Get something in the courtyard

Chapter 691 Convince Director Wang

Director Wang was stunned for a moment: "Voluntary donation?"

Yi Zhonghai nodded affirmatively: "Yes, it is a voluntary donation. The people in our courtyard have lived together for such a long time and have become a family. Helping each other is the purpose of our courtyard. Our godmother is our As the oldest elder in the courtyard, it is a tradition in our courtyard to be filial to our elders.

Everyone learned that the godmother had a sprained foot and wanted to donate money to the godmother.Isn't this all found in my head?I just took my godmother to the street office to apply. "

This is what gave Yi Zhonghai the confidence to apply for donations.No matter how lenient the street office is, it can't control our own willingness to donate.

As for whether the people in the courtyard were willing or not, he didn't care.As long as the street office agrees, he can make people in the courtyard volunteer.

Director Wang said: "Since you voluntarily contributed money, why don't you donate money? Just give the money to the deaf old lady."

Yi Zhonghai was stunned for a moment. The trick he had been thinking about for a long time was actually cracked like this?Isn't this too childish?

If we don’t hold a donation meeting, those people in the courtyard will be crazy to take out the money.And if I don’t hold a donation meeting, how can I set an example for everyone?I donate money secretly, but who can see my contribution?

It’s absolutely impossible not to donate.

Yi Zhonghai's mind was spinning rapidly and he began to think of a way: "I think it's better to donate money. Donating money can show everyone's filial piety. If you don't donate money, who can tell whether the money is given to the godmother or lent to the godmother.

If there is a dispute in the future, it will be difficult to handle.Director Wang, do you think so? "

All of Yi Zhonghai's experience was with people he knew well.Therefore, until his hypocritical appearance is exposed, this plan will be successful.

But his current reputation is not good, and everyone is somewhat suspicious of him.

Director Wang did not fall for Yi Zhonghai's deception, and at the same time he did not want to pay attention to the deaf old lady's trouble, so he agreed to Yi Zhonghai's donation proposal.She mainly wanted to see how the Siheyuan could do it voluntarily.

When I saw Lou Xiao'e in the morning, I didn't hear anything about the courtyard wanting to donate money.

"Since it was your voluntary donation, I can't help but agree."

Yi Zhonghai's face lit up with joy: "Director Wang, if the people in the hospital know this news, they will definitely be very happy.

You'd better write me a written certificate so I can show it to the people in the hospital.Don't worry about donations. Our three uncles are very experienced and will definitely make no mistakes.

When the donation is over, I will send you the donation account. "

Anyway, the donated money will be in his hands in the end, and he has the final say on how much he spends on the deaf old lady.Yi Zhonghai didn't mind handing over the accounts to the street office to show that he had no selfish motives.

Director Wang said: "There is no need to write proof. Just donate tonight! You write an application form, and I will bring you and the application form in the evening."

Hearing that Director Wang was going in person, Yi Zhonghai had a look of panic on his face.How can he use his methods when outsiders are around.

"Director Wang, the three of us have organized donations and have never had any trouble. There is no need for you and the comrades from the street office to go there!"

Director Wang's face suddenly turned dark.There was indeed no trouble with the donation from the Siheyuan. Three people worked together to suppress it.If it weren't for Wang Kun, the street office wouldn't have known about this.

"Do you think donating money is like playing house? All donations must not only be applied for, but also have to be supervised by someone from the approved unit. The money raised from donations must also be handled by the approved unit.

This is very strict.Even if I approve it for you, without supervision from the sub-district office, your donation will not count.

Okay, hurry up and write the application! "

This is very different from Yi Zhonghai's expectation.But he had no choice but to go back on his word at this time, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and write the application.Director Wang received the application and asked Yi Zhonghai to leave without saying anything.She still has a meeting to discuss this matter.

The deaf old lady was very shrewd. When she heard Yi Zhonghai talking about voluntary donations from the hospital, she started to pretend to be deaf.When she heard that Director Wang was going to take people there in person, she had a bad feeling that this donation meeting would not be successful.

But things have reached this point, and Yi Zhonghai has no way out.She didn't want to get herself into trouble. Anyway, she was injured and lying in the hospital, so the donation could not be blamed on her.

After leaving the gate of the sub-district office, Yi Zhonghai's forehead was covered with sweat: "Godmother, what should I do? I didn't expect that Director Wang would take people there in person. I thought that I just got the application from the sub-district office, and everything else had to be done. Just us three uncles are responsible."

The deaf old lady couldn't pretend to be deaf at this time and comforted Yi Zhonghai: "It's okay, don't worry. You are doing a good deed. Director Wang can only say a few words to you. When the time comes, I will help you intercede."

With the comfort of the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai's heart was not so confused.Just as the deaf old lady said, he organized everyone to donate money without any selfish motives.

Donating money is also for everyone’s benefit.Today, everyone donates to the deaf old lady. When they encounter problems in the future, everyone will also donate to them.

Who dares to say that he will not encounter problems in the future, and who dares to say that he does not need help from others.

Silly Zhu was not far from the street office, surrounding a few old men and watching them play chess.Yi Zhonghai saw his figure and greeted him.

Silly Zhu ran back and took the deaf old lady from Yi Zhonghai's back: "Old lady, sir, how is the donation going?"

Yi Zhonghai wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem. We are doing good things, how could Director Wang disagree. In order to support our donation, Director Wang personally brought the comrades from the subdistrict office there.

Don't do anything to Xu Damao at night, otherwise you will be arrested by Director Wang. "

Silly Zhu felt a little guilty when he heard that Director Wang was going over. He was still a little in awe of Director Wang.

"Master, don't worry, I will be honest."

When Si Zhu said this, Yi Zhonghai became unhappy again.How can he use his methods when no one is making trouble?

But if Silly Zhu makes trouble, it will be troublesome to be punished by Director Wang.

Yi Zhonghai felt that there were headaches everywhere, so he simply did not go back to the factory to clean the toilets, and went directly home to rest and prepare for the donation meeting in the evening.

Director Wang did not believe Yi Zhonghai's words, so he sent someone to find Lou Xiao'e and ask about the courtyard.

Lou Xiao'e thought for a moment and said, "Aunt Wang, I have never heard of what you are talking about. Yi Zhonghai led the people from the middle courtyard and the backyard to isolate our family. Maybe he was worried about us causing trouble and deliberately left us alone. . But what I can be sure of is that people in the hospital will never donate voluntarily."

"You are so sure."

Lou Xiao'e nodded: "I'm sure. I have lived in the courtyard for such a long time and know the courtyard too well. People in the courtyard will never do anything that is not beneficial.

The deaf old lady fell down and lay on the ground for more than half an hour without anyone helping her.Do you think it's possible that people in the courtyard donated money to him voluntarily? "

Director Wang asked what was going on again.

Lou Xiao'e told Yi Zhonghai's operations, and as if she got the news, she immediately called Silly Zhu.He sent the deaf old lady to the hospital and even went to Wang Kun's house to cause a scene.

Listening to these operations, Director Wang was very speechless. He himself was not considered filial, and he kept shouting for others to be filial all day long. (End of chapter)

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