Dashan Orchard 1988

Chapter 114 is more tedious

Chapter 114 is quite tedious...

I came back with the large group in the past two days, so it was still early.

Even if I went to the village chief's house to pick up the contract tonight, it would be just after seven o'clock when I came back.

It was far from time for Li Muyang to rest.

He is very energetic.

Since everything on the east peak of Taoshan belongs to him, he can get started.

The last time he went to Dongfeng, he passed the trail and found that the trail was full of weeds, almost covering all the roads.

If you don't pay attention, you won't be able to tell the difference between the cliff and the road.

This is undoubtedly quite dangerous.

Regardless of anything else, clearing the trail of weeds is the foundation.

Soon, he came to the mountain pass.

At a glance, the dense mountain peaks, weeds and trees were connected together. If his eyesight were not better, it would be difficult to distinguish them.

"Okay, let's do it. Let's take care of the main road first tonight."

He spit into the palm of his hand, threw the hoe aside, grabbed the sickle and started chopping.

The wild grass in this mountain is different from what many people imagine.

Because there are no natural enemies, the grass grows very well. The stems of many herbaceous plants can grow as thick as a human arm, and the grass branches can be as big as small trees.

With the lush branches and stems, the main stem of the grass is very strong, and sometimes a person can be bounced back when a sickle is struck on it.

The hands of those who were shocked were numb.

At this time, it is necessary to use the cutting function of the sickle, first cut out a weak spot in the grass bit by bit, and then take the opportunity to break it.

It is more expensive, and it also costs a sickle.

Before finishing the smallest path, Li Muyang found that the sickle could no longer be used. A closer look revealed that the sickle blade had been broken into many small holes. It seemed that if he held on for a while, the blade would be broken.

"I should have picked up the ax when I came."

Li Muyang looked at the sickle and shook his head helplessly.

"I expect you to play a big role, but you are useless."

Since there is no more sickle, it is even more impossible to clear the weeds. Li Muyang is not reckless, so he simply stops cutting tonight and throws all the weeds chopped with the sickle from the cliff.

Use a hoe to slowly remove some of the fine grass that has not been removed.

Visible to the naked eye, the trail has become much clearer, at least it is no longer deserted, but a place where people come and go.

This is the first section of the road up the mountain. It is relatively gentle. From here, it turns east and gradually becomes steeper. It is not bad for people to go up and down, but it will definitely be more difficult to transport things.

"If you want to be rich, you must first build roads. It's true. At least they need to be slightly smoothed. This won't work."

Li Muyang thought to himself and saw that it was getting late, so he went home.

After washing, I still felt that my energy had not been used up. I remembered the difficulty of clearing the weeds just now, so I rummaged through the cabinet again, found an old ax thrown in the corner of the clutter, and installed the ax handle.

Then rest.

On May [-]th, Li Muyang went to sell cordyceps again.

Because they didn’t sell the cordyceps in the last episode of the blind date, this time I accumulated three kilograms of cordyceps and sold them for 2850 yuan.

More than 400 of them belonged to the eldest and second brothers. After excluding the advance money for his cousins, he calculated and made a profit from selling and selling the rest, which amounted to more than 1100.

It turned out that the money was coming in. His mother had more than 100 yuan in her hands, and there was still 1500 yuan in the bank. Adding in the 500 yuan that the brothers put here for mother's medical treatment, he had 3200 yuan.

It’s considered a small household worth half a million yuan.

A better life seemed to be waving to him.

Just thinking about it makes me happy.

When he came back from town, he passed by a bicycle shop and without thinking much, he went in and bought a brand new "Phoenix" brand weighted bicycle.

This car is so easy to use.

They are all made of fine steel and real iron, with large rims and small diameter wheels.

It is the most solid stage among all bicycle replacement generations.

Li Muyang rode this brand in his previous life. From 90 to 14, he rode with black hair until his hair turned white, and even until he lost his hair. There is still no problem with the main beam of the car, but the tires and pedals have been replaced several times. .

This car can carry three to four hundred pounds without any problem.

And because the wheels are big, the bike can go very fast when ridden, unlike many small bikes where people only pedal and the bike doesn't move forward.

He originally thought that he would not buy a car and buy a new one for Lin Xiuli when she came over. But now that he had some money, he thought it would be more convenient to buy a car.

Relying on two legs all the time is too inefficient.

In addition to the bicycle, he also bought two bundles of plastic film.

This is to prepare to go back and cultivate new tree species.

Not all trees can be directly cut and grafted, and some need to be cultivated from tree seeds.

There is no difference between cultivating tree seeds and vegetables. They need to be cared for in every possible way when they are fragile at first.

Many tree species are even more difficult to cultivate than vegetables.

Without special care, the survival rate of tree species is far lower than that of vegetables.

Therefore, there are special nurseries dedicated to doing this kind of thing.

The reason why the tree species coming out of the nursery have a high survival rate is that during the cultivation process, they effectively avoid some natural disadvantages of the tree seedlings and restrict the tree's root system from stretching too much.

Facilitate final transplantation.

It's far from as simple as imagined.

Of course, there are also many tree species that look good and easy to survive, but trees grown from seeds basically do not bear fruit. This is because these trees need to be propagated by cuttings and grafting.

In addition to the film, Li Muyang also bought two shovels, two packages of compound fertilizer specially used for trees, some ropes, etc.

These are also preparations for tending saplings.

After buying good things, he thought about going to see if Midama was still selling saplings and asking him if he would like to come and tend the saplings with him.

I ran over and found out that Midama seemed to have been missing for a few episodes.

It was said that his mother-in-law's illness had become serious again.

Li Muyang had no choice but to leave with regret.

After returning home, Li Muyang unloaded his things, drank some rice soup casually, and was about to go into the mountain with his axe, hoe and shovel.

"Uncle, where are you going?"

When it was warm, Li Muyang had already gone to town.

After finally waiting for him to come back, she turned around and started to leave again. She suddenly became unhappy and trotted after him.

Li Muyang had no choice but to stop and said, "Uncle goes to work in the fields, and Nuannuan plays with little Happiness at home, okay?"

"No, I want to play with my uncle."

"Uncle is busy. Look at what uncle is carrying. He doesn't have time to play with Nuannuan when he is in the field."

"Then uncle won't go."

"That's no good. If uncle doesn't work, what will we eat? Look, uncle bought you twists, oil cakes, and candied haws today. Don't you need money to buy these?"

"Then Nuannuan won't eat it."

Li Muyang was stunned and thought to himself, child, we can't do this kind of thing that will hurt the enemy a thousand times and hurt ourselves eight hundred, okay? "

"All adults have to work, look at which adult doesn't work?"

"My dad won't do it."

Li Muyang smiled bitterly and rubbed his head to warm his head. "Just tell me what you have to do before you go back. The ground is too dangerous, so you definitely can't go."

"No, I will go with my uncle."

"Wang Wang!"

Little Happiness saw Nuan Nuan acting coquettishly, and thought she was being bullied, so dogs barked around Li Muyang.The little guy also gradually changed from "woo-woo" to "bark-woof", and his body grew longer day by day.

The head was originally very round, but gradually turned into a pointy one as it grew up.

The Tibetan Mastiff side gradually disappeared, becoming more and more like a wolf.

If this bitch continues to grow up, it will be terrible.

Judging from its current teeth and eyes, it will definitely be as fierce as its mother in the future. As for whether it will inherit its father's stupidity, that's uncertain.

Li Muyang pushed the dog to the side with his feet.

This little guy has completely forgotten who his real owner is and who saved his life. He has no conscience.

But he can be rude to the dog, but he can't let go of the pink and tender niece.

Still very gentle, he knelt down and said softly to the child: "It's not that uncle won't take you, uncle is protecting you."


"You don't know, there are many snakes in this mountain..."

"Ah, a snake?"

Snakes are the natural enemies of women. From girls who are just toddlers to old ladies who can only stagger, there are almost all people who are not afraid of snakes.

Nuannuan is naturally no exception.

As soon as she heard the snake, she immediately covered her eyes in fear and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Yes, in addition to snakes, there are also many aunties with syringes in the mountains. Yes, the ones wearing long white clothes."

"Wow wow wow~"

Nuannuan turned around and ran back home.

"Wang Wang~"

Xiao Xingfu yelled at him a few more times and followed Nuan Nuan back.

The fur on its body is very fluffy, which is very different from Lang Qing.

After you start running, the wind will blow it all up, and it will look like a round ball from a distance.

After successfully controlling his little nephew, Li Muyang watched the child and Coyotito run into the room, then turned around and continued heading up the mountain path.

Now that the Cordyceps matter is coming to an end, he just needs to follow the trend and gradually shift the focus of his work to the orchard.

After all, digging Cordyceps was just a side dish, and the orchard was the staple food he prepared for himself.

"I am a painter with strong painting skills. I want to make this hilly road more beautiful..."

He couldn't help but sing the song that Li Lin had always sang in front of him in his previous life. He listened to it so much that his ears were calloused.

As soon as I picked up the shovel and leveled the ground, I couldn't help but start humming.

It was dark last night and many places were not leveled. Today he has all the furniture, chopping, shoveling, and mowing, just like a leveling machine, pushing up the hillside little by little.

A road was gradually created behind him that could probably pass two trucks. He worked for a while, rested for a while, and turned around to look at the way he came from from time to time. He felt filled with a sense of reward.

He just liked the feeling of making his day better every little bit.

I don't know when some clouds appeared in the sky. The clouds gradually thickened and turned black. The wind began to blow from the mountain ridge, echoing in the valley with a whistling sound.

Li Muyang looked up at the sky and wondered if it was going to rain?


The weather in May and June is like a child's face. Just a moment ago, he was smiling, but in the next moment he was crying.

But looking at the work in front of him, Li Muyang doesn't want to rest just yet.

But God is not tolerant of his illness.

After only a few minutes of work, a raindrop fell on my face. The raindrops became faster and denser, and in just ten seconds, it became a torrential downpour.

Li Muyang was dumbfounded.

He looked around helplessly. This was a slope with no cover. He watched helplessly as the raindrops drenched him thoroughly.

The key is not to move around at this time.

If the surrounding ground is softened by rain, you may slip down the hillside if you step on the wrong foot.

Normally, the steepness of the hillside would not cause much harm to people, but at this time, there will be soft mud underneath, which can easily form tidal flats and may even cause small-scale mudslides.

If a person is caught in this, it will be completely hopeless.

He was in a trance when he suddenly heard a sound of "呲岲岲岲". When he turned around, he saw a shadow coming from behind. Under the influence of the heavy rain, he didn't see what it was for a while, so he subconsciously pointed a shovel at it. That guy just clicked.


A shovel knocked the thing soft to the ground.

After taking a closer look, it turned out to be a gray hare, which looked quite fat.

This guy was probably a little confused by the heavy rain. He panicked and rushed to Li Muyang, asking him to do a modern version of sitting back and waiting.

The little guy was hit so hard that he saw more air coming out and less air coming in.

Li Muyang took a look at it and grinned.

Sure enough, the old man lost his horse, whether it was a blessing or a curse.

Such a fat rabbit, you can have a good meal when you take it back.

It looks like it's worth it even if your clothes get wet in the rain.

No loss at all.

He looked at the sky and found that although it was raining heavily, the clouds were getting thinner and thinner. Slowly, the black clouds receded and turned into light white clouds.

The dark clouds are gone and the rain will naturally not last long.

He was not in a hurry, left the rabbit beside him, sat on the shovel head, and looked at Taoshan quietly in the rain.

He looked a little embarrassed on the outside, but he wasn't panicked at all on the inside, and he even felt a little bit enjoying and comfortable.

Sure enough, less than 10 minutes later, the rain stopped.

Before the rain stopped, the setting sun in the west showed its red face again, lighting up the sky for half the day.

A rainbow rose from the treetops and then sank into the treetops, like an imaginary rainbow bridge deep in the peach forest.

Li Muyang took off his vest and squeezed out the water.

After looking around again to make sure no one was around, he quickly wringed out his shorts too.

He moved his limbs and muscles, and did not go down the mountain immediately, but continued to work.

After it rains, the flat road will become more efficient.

The lumps of soil will be broken up with just a tap, and digging the soil in a flat pit will become much easier, unlike before, which took a lot of effort.

This work lasted several hours.

Before I knew it, all the clothes on my body were dry.

He also leveled the ground to where he had cut the grass last night.

The progress is very good.

If he worked like this every night, he would be able to repair the mountain road to a level that was barely usable in less than a week.

As for being able to actually walk in a tractor or a small truck, that would be a big project, and he doesn't have the ability yet.

Wait until you make money later.

Li Muyang carried the shovel, axe, and head, and the hare was tied up with a rope and hung on the handle of the shovel. It swayed leisurely as he walked.

Before Li Muyang returned home, he saw two people sitting at the door of his house chatting from a distance.

One is my sister Li Xiangqin, and the other is suddenly the Xue family's sister-in-law.

Suddenly I felt happy, this must be a message.

(End of this chapter)

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