
Chapter 76 The Orchid Heart

Chapter 76 The Orchid Heart
Jin Lian'er sneered when she heard Yin Xiaoxiao shamelessly beautifying herself.A concubine who is not worthy of publicity will be petty in everything she does.You keep saying 'lively and active', shameless!
Just as he was secretly cursing Yin Xiaoxiao for being shameless, a kind voice came from over there.
"Why are you paying attention? Ai Jia likes how lively and bouncing this girl is. Ai Jia feels like she is several years younger just by looking at her!"
Hearing this, everyone followed the sound and saw that the speaker was actually the Queen Mother Shangguan!
She was dressed in casual clothes, taking off her usual heavy jewelry and even the armor on her hands.At this moment, she was being helped by Zhongnan Hou Ouyang Mingxuan and Princess Jun Ruoxue, looking at Yin Xiaoxiao with an embarrassed look on her face.
Also coming with her were Emperor Jun Moyan, Queen Jin Miaoer, and Imperial Concubine Chen Qing.
A group of ministers and family members knelt down and greeted the visitors one by one, "I have seen the emperor, long live the emperor! I have seen the empress dowager, and the empress dowager is a thousand years old! I have seen... "
Before everyone could finish greeting each other, the Shangguan Queen Mother waved for everyone to stop.Listening to this nonsense every day would make anyone tired of listening to it!If it is really because these ministers shouted "Long live a thousand lives" every day, then why did the late emperor die?Why did Emperor Taizu die?
If you have to shout according to the rules in the palace, then just shout.Now that you are outside the palace, what else do you call her?
He interrupted everyone's greetings impatiently and said in a kind voice: "Okay, let's get up! There are not so many vulgar rules outside the palace."
Everyone thanked the Shangguan Queen Mother and stood up one after another.
Yin Xiaoxiao raised her head and glanced at the Shangguan Queen Mother who was smiling slightly, and found that the old man's eyes flickered when he looked at her, and there was a strange emotion mixed in it.Yin Xiaoxiao frowned. She had no contact with the Queen Mother Shangguan. Why did the Queen Mother Shangguan look at her with such a strange look?
The Queen Mother Shangguan was not angry when she saw Yin Xiaoxiao looking directly at her boldly, and walked up to Yin Xiaoxiao with a smile.
"Is this your girl the one who played the lyre at the palace banquet that day?" Shangguan Queen Mother asked in a loud voice.
Yin Xiaoxiao looked at the Queen Mother Shangguan, and glanced at Ouyang Mingxuan who was supporting her.Ouyang Mingxuan blinked at Yin Xiaoxiao, looking very cunning.
Yin Xiaoxiao despised him secretly, but calmly turned his gaze back to the Shangguan Queen Mother's face, and replied politely and cautiously: "As for the Queen Mother, I am not a talented concubine. She is the one who plays the lyre!"
The Empress Dowager Shangguan nodded, "Yes! She is indeed a beautiful girl with a pure heart and a delicate heart. That day you were dressed in men's clothes and looked very handsome. Now that you are dressed as a daughter, you are much more charming."
Yin Xiao was sweating violently. Was Shangguan the Queen Mother praising her?Is it too much to boast?I really want to ask, which of the Shangguan Queen Mother's eyes saw her beautiful and charming heart?
In doubt, the Queen Mother Shangguan spoke again, and directly dropped a bombshell.
She discussed with Jun Mo who was holding Zhen Yuyan's hand behind Yin Xiaoxiao and said with kind eyes: "Prince Lian, the Ai family really likes your little lady. Let her ride in the same carriage with the Ai family to relieve the Ai family's boredom. How are you doing?"
Yin Xiaoxiao admitted that he was just lucky!
Isn't that right? With one word from the Queen Mother Shangguan, she became the object of everyone's envy, jealousy and hatred. Under the baptism of everyone's adoring gazes, she majestically stepped onto the magnificent, spacious and soft carriage of the Queen Mother Shangguan.
Sitting in the carriage with them, in addition to Yin Xiaoxiao, were Princess Jun Ruoxue, Zhongnan Marquis Ouyang Mingxuan, and Xiaoyao Prince Mo Shao.It can be seen that the emperor and the Queen Mother Shangguan had great trust in Ouyang Mingxuan, and entrusted the protection of Queen Mother Shangguan to Ouyang Mingxuan.
Jun Mo watched Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan get on the Shangguan Queen Mother's carriage one after another, his fists clenched tightly under his long sleeves.Why do I feel like something has been stolen? I feel very irritated!
He secretly comforted himself in his heart that it was the Queen Mother Shangguan who liked Yin Xiaoxiao too much, so that stupid woman was lucky enough to ride in the Queen Mother Shangguan's carriage.And with the Empress Dowager Shangguan and Princess Jun Ruoxue in the carriage, Ouyang Mingxuan and Jun Moshao wouldn't do anything to Yin Xiaoxiao.
With an indescribable strange emotion, Jun Moyin, Jin Lian'er, and Zhen Yuyan got into their carriage.
After a while, the traveling team set off in great force!
The carriage ridden by Jun Moyan, the Queen, and the Imperial Concubine was at the front, followed closely by the Queen Mother's carriage, followed by the carriages ridden by Prince Lian, Jun Moyin, Minister Wen Yipin, and others.
As for the military attache like Lei Jingting, he was riding a tall horse with great grace, breathing fresh air and running at the front of the team to lead the way.
Yin Xiaoxiao sat in the carriage, envious of the military attachés who rode tall horses like Lei Jingting.It feels so good to run so fast!How nice would it be if she could go out for a run?
"Your girl's name is Xiaoxiao, right?" In the carriage, Queen Mother Shangguan suddenly spoke.
Yin Xiaoxiao's thoughts turned around and she nodded gently, "To the Queen Mother, my concubine's name is Xiaoxiao!"
The Empress Dowager Shangguan smiled lightly and said: "Let's just go out and have fun. You don't need to be restrained, and you don't have to call yourself 'concubine' every time. Just call yourself Xiaoxiao."
Yin Xiaoxin felt warm, this Shangguan Queen Mother was really a kind person!
She pursed her lips and smiled. She stopped pretending and thanked her generously: "Xiao Xiao, I would like to thank the Queen Mother for her kindness!"
In fact, she really doesn't like to call herself a 'concubine'!
"Xiaoxiao, I heard from fifth brother that you are good at telling jokes, right?" On this side, Yin Xiaoxiao thanked the Queen Mother Shangguan, and Princess Ruoxue opened her mouth with a smile.
Yin Xiaoxiao blinked, feeling a fuzzy feeling in his heart.Jun Ruoxue is a princess, Jun Moyin's imperial sister. Even if she is just Jun Moyin's concubine and not worthy of being called the imperial sister-in-law, then Jun Ruoxue should at least call her 'Mrs. Yin' Bar?
With a sly grin on her lips, Yin Xiaoxiao replied awkwardly: "Reply to the princess..."
"Hey, you can just call me Ruoxue. What kind of princess are you? Mother just said that we don't have to follow those vulgar rules when we go out to play!" Yin Xiaoxiao's words were interrupted by Jun Ruoxue.
Jun Ruoxue is one year younger than Yin Xiaoxiao, and is fifteen years old, which is the age when she is naughty and rebellious!
When Yin Xiaoxiao heard what Jun Ruoxue said, she thought that since everyone was so free and easy, she should adapt as soon as possible, so she smiled and called out, "Well, Ruo... Ruoxue!"
Jun Ruoxue smiled and nodded, "That's right! That's great."
After a pause, he urged: "Xiaoxiao, please tell my mother and I two jokes! Otherwise, we will be bored to death!"
The corner of Yin Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, "Tell... tell a joke? But..."
Seeing Yin Xiaoxiao hesitating, Jun Moshao patted her on the shoulder and encouraged her: "But what? You made me laugh when you told a joke. I gave you the joke about the ant and the elephant that you told last time." When my mother told Ruoxue, they all said it was interesting! Tell me a few more, I want to hear it too."
It turned out that when Yin Xiaoxiao and Jun Moshao were friends, they often talked nonsense in the north wing.Sometimes we talk about soul summoning and the Five Elements Eight Diagrams, sometimes we talk about all kinds of interesting things and make each other laugh.At that time, Yin Xiaoxiao told Jun Moshao a set of ant and elephant jokes that were popular on the Internet, but Jun Moshao was so amused that he told them to everyone he met!
Yin Xiaoxiao looked at the Empress Dowager Shangguan and saw that she really looked curious and wanted to hear it. Then she boldly cleared her throat and started telling the story slowly.
In order to make it easier for Queen Mother Shangguan to understand, Yin Xiaoxiao removed all modern terminology when telling jokes——
"The story goes that snakes, ants, spiders, centipedes and several other small animals went to the bathhouse to take a bath together. After taking off their clothes and soaking in the water, they felt bored and wanted to buy something to eat.
The snake said: 'I have no legs, I won't go, let the ants go. '
The ant said: 'The spider has eight legs, which are more than mine. Let the spider go. '
When the spider heard this, he pointed at the centipede, which was all legs, and said, "No matter how many legs I have, I can't compare to Brother Centipede. Let Brother Centipede go." '
The centipede was helpless, thinking: 'Hey, there is no way, who told me that I really have many legs? '
Just like that, the centipede climbed out of the pool to buy food.An hour later, no one saw the centipede come back.Two hours later, we still didn't see Centipede come back from buying food.So the snake and the ant asked the spider to go out and take a look. As soon as the spider went out, they saw the centipede sitting at the door.
Spider was very angry when he saw Centipede sitting outside the bathhouse door, and asked angrily: "Brother Centipede, why don't you go buy something to eat?"Everyone is waiting! '
Seeing that the spider was anxious, the centipede became anxious and replied in an unhappy tone: 'Nonsense!You think I don't want to go buy food, you have to wait until I put on my shoes before I can go, right? "
After Yin Xiaoxiao finished speaking, he found that no one was laughing.Okay, she admits she told a bad joke.
"Ah haha! It's really interesting!" Just when Yin Xiaoxiao despised the popularity of her own jokes in her heart, Shangguan Queen Mother and Jun Ruoxue burst into laughter one after another.It's absolutely hilarious and not reserved at all!
Yin Xiaoxiao's aversion to cold, is it really...funny?He glanced at Ouyang Mingxuan, who was sitting across from him, and saw that the other person was waving a feather fan in a calm manner, clearly saying the word "not funny".
Phew, I knew it wasn’t funny. Ouyang Mingxuan’s laughing point was so low that she didn’t even laugh. Her ability to tell jokes has deteriorated, ho ho...
"Xiao Xiao, tell me one more thing, it's so interesting!" Jun Ruoxue urged.
Yin Xiaoxiao felt like she was bursting into tears when she heard Jun Ruoxue's urging.She thought that Jun Ruoxue must be too old-fashioned and pedantic to make her laugh like this at such an ordinary joke without any sense of humor. It was so powerful!
However, even if it is a cold joke, as long as someone is willing to support it, Yin Xiaoxiao is very happy to continue telling it. It is much better than sitting in a carriage and being bored, right?
Tilting his head, Yin Xiaoxiao thought for a moment and continued: "A farmer, with his pet dog and a few piglets, prepared to sell them in the county town. On the way, he met a young lady who stopped the car and wanted the farmer to take her. As soon as they entered the county town, the farmer saw that the young lady was pretty, so he became lustful and agreed.
The farmer was very dishonest on the way, waving his whip with one hand while driving, and always groping the little lady's legs with the other.The young lady angrily rebuked her, and the farmer threatened her fiercely: "Are you going to let me touch her?"If you don't let me touch you, just roll off. '
When the young lady heard this, she immediately jumped out of the car.The driver was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger, so he threw the pet dog lying on his side to the back of the carriage.After walking for a while, the coachman suddenly noticed that the little piggies in the car behind him jumped out of the car one after another, which was strange.
So the driver stopped to check what was going on.At this time, there was only one Piggy and the pet dog left in the trunk, but the pet dog was heard angrily roaring at the only Piggy in the trunk: 'You are the only one left. Think clearly.Will you let me touch it or not?If you don't let me touch you, just roll off like those piggies. 'Hahaha! "
After Yin Xiaoxiao finished speaking, he laughed narcissistically.Even if it's a cold joke, this one is a classic among cold jokes. At least Yin Xiaoxiao himself laughed out loud the first time he heard it.
(End of this chapter)

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