Start as King of the Alola Islands

Chapter 106 The continued big test

Chapter 106 The continued big test
(Two in one, please subscribe automatically!)
"Come on, Charizard!" Kasana waved forward enthusiastically, "Will-o'-the-wisp!"

Meteor almost jumped to his waist because of Kasana's words.

Acting so grandly, but using will-o'-the-wisp... How afraid is your Charizard of the Firemonkey's outbreak?
However, Meteor also gave the order almost at the same time, "Hold!"

Originally, in singles, the characteristics of the Firestorm Monkey were not so easy to trigger. Now, of course, you have to guard against the opponent's dirty tricks.

Hold on for the first round and see what happens.

The black-red will-o'-the-wisps emitted by the fire-breathing dragon were bounced away after hitting the green protective cover.

Nothing happened in the first round.

But even if nothing happens, it seems that the Firestorm Monkey is at a disadvantage.

Because continuous use will reduce the success rate.

So after seeing Firestorm Monkey use Guard, Kasana's eyes lit up and she directly chose the move at the bottom of the box, "Charizard, let him see the trick we prepared for him!"


The fire-breathing dragon flew into the sky in one breath, and then fell straight to the ground. It suddenly flew out on a trajectory close to a ninety-degree right angle close to the ground, and flew straight towards the fire storm monkey.

With its ultra-high speed, there is no way to dodge it. Even though the Firestorm Monkey has seen some traces of the fire-breathing dragon, it can't avoid the damage of this move at all... Yan Hui, who is bound to hit, is so unreasonable.

boom!A very fierce attack, the big wings of the Charizard directly hit the center of the Firestorm Monkey's body, making the Firestorm Monkey fly!

But the Firestorm Monkey did not lose its fighting ability... After all, Yan Hui's own power was not particularly high. Although the Firestorm Monkey's physical strength quickly bottomed out, he still managed to hold on.

And he fought back!
Thunder Fist!
The firestorm monkey's flashing fist hit the fire-breathing dragon directly in the face with his greatest strength.

The huge kinetic energy even offset the impact of the fire-breathing dragon Yan Hui, and even caused the fire-breathing dragon to fly backwards.

But it was also double damage, and Charizard also managed to hold on.

Charizard didn't fall down. He almost stood up together with the Firestorm Monkey who fell to the ground.

The physical strength of the two of them has almost fallen below the critical value. Whoever is slapped by the other party will inevitably fall.

But the fire-breathing dragon and the fire-storming monkey looked at each other, not daring to relax for a moment.

And their trainers, whether it is Kasana or Meteor, have actually taken out their elf balls...

Normally, you should replace them now, and then borrow the power of other elves who can control skills first to take the opponent away.

But... neither Meteor nor Kasana took any action.

This is already an important battle between Charizard and Firestorm Monkey, and no one else should disturb it.

Charizard understood what she was thinking without getting any further orders from Cassana.

In extreme excitement, Charizard chose the move he wanted to use.

Dragon's Dive!

Although Charizard's main attribute is fire, his best and favorite attribute is still the Dragon attribute!

However, the Firestorm Monkey has known this for a long time.

I even blocked your dragon type Z move!


The aura all over his body became violent, and the Firestorm Monkey's eyes turned red.

Make a fuss!
A powerful normal attack, the Firestorm Monkey is running straight towards the Charizard!

The two faced each other again, and in full view of the public, they collided again without any fancy... It was like the first battle before they evolved.

After the collision, the two elves were knocked away from each other and fell directly to the ground... each other's eyes turned into whirlpools.

Hehe, he was obviously full of heroic spirit just now, but after losing his fighting ability, he became a ghost.

Elves are so interesting!
"Charizard and Firestorm Monkey have lost their ability to fight at the same time! Please both sides release the next elf again!" Saki announced.

It was a very exciting and exciting battle, and everyone who watched it felt very excited.

But at this time, while taking back the Firestorm Monkey, Meteor started arguing with Kasana.

"The first time I won, the last two times were draws!" Meteor smiled and said to Kasana, "It seems that my Firestorm Monkey is more powerful! What do you think, Kasana?"

"Oh? Shouldn't it be said that your Fire Monkey doesn't get stronger as fast as Charizard? Did he catch up with Charizard?" Kasana is a loser rather than a loser, and she is also very good at talking. "Just wait and see next time! My Charizard will easily defeat your Firemonkey!"

"Oh? So confident! Then I'll wait and see!" Meteor took out the second elf ball, "Then the next step is the second round! Come on, continue!"

"Come on, I'm afraid of you!"

The two of them took out the elves at the same time.

"Come on, Raichu!"

"It's your turn, Ah Er!"

After the red light of the elf ball disappeared, the two high-speed elves, Raichu and Xuanla, appeared on the field.

It seems that Meteor and Kasana have the same idea, and they want to start racing for speed!
But Raichu's speed doesn't seem to be as fast as that of Xuan La!

Kasana's Raichu is a Raichu from the Alola region. Its attributes are electric and super, and it's even restrained in terms of attributes.

This is really uncomfortable.

Cassana is indeed feeling very uncomfortable right now... Raichu's physical strength is not as high as that of Charizard. If he is hit by the restrained evil spirit, he will basically die.

So without much hesitation, Kasana directly took back Raichu.

Meteor smiled... If it weren't for Xuan La who didn't know how to pursue this inherited skill, how could your Raichu be able to withdraw it so easily.

But even if you take it back, the elf who replaces you will still be affected by this move.

Icicle crash!

The condensed icicles directly hit Chenglong who had just replaced him.

As soon as Chenglong's beautiful voice appeared, he let out a scream of unbearable pain.

Meteor won't show mercy to her... Why would this dragon ride be a male?Moreover, the ice element has four times the resistance against Chenglong. This guy is just yelling randomly to win the sympathy of the audience.

But Kasana must have judged Xuan La's attributes so she didn't release other elves.

After all, both Gala Gala and Crossed Bat will be restrained by one of Xunla's attributes just like Raichu, and only by riding a dragon can they resist them all!

Meteor could see that Kasana's dragon was very powerful, even stronger than her fire-breathing dragon. It seemed that it was originally a powerful elf in the wild, but it was willing to follow Kasana.

Therefore, although Kasana felt distressed at this moment, she shouted very confidently, "Chenglong, kill Xuan La!"

They didn't give him any orders to move, allowing Chenglong to perform freely.

"La la la~"

Chenglong's voice was like singing, and he shouted at Xuan La, and a lot of water splashed out from under him. "Hongla," Meteor said quickly, "It's a sunny day!"

Xuan La's originally anxious expression calmed down after hearing Meteor's words. He condensed a fireball with his hands, and then threw it into the sky before the dragon attack arrived.

A sun appeared in the sky.

The power of the surf completed by Chenglong's concentration was immediately reduced by half under the sunny sky.

Even if it rushed to Xuan La, he did not suffer much damage.

On a sunny day, it has the effect of halving the damage of water attacks.

Xuan La looked very crazy from this!

Under Meteor's command, he once again used the icicle drop attack on Chenglong.

The power of ice skills will not be weakened in sunny weather...

But at this moment, something happened that even Meteor didn't expect.

The sharp horn in front of Chenglong's forehead shone brilliantly, and then while the water on the ground was still wet, he quickly moved in front of Xuan La, and hit Xuan La with a horizontal move with the sharp horn.

And Xuan La's originally arrogant expression suddenly solidified!
He fell directly to the ground and lost the ability to fight.

Meteor really didn't expect this to happen.

Chenglong actually has the ability to defeat Xuan La with one move... Is this a horn drill?A horn drill that kills with one hit?
Or maybe it's the insect-type ultimate move, Super Horn Strike?
I have never seen these two moves of meteors, so I am not sure what they are.

But now that it has been exposed, Meteor will remember it, so he will naturally not let this happen again.


"It's your place! Forgive me!" Meteor looked at Absol next to him, "Go! It's my first official test, and you should also be there!"

Meteor did some calculations and found that, not counting the overlord elf, the only elf that could compete with the dragon riding dragon was Absol!

Absol nodded and jumped directly into the battlefield.

However, Meteor's behavior shocked Kasana.

"Wait a minute!" Kasana immediately protested, "Wait a minute, Meteor, didn't you say you wouldn't let the Overlord Elf play?"

In the eyes of outsiders, Absol, who has an aura and is several times larger than other Absol, is undoubtedly a dominant elf.Not only Kasana and Saki, but also the members of Team Skeleton thought so.

Meteor's behavior was undoubtedly a slap in the face and violated his previous promise.

But the shooting star at this moment is indeed plausible.

"Don't get me wrong, my Absol is just bigger, and the white light on her body is not an aura. She is not an overlord elf!" Meteor pointed at Chenglong and said to Kasanna, "If you don't believe me, ask your Chengdu Dragon! She should have seen many overlord elves, and she must be able to tell the difference between the two."

The battle stopped here for a while, and Meteor's act of letting Absol play caused quite a problem.

Chenglong heard that he was called, and with Kasana's consent, he crawled to Absolu's side and looked around, then went back and shook his head at Kasana.

"La la la~"

Although Kasana couldn't understand Chenglong's words, she knew his conclusion by looking at his body language and couldn't help but be shocked.

Hmm~ I didn’t expect that Absol was not the overlord elf!
Not only Kasana and Saki, but also the teammates of Team Skull were also talking about it.

But since you are not the overlord, you can freely play!

Kasana no longer thinks there is anything to be afraid of!
Her dragon ride can definitely defeat this big Absol.

But Meteor's next attack was unexpected.

"Absolu, one hundred thousand volts!"

"Chenglong, hold on!" Kasana shouted hurriedly.

It's really strange, why does Absol want to learn [-] volts?Isn't Absol good at physical attacks?

When it comes to what type of attack Chenglong is most afraid of, the electric type is definitely the most feared.

Although this is not the only weakness of Chenglong, Kasana's Chenglong is more afraid of electricity.

Therefore, Kasana thought for a while, replaced Chenglong, and called Raichu out to bear the damage.

When one hundred thousand volts hit Raichu, the damage would be very low.

Then Kasana asked Raichu to use a very representative move!
"Raichu, Electric Field!"

Raichu is now faster than Absol, and when he wants to use his skills, Absol cannot interrupt him.

But Absol didn't interrupt him this time. She used Sword Dance.

Absol danced to increase his power, and Raichu sent out a large amount of electrical power in all directions.

The entire front hall was filled with electricity!

Using the electric field in the front hall of the Harvest Ruins... I have to say that Kasana is really brave!
But that's what makes it interesting.

The effect of the electric field is that all elves on the ground will not fall into sleep, and the damage of electric moves is increased by half.

In addition, there is another reason for Raichu to use this move... Raichu in the Alola region has the characteristic of Surf Tail, which has the effect of doubling the speed on the electric field!
Sure enough, when facing Xuan La just now, there was an electrical field on the ground, so Raichu didn't have to run away.

Now that Raichu has gained an absolute speed advantage, Kasana couldn't help but issue an attack command, "One hundred thousand volts!"

So the next second, an elf was unable to resist and was knocked away.

Sorry, it was not Absol who was knocked away, but Raichu.

As soon as this Raichu jumped on his tail to fly up and attack, Absol knocked him away.

Because the move used by Absol is a surprise attack!

When the opponent wants to attack, you can take action in advance. If you don't attack, the use will fail.

Meteor originally thought that this guessing skill selection would last for a while, but he didn't expect that Kasana would directly let Raichu attack.

Kasana didn't seem to think of using electromagnetic waves to paralyze Absol first, but just wanted to electrocute Absol.

As a result, Raichu, who was directly attacked by Absol after the sword dance, lost his ability to fight.

Therefore, Kasana, who was originally happy, froze before the smile on her face disappeared.

Her Raichu was defeated?
Just for a moment?
Looking at the fainted Raichu, Kasana felt aggrieved for no reason... It was the feeling that she had finally saved up her ultimate move, but it was stolen before she could use it.

So aggrieved!

There was really no room for compromise... But looking at Meteor praising Absol, Kasana's desire not to lose became even stronger!

She wants to win!To defeat the meteor!
"Transform into a hidden dragon! Kill her!" Cassana shouted, "Autosuggestion!"

(End of this chapter)

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