigh together again.

The eldest sister really hasn’t changed from the beginning to the end!

"Stop talking nonsense!" Unlike last time, Meteor is now more proficient in using the power of light. Even if Ah Da, Er, Ah San whispered again, he still heard, "When you first met last time, didn't you also Arrange me like this?"

The three of them shook their heads rapidly at the same time, in unison, "Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurry!"

"I believe you ghosts!" Meteor said helplessly.

To Meteor and the others, there is a feeling that things are different, but to the elves living inside Lanakila Mountain, Meteor and the others have not left for long.

Meteor's story about pulling out a tree for Lada's family with his bare hands has been spread to all the elves living here.

The tree he planted in the middle of the road has become the common property of the elves living nearby. Elves from other places passing by wanted to pick a fruit to eat, but they were sternly rejected.

Of course, becoming common property was also a compromise reached after many elves fought continuously.

Whoever gets more and who wants less has a strict plan.

Except for Lada, no other elves agreed to split him up... unless he was willing to share the fruit tree in their nest.

But Lada was not stupid, and directly expressed her relinquishment of the ownership of the tree in the middle of the road... and then ran home to guard the precious fruit tree!
Therefore, the first thought of all the elves here when they see Meteor is to trick him back into his nest, exchange him with other things, and let him plant a tree in his nest!

In this way, they can have enough food and clothing without leaving home like Lada.

That was really envious of the other elves, who looked forward to the meteor's return instead of thinking about food and drink.

Now, the shooting star is back!

As a result, Meteor saw many treasures presented by the elves.

Although most of them look pretty and the elves like them, to Meteor they are just junk.

Just like the tattered human tents and expired healing potions...

But even so, after receiving these "valuable gifts", Meteor helped the elves plant trees one by one.

That's really no favoritism.

After all, this is the initial place where Meteor traveled to the Elf World. In addition, it is the place where Absolu and Xuan La grew up, so Meteor has already recognized it as his hometown in the Elf World.

So for the rural elders in his hometown, he can now be regarded as returning to his hometown in honor and glory, and the pomp will naturally be grand.

Not for himself, but also for Absolu and Xuanla.

Anyone can plant trees, as long as they have been given "valuable items", they will be planted regardless of whether they are really valuable or not.

Although it is still a basic orange fruit tree, it makes the elves even more grateful to Meteor!
Radha also ran out of the nest and asked Meteor to plant another tree at his house, but was undoubtedly boycotted by the other elves.

You already have one at home, it’s enough, don’t come and take our share.

The elves all think that elves can plant trees, but like the moves they use, there should be an upper limit. Maybe they won't be able to use them after arriving at someone's house.

So now that Lada’s family has a fruit tree, don’t continue to take advantage!
But then, Meteor suddenly did something that all the elves couldn't figure out.

He asked Absol to chop down the fruit tree in the middle of the road!

The small tree with all its fruits plucked was chopped into two halves by the whirlwind knife, and then it naturally turned into light and disappeared.

But before the elves could react, Meteor lifted up a bigger and thicker tree in place!

It's that kind of fruit tree...all the fruit that Meteor has eaten can grow on it.

All the elves who saw it were stunned!
"Let's share the fruit of this tree among everyone!" Meteor said.

The stunned elves nodded their heads together, lamenting that Meteor, a human, seemed even less human!
He did something that even elves like them couldn't do!
After finishing the fruit tree, Meteor followed the other elves to their nest... The elves living further away had also arrived, asking "Lord Meteor" to come to them to perform miracles.

After Meteor and the others left, the elves near the fruit tree gathered around.

Because this fruit tree is much larger than the previous orange fruit tree, they need to re-divide how much fruit each family can get!

But at this moment, Lada finally rushed out again.

He looked at the big tree and drooled, indicating that they also wanted a share.

The other elves sternly rejected Radha.

After all, it was Rada who had said before that she had given up the ownership of the fruit tree in the middle of the road.

Radha was dumbfounded, and then quickly exploded!He was referring to the small tree, not this big tree!
But the other elves united to prevent the Radha family from joining... at least they had to make him suffer a little before joining, otherwise there would be nowhere to vent the frustration he had shown for so long!

(End of this chapter)

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