Dashan Orchard 1988

Chapter 178 The Beast on the Mountain

Chapter 178 The Beast on the Mountain
Li Muyang had a restless sleep all night.

I kept hearing the sounds of wild beasts.

Thinking of Wang Tianxiao saying that it was difficult to see wild beasts here, he didn't know whether it was an auditory hallucination or something really barking.

I try not to think about it in my mind, but it’s hard to do it consciously.

Wang Tianxiao slept very comfortably.When I woke up the next day, I felt refreshed, energetic and motivated.

"Brother Wang, did you hear anything last night?"

"Voice?" Wang Tianxiao shook his head strangely.

"No, I don't think I heard anything. Is there any sound?"

"It feels like there is some kind of sound, but I can't be sure. It sounds like whining. Well, maybe it's the wind, or the sound of some bird."

"Oh, that's not impossible. Many birds in the mountains are nocturnal. They come out to hunt at night. It's also possible that the little ones come out to mate at night. This season is an important time for them to mate.

But don't worry.We are now at the east peak of Yangziling. There is nothing dangerous here.

Oh, by the way, I also want to tell you, let’s not stay at the East Peak today, let’s go to the West Peak. "

"Going to Xifeng? Didn't you say it's dangerous over there?"

"Oh, danger is relative. I'm just saying that I'm afraid it's a little dangerous, but during the day, it shouldn't be a big deal.

You also saw that our efficiency dropped yesterday.

Well, we have almost dug out what we should dig here. If we continue like this, we can still find some, but the speed is too slow after all, right?
We can't stay on the mountain all day, so I thought, let's go to the west peak today.

Few people go there, and the quality of the medicinal materials is relatively good. Well, not only are they plentiful, but they can also be sold at a good price. "

Li Muyang lowered his head and thought for a while.

Although he said that everything is based on stability, and it is of course better to make money steadily.

But what Wang Tianxiao said makes sense. There really isn't much here. He also noticed this when he was digging yesterday.

You can get enough if you dig hard here, but it will take longer.It has been four days since he came out, and today is the fifth day. If he continues to spend more time, it will indeed take a long time.

"Well, that's okay, just follow Brother Wang's advice. We will go to Xifeng today, but over there, you can take more care of me.

You are a master in the mountains, I haven't experienced those things yet.If something happens, you should promptly guide me on what to do. "

"Haha, don't take it too seriously, I told you, the danger is all relative.

You said there's nothing dangerous about doing this, right?
Then you might fall down even while walking on the road, right?Isn’t it possible to fall if you fall?

So, if people don’t dare to take any risks, then they won’t be able to accomplish anything, right? "

"Yes, that's the truth. Anyway, I just have to listen to you. I am your primary school student and apprentice. I just obey your orders in everything."

"Why are you so polite? We came together to help each other.

Don't worry, since I told you, you won't have any problems.

Not to mention Yangziling, I was in Mengbaling before, or even Heixiaziling, it doesn't matter.I have chased black bears and leopards, not to mention a little thing here. "

When it comes to Wang Tianxiao's professional field, he can't help but feel proud despite his modesty.


While the two were talking, Coyotito woke up.Inexplicably, he whined a few times at Wang Tianxiao.

He grinned, as if he was always hostile to Wang Tianxiao, but he was very close to Li Muyang, and he wanted to rub his little head on Li Muyang's leg.

"Look at it. I think this guy just looks down on people. I didn't offend him, so why do you think he is so mean to me?"

Wang Tianxiao looked at Coyotito and couldn't laugh or cry.

He thought to himself that he had not offended this little guy.Inexplicably, she kept shouting at him.

You just have to say that he is not a person who likes small animals. He also likes dogs very much and has several dogs at home.

When I was working as a ranger in the mountains, I walked with my mountain dog in the mountains every day, and my relationship with the dog was quite harmonious.

Why can't I deal with this guy?

Li Muyang was also confused about this.

Anyway, Coyotito likes him for no reason, so just follow him.

Well, I will take him home and raise him well when I go back.

He believes that these things are spiritual.

It's not just a beast. If you raise it well, it's actually no different from a human friend.

He even sometimes feels that it is precisely because dogs cannot speak.They sometimes do better than people in action.

They just want to use their actions to tell people that they are actually very good to people and have deep feelings with them.

What's more, he feels that some people's consciences are worse than those of dogs.

After the two of them finished cleaning up.Just continue walking west along the mountain road.

Prepare to climb over the top of Yangziling and then reach Xifeng.

The location they are currently in is actually not far from the top of the mountain. It seems that they should be able to reach the top of the mountain quickly, but it is not easy to actually walk.

After all, there are no well-trodden roads here.

It's a mountain trail, but actually you have to open it yourself, and it's not very easy to walk on, as the slope is quite steep.If one of them is not careful, they may slide down, so the two of them are not very fast.

At about seven o'clock in the morning, the two people came to the top of the mountain, and the sun was just coming out of the mountain.

Standing on the ridge.You can immediately feel the wind blowing from the west, which is very cool.

Behind him is the morning sun rising in the east.

Li Muyang thought this scene was beautiful.However, he is uneducated and cannot express himself.Well, think about it, if my son were here, he would definitely take the opportunity to say some sad poems.

Yangziling is a Xiazi mountain.The slope of the east peak is relatively gentle.But once you get to the west, the slope becomes very steep, and it looks like it's at least [-] or [-] degrees by visual inspection.

"Brother Shepherd, when you walk here, watch your feet carefully and walk slower.

Every step must be taken seriously.

If you slide down here directly, you will fall to Mengbaling. The height of Mengbaling is lower than that of Yangziling. Well, there is a drop of about tens of meters.

No, there is a height difference of hundreds of meters at the deepest point. Once it falls, the consequences will be disastrous.We can do it slowly, don't be too hasty, these things are here anyway.You can't run away, right? "

"Ok, I know."


The puppy was also whining beside him, as if he understood what Wang Tianxiao said.

"Okay, then let's continue to look for each other separately, but let's not leave each other's sight today, you know.

You should at least be able to see me all the time.

Well, in this case, if any problem arises, I can rush over as soon as possible.

Again, if you encounter something unfamiliar or in danger, don't panic. This is what happens with these things in the mountains. The more panic you have, the more timid you will appear, and the more powerful they will become.

To put it bluntly, we definitely can't outrun them in the mountains, but that doesn't mean we can't defeat them. "

Wang Tianxiao shook the shotgun on his shoulder. Ever since he went up the mountain, the shotgun had been slung on his shoulder during the day. It was also placed next to his hand when sleeping at night, so he could pick it up at any time.He always maintained the awareness and sensitivity of an old ranger.

This is completely different from the honest look he had when selling eggs in Qingquan Town.

As he said, Li Muyang obeyed Wang Tianxiao's arrangements in everything. This was Wang Tianxiao's home court.There is nothing wrong with listening more to others and seeing what others do.

The two people kept a distance of less than 100 meters and searched separately.

Like points on two parallel lines.

Soon, Li Muyang discovered that Wang Tianxiao was right. The red qi here was taller and larger than that in Dongfeng, making it easier to find.

He saw that Wang Tianxiao had started digging there, so he started digging too.

Before you know it, a few hours have passed.

He has already dug at least five or six kilograms, maybe seven or eight kilograms, which can be considered fruitful. If he keeps digging like this, he might be able to dig more than 20 kilograms today.


The little dog who had been running around and playing next to him suddenly whined and grinned, as if he was very unhappy.

Li Muyang thought he was joking at first and didn't pay attention. After the puppy state lasted for several minutes, he followed Coyotito's gaze.

I found three small shadows standing on the mountain ridge a few hundred meters away.

No, he soon discovered that those shadows were not small, but seemed so small because they were a little far away.

In fact, it may be quite large.

Li Muyang's eyesight was very good. He took a closer look and found that they were three things that looked a bit like wolves and a bit like dogs.

Could it be a wolf?
He was very surprised and panicked for a moment.

Except for well-trained hunters or people like Wang Tianxiao who often walk in the mountains, most people are still very afraid of wolves when they hear them.

After all, all the stories about wolves are that wolves can eat people.

Li Muyang felt that if he met a wolf one-on-one, if the wolf looked similar to a dog, he should be able to deal with it, but if three wolves came at the same time, he would definitely have no chance of winning.

The toughness of carnivores is due to natural selection.

He was not arrogant and thought that he was strong enough to kill three wolves by himself.

He stared at the three shadows over there, slowly put the red qi at hand into the bag, and tried not to make big movements as he gradually approached Wang Tianxiao.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Tianxiao was digging for red qi and was a little curious when he saw Li Muyang coming over. Didn't the two of them agree to separate?

"Brother Wang, what do you see over there?"

Wang Tianxiao looked in the direction Li Muyang pointed.After studying it for a long time.There was a confused look on his face.This expression.He shook his head and said, "What, it's nothing. I didn't see anything."


Li Muyang looked at the three things in surprise.

It's so obvious, how could you not see it?Coyotito also saw it.

Suddenly, he suddenly realized that maybe he and Gouzi both had better eyesight, but Wang Tianxiao's eyesight was not that good.

"There seem to be three things on the top of the mountain over there. I look like a wolf."

"is it?"

Wang Tianxiao was dubious.

He made a tube shape with his hands and looked towards the top of the mountain again.Finally seeing the three little things, his expression became serious.

"It's impossible. How could night wolves appear in this place? Why are they running up to this mountain in broad daylight?"

"What should we do? Should we return to the East Peak now?"

Wang Tianxiao shook his head. "Don't worry, we'll talk about it later. It doesn't matter if there are only three wolves. They don't dare to come.

Besides, it was so far away that I couldn’t tell whether it was a wolf or a jackal.

"You mean jackal?"

"Yes," Wang Tianxiao nodded.

"Compared to wolves, well, jackals are more likely to appear in Yangziling. There are more jackals, and they tend to come out in groups.

Although wolves live in groups, after all, our side is Yangziling, not Xiongxiaziling.

There are too few things here to support a pack of wolves.If there were several wolves at the same time, everything here would be eaten up.

I think, well, if it's not a wolf scurrying over, it's probably a jackal. "

"But I remember what you said. Aren't these things afraid of people? Why are they standing there, looking at us. Are they looking for companions and preparing to besiege us soon?"

Li Muyang was full of worries.

"It should be unlikely."

Wang Tianxiao shook his head and stared over there with squinted eyes, "Don't underestimate the intelligence of these things. They hunt, just like we do business. There are risks and rewards.

They have many simpler and safer options than hunting humans.

There is no problem with what I said.

Unless you're hungry.They won't attack people at all if they look serious or if it's absolutely necessary.

Besides, even if they really can't help it, they will choose to do it at night. How could they think of messing with us in broad daylight under the sun?I think they must have other reasons. "

Now that Wang Tianxiao has said so, Li Muyang can't continue to say anything.

Continue to engage in the work of digging red qi.

But after all, there was danger in the distance, so the two never separated and kept moving forward in sync.

Just as Wang Tianxiao said, the three beasts on the top of the mountain did not come over.

Instead, he squatted on the top of the mountain and watched from a distance.

It didn't disappear until it was almost dark.

"What are we going to do tonight?"

Li Muyang looked at the top of the mountain where the beast disappeared, still worried.

Humans do not have the ability to see at night, but most canine and feline animals do.

If the other party's plan is to wait until night to take action, then it is really an effective attack on human weakness.

Wang Tianxiao hesitated for a moment, "Let's go back to the East Peak. Let's try to stand on the top of the mountain and be in a favorable position.

If these beasts occupy the high ground, then once something happens, we won't be able to run away, and we won't be able to defend...

Haha, don't be so nervous, this is just in case.

If I look at it, nothing will happen. "

Wang Tianxiao looked at Li Muyang's tense expression and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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