Get something in the courtyard

Chapter 727 Yi Zhonghai strikes again

Chapter 727 Yi Zhonghai strikes again
Director Wang said that he was tired and it was time to go to work, so he prepared to let the three of Yi Zhonghai leave.

She is the director of the subdistrict office and has many things to do.There wasn't much time wasted on Yi Zhonghai and the other three.

"A clerk has been arranged near you. He will oversee the situation in your hospital from now on. You'd better be honest. If something goes wrong, no one can protect you.

Okay, let's go! "

Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui wished they could disappear from Director Wang immediately to avoid being scolded.

Yi Zhonghai also had this idea. After seeing Wang Kun's comfortable look, his mind twitched and he forgot everything.

Why should Wang Kun watch the fun when they get scolded?

Their scandal was seen by Wang Kun. If Wang Kun spread it, where would he lose his face?

Wang Kun is so kind to a picked-up sister. The family eats several meat dishes in one meal, so why can't he help Qin Huairu?
Qin Huairu came to see Wang Kun yesterday. Wang Kun couldn't finish the food at home, so why not give it to Qin Huairu.

In the blink of an eye, Yi Zhonghai found many charges against Wang Kun.Every crime seemed to him heinous.

Director Wang could turn a blind eye to such a serious crime, which shows that he was bribed by Wang Kun.

Using these reasons to deal with Wang Kun is just asking for trouble.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Yi Zhonghai suddenly thought of a good idea.Since Wang Kun's house is so warm and there is an extra room, let's get the deaf old lady over.

The deaf old lady lives in Wang Kun's home. As long as Wang Kun does not serve her well, it will be Wang Kun's responsibility.When the time comes, he can openly hold a meeting to accuse Wang Kun.

"Director Wang, I have a matter involving the deaf old lady, and I would like to ask your help."

Upon hearing Yi Zhonghai's words, Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui stopped.

Director Wang asked: "What's the matter? Let's talk first, and don't talk about the donation. The deaf old lady is a five-guarantee household, and the street has not deducted her subsidy. It is impossible for me to agree to donate to her.

Even if they donate, no one will donate to her.Except you and Silly Zhu.There are not many people in your courtyard who are willing to take money. "

Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui blushed. It seems that the last donation was not successful because they made trouble.

But that’s not to blame them. Who makes the deaf old lady unpopular?

Yi Zhonghai glanced at the two of them disappointedly, and then said: "It's not about donating money. If I still had my money, I wouldn't think of donating to my godmother.

Director Wang, you also know that my godmother has sprained her foot.She was older and her recovery was slower.

Seeing that it is getting colder and colder, I am worried that her injury will be affected.

I see that Wang Kun’s home is so warm, and he also has an extra room in his home.I just thought about asking my godmother to come and stay at his house.

Don't worry, your godmother will stay at Wang Kun's house for the whole winter, and she will move back when the weather gets warm.

And I don’t need Wang Kun to take care of my godmother’s food, I will be responsible for that. "

Moving back is for sure.

Yi Zhonghai serves the deaf old lady, and his efforts will not be in vain.That's what only a fool would do.He served the deaf old lady because the deaf old lady agreed to leave the house to him.

Otherwise, he would not have been taking care of the deaf old lady so wholeheartedly.

Yi Zhonghai needed the deaf old lady to occupy that house, and he couldn't live without someone for a long time.

As for food, it's even simpler.Wang Kun's family has good food, and the deaf old lady is next door to his house.Yi Zhonghai didn't believe that Wang Kun dared not to give it to the deaf old lady and let the deaf old lady eat the steamed buns every day.

If Wang Kun dared to do that, Yi Zhonghai could go to the street office to sue Wang Kun.Look at how Director Wang was still protecting Wang Kun at that time.

Everything is wonderful, provided that the deaf old lady can live next door to Wang Kun.

Yi Zhonghai felt that Director Wang would definitely agree.Firstly, the subdistrict office does not need to pay anything; secondly, the subdistrict office can also gain a good reputation.As for Wang Kun’s opinion, is it important?

Yi Zhonghai didn't need to think about it at all.

Regardless of his seniority or position, Wang Kun had no right to refuse.

This is a self-centered idea, and he doesn't consider the reactions of others at all.

Director Wang glared at Yi Zhonghai dissatisfiedly, feeling that this guy should be dealt with more often.

It's true that she is the director of the sub-district office, but this is Wang Kun's home. The sub-district office has no right to speak about who is allowed to live and who is not allowed to live there.

But she couldn't refuse directly yet.Because she was also not qualified to refuse on behalf of Wang Kun.

"I don't have any say in this matter. Only with Wang Kun's consent can the deaf old lady move here."

After Yi Zhonghai heard this, a smile appeared on his face.In his opinion, when Director Wang said this, the matter was a foregone conclusion.Wang Kun dared to make Director Wang lose face.

"In this case, Wang Kun, please clean up the house, and Silly Zhu and I will send the godmother over."

Wang Kun looked at Yi Zhonghai with a sneer: "You're not awake yet! The deaf old lady is your godmother. If you don't take good care of her, why did you send her to my house? Do you want me to kick her out of the house for you?"

Yi Zhonghai was stunned for a moment, not wanting to believe that Wang Kun dared to refuse: "What did you say?"

"I said, take care of your own godmother. Don't push her to me."

Yi Zhonghai pointed at Wang Kun angrily: "Director Wang, you saw it. Wang Kun's house would rather remain idle than let the deaf old lady live in it.

Yes, the deaf old lady is my godmother, and it is only natural that I take care of her.I didn't say I wouldn't take care of you.

In our courtyard, Wang Kun’s house is the only one that is warm.I hope my godmother will have a comfortable winter, is that wrong?
Wang Kun is obviously capable of helping, but he is not willing to help at all.He is too cold-blooded.

The deaf old lady is the oldest in the courtyard and a household with five guarantees.She lives in our courtyard and is the glory of our courtyard.We should all take care of her.

Wang Kun is not even willing to do this small favor. I think he is not suitable to live in this courtyard.

Director Wang, we three uncles are asking you to change Wang Kun's place. "

Yi Zhonghai looked at Director Wang sincerely and began to think about how to take Wang Kun's house as his own after driving Wang Kun away.

Wang Kun's house is so warm, it must be very comfortable to live in in winter.But he didn't want to move away from the middle courtyard. In the middle yard, there was the beautiful Qin Huairu and the tool man who took care of the elderly.Both of them need to live under his nose.

It's just that even though he is the oldest man in the courtyard, it is difficult for him to occupy an additional house.

If you can't occupy it yourself, you can only find someone trustworthy to occupy it.

First of all, the Jia family must be eliminated.If the Jia family gets a house, they will definitely move here, otherwise the Jia family will lose control.It is a matter of principle that the Jia family cannot live a good life.Once the Jia family is living well, there will be no need to ask for anything from him.

If he didn't show kindness to the Jia family, would Qin Huairu still be willing to support him in his old age?

Secondly, stupid pillars must also be eliminated.Although Si Zhu needs a house, if Si Zhu has a house, his advantage in the blind date market will be much greater.That would not be conducive to his control of Silly Pillar.

After much deliberation, I could only ask the deaf old lady to come out.It would be best if the deaf old lady could occupy an extra house, but even if she couldn't occupy it, Wang Kun's house alone would not be a loss.

The purpose of letting the deaf old lady come over is to clean up Tian Youfu's family.Without Wang Kun, they would have no backer.It would be best to move the deaf old lady here and let them respect her.

The idea is beautiful, but there is no possibility of it being realized.Before Wang Kun could say anything, Yi Zhonghai was scolded by Director Wang.This time, he didn't save any face for him, and his voice was loud.

All Wang Kun could do was open the door to let more people hear and see.

(End of this chapter)

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