Dashan Orchard 1988

Chapter 132 Husband, why are you so good?

Chapter 132 Husband, why are you so good?

"Cuckoo cuckoo~"

Zhao Tianxiang took a few more sips of beer and continued:
"Just tell me, we are all in our thirties, and now we don't even have a house of our own. It's okay for the couple, but now Fangfang is seven years old and has been living with her parents. It's inconvenient for children. ?”

"That's true."

"Look, look, you all understand, but your sister just doesn't understand. She insists on being a good person who burns herself and selflessly dedicates herself to others. Well, all the good people let her do it, and my child and I suffer the consequences!"

"That's true."

"Tell me, do we have to do things according to our ability? How big a pot do you have and how big a bowl do you have? Doesn't she know the current economic conditions of our family? All the money is saved every penny. It’s not like money falling from the sky.”

"This is also..."

"I...hey, you know this. Why is it so hard to talk to you?"

Li Muyang smiled.

"Brother-in-law, please don't accuse me wrongly. I agree with you all the way. My sister didn't do this well. When she saw the child, she knew it was impossible for her to come back to class, so she turned around and walked away."

Li Muyang said solemnly: "Do you think so? My sister is the head teacher and a teacher. She is responsible for the students in the class. But doesn't that girl stop going to school? The teacher has fulfilled her duties and cannot interfere with the lives of other children. ,right?"

"This one……"

Zhao Tianxiang was stunned for a moment.

"So I told my sister just now that she just made the decision without consulting her brother-in-law at all. If she had discussed it, my brother-in-law would definitely not agree to her doing that kind of thing and would reject it on the spot, right?"

"This is also..."

"I also told my sister that the students are your students, not my brother-in-law's. My brother-in-law is just a physical education teacher, not the head teacher of the students in your class. He can't control so much.

However, the money was saved by two people. My sister had no right to spend the money on meaningless things behind her brother-in-law's back. She thought her brother-in-law was angry, so she should be angry. No one else would be able to bear this. "

Zhao Tianxiang felt his brows wrinkle, and he felt something was wrong.

"Anyway, all the mistakes are my sister's fault. You have to wait for my sister to apologize to you before you forgive her, or you two will have a cold war. I also told Fangfang just now that it is normal for parents to quarrel. Let Don't worry about her, it won't do any real harm to her anyway..."

Well, Zhao Tianxiang finally heard it now.

This kid Li Muyang just pushed him towards the edge of the cliff.

How could he say that he shouldn't take care of the child? He didn't think so.

He was just depressed.

As a teacher, although he is just a physical education teacher, he will not stand idly by when encountering the child.

He can be with his wife because of her conscientious work attitude and kind heart.

Listening to Li Muyang's talk, it was going too far.

When a couple quarrels, how can the child not be affected?

The child must be sad.

If I hadn't been so angry today, I wouldn't have been able to control myself and become so angry.

There is really no way.

If you miss this time period, you don’t know when the next house will be allocated.

In other words, I and my wife will continue to stay in this small dormitory for a long time.

Moreover, after being seen this time, I don’t know how much it will cost next time. What if the price increases?

wait wait~
A series of worries caused his accumulated pressure to explode instantly.

"Brother-in-law, don't worry. I will definitely stand by your side regarding this matter. If you want to say anything to my sister, I will help you. Helping you means helping my sister, otherwise she..."

"Okay, okay, you kid can't tell the truth."

Zhao Tianxiang didn't want to continue hearing Li Muyang say "bad things" about his wife. He was just angry, not blaming her.

It’s not that my wife is wrong.

He also knows that sometimes anger is just a way to vent his own incompetence.

If he were more capable, his life would be better, and his wife wouldn't have to be so nervous.

Taking a step back, if it were not for my wife, it would be difficult to stand by and watch such a thing happen to me.

If we are not a family, how can we get in?

"Brother-in-law, don't worry. Everything I say is true. There is absolutely no lie. Just tell my sister what you want me to say. I will listen to you."

"Go away and talk nonsense."

Zhao Tianxiang pushed him, grabbed a handful of sand, and watched the sand slowly fall from the cracks in his hands. He sighed: "Actually, I'm not angry, I'm just worried. After passing this village, there is no such store. Why? I don’t know what’s going to happen next!”

"This is also..."


"Oh, don't say it anymore, don't say it anymore," Li Muyang said with emotion just now. Seeing that Zhao Tianxiang also calmed down, he said sincerely:
"How can this person's life be smooth sailing? Now that you encounter this incident, it means that this is a difficulty in your life. You must not be discouraged. You can only find a way to get through it."

"That's true."

Zhao Tianxiang said subconsciously, and soon realized that he had been infected by Li Muyang. He also said this and couldn't help but smile.

The depression in my heart also disappeared a lot.

"By the way, Shepherd, why are you here?"

Li Muyang told her about her mother's hospitalization and surgery again. When Zhao Tianxiang heard this, he repeatedly said that he had been too busy with the high school entrance examination recently and hadn't gone to the hospital yet. It just happened to be over today, so we could go to the hospital together.

"Look, we've already talked about it, let's go back. It's getting late, and we need some time to go to the city. Let's pack up, let's go?"

"Okay, let's go back."

Zhao Tianxiang stood up, patted the sand on his butt, and said, "Let's go."

Li Muyang smiled, got up and walked together.

On the way back, when passing by the Family Courtyard store, Zhao Tianxiang asked him to wait.

I saw him taking out two packs of Hongtashan from his pocket and walking into the store. After some communication, the cigarettes were returned.

When he came out again, he saw Li Muyang was curious and smiled awkwardly: "When I came out, I was upset, thinking about the use of saving money, and couldn't do anything."

Li Muyang nodded.

Expressed my understanding.

I was angry at first, thinking that since you don't value money, I won't save it and just spend it as hard as I can. Even Hongtashan, which I usually can't bear to smoke, bought two packs at a time.

The result is now gone.

A pack of Hongtashan cost seven or eight yuan. I definitely couldn’t afford it, so I decided to take it back and return it to the store.

My brother-in-law is also a very self-disciplined and interesting person.

Li Muyang did not have such a detailed and in-depth understanding of the two members of his second sister's family before. Now that he has met them, he finds that although they have different personalities, they are really good people.When the two returned to the dormitory, Zhao Tianxiang felt a little embarrassed and was too timid to go in.

Li Muyang smiled and pushed him.

"What does it matter? If you are really not angry, then it is unreal. You are obviously angry, but you can still understand. This is a real man. My sister will treat you better."

"Oh, I suddenly had a twitch in my head just now..."

"It's normal, everyone understands that we are all mortals, not gods in the sky, and our hearts can always be empty. We just get angry when we are unhappy, and we are happy from ear to ear when we are happy. This is flesh and blood. Normal people.”

"You kid, I've never seen you so eloquent before!"

"Isn't it because there were less people walking around before? Your home is far away and it takes a long time to walk every time. When the road is repaired and the transportation becomes more convenient, you can keep going back and forth."


Zhao Tianxiang put his arm around Li Muyang's shoulders and felt much more relaxed.

Back in the dormitory, the room had been cleaned, and Li Xiangxiang was changing Fangfang's clothes.

Seeing them come in, her hands were stiff and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Zhao Tianxiang saw this and he was a man after all, so he took the initiative and said, "I just heard Muyang say that my aunt (meaning mother-in-law) is going to have an operation soon. Let's pack up and go to the hospital?"

Li Xiangxiang was stunned and glanced at Li Muyang, who winked at her and smiled.

Li Xiangxiang's high-spirited heart finally fell.

She nodded, "Well, let's see if we can go there today or another day?"

"How about we go tomorrow..."

Zhao Tianxiang hesitated, wondering what he was thinking of.

Li Xiangxiang hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Okay, let's clean it up today. If it doesn't work, I used to take care of him in the hospital for a while. I was always taken care of by Qinqin. As a daughter, I can't do anything. Sisters-in-law It must be said.”

"That's right. It's summer vacation here anyway. Just wait for the results to be released. Nothing will happen."

Li Muyang originally wanted to go up with her sister and brother-in-law, but now it seemed that they had other things to do, so she didn't stay much longer, said goodbye and headed towards the city.

After he left, the room became quiet again.

"Fangfang, you go to Juanjuan's house to play for a while. Dad and Mom have something to say."

Fangfang looked at her mother and then her father with a little fear. She didn't know what the two of them were going to do, so they didn't move.

"You go and play. We'll be fine. Your father and I are not angry anymore."

"That's right, it's because of your parents' fault for scaring you. Dad promises you that you will try not to get angry in the future. If you do, you can punish Dad in any way you want."

"Really, you didn't lie to me?"

"No, when did your parents lie to you?"

"Okay then, I'll be back after playing for a while."

Fangfang felt free to go to her friend's house to play.

After the child went out, Zhao Tianxiang took his wife's hand and said sincerely: "That would be because I was too impulsive..."

"No, I didn't do it well. It's not your fault. I used the money that the two of us worked hard to save and I didn't tell you. It's really wrong. It's natural for you to be angry."

"Actually, I'm not entirely angry, I just feel very sad..."

Zhao Tianxiang sighed and glanced around the dormitory, "I was thinking that since we, Fangfang, are already old, it would be inconvenient for our children to live in the same room with our father. This opportunity is really difficult."

"I know, I know that you are actually thinking about our family. What I did was indeed out of consideration."

Li Xiangxiang said sadly.

Both husband and wife are reviewing themselves at this moment.

But after reviewing and reviewing, we found that each other had a very good attitude.

It's not as serious as I thought before.

"Forget it, since it happened, let it go as it is. We are all teachers, and we can't just watch a child being pushed into a pit of fire like this. Logically speaking, I completely understand you."


"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's talk about my aunt. Xiaofeng told us about it last time, and we thought we were just going to have a look. Now from what Muyang said, there seems to be hope for treatment, right?"

"Well, that's what Muyang said. It was said by experts. If he recovers well, he can still walk."

"Ah, that feeling is so good!"

Zhao Tianxiang said happily, "It would be a good thing if I could really get better, not just walking, but even sitting in a wheelchair. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to take care of someone with hemiplegia..."

At this point, he sighed, "Before, my aunt had been keeping her at the shepherd. It's quite difficult to think about it. We are far away from home and busy with work. In fact, I feel guilty."

The two of them had actually discussed taking care of their mother many times before.

The reason is very simple. They have to pay, but they don’t have much money. They have to take care of two people and they are both teachers, so it is difficult to spare time.

At most, I would go back to visit him in two or three months, buy some things, and secretly give Li Muyang 20 yuan.

I feel guilty in my heart, but there is nothing I can do about it in reality. It’s not that I know my mother’s problem, but I just deliberately don’t think about it too much sometimes.

"Yes, it means shepherding, and other people will definitely not be able to bear it. Although everyone has paid their pension on time, it is easy to give money after all, but the day-to-day care, all the details, is the most difficult."

"Speaking of which, my aunt's surgery this time will definitely cost money."

Li Xiangxiang was stunned for a moment, then nodded bitterly, "Absolutely, who would be willing to do it if you don't pay me."

"I don't know, how is the money collected? Everyone in the family is nervous. The eldest brother and the second brother have many children. Muyun is better, Xiaofeng doesn't have a wife now, let alone Muyang..."

Not to mention that it was okay, both of them felt uncomfortable when talking about everyone's financial situation.


"Let's see. We still have 200 yuan. Let's take it with us when we go to the hospital tomorrow. If we need it, we can add it to it..."

"Tianxiang, this..."

"Stop talking, I know what you want to say," Zhao Tianxiang patted the back of his wife's hand, "We are not an old tradition. There is no idea that sons should be filial so that daughters can relax. My aunt's health can be cured. , that would be a great thing for all of us.

Besides, we don’t have enough money now anyway, so it won’t help if we keep it. We’d better use it in key places. Let’s think about the house later.We usually don't take much care of our aunt, but it would be unjustifiable if we don't do more now. "


Li Xiangxiang looked at her husband's smiling face and felt very sad. Her husband always remembered her and regarded her mother as his biological mother, but she...

Tears couldn't help flowing from her eyes.

Zhao Tianxiang saw this and comforted him a little awkwardly, "Why are you crying? This is how life is. We will save it when the money is gone. But next time we should be a little more restrained and do some good deeds within our ability, but also To ensure that we can survive.”

"Yes." Li Xiangxiang leaned her face on her husband's shoulder. At this moment, she felt full of strength and full of happiness in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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