Get something in the courtyard

Chapter 270 Liu Guangtian reports

Chapter 270 Liu Guangtian reports

Auntie rarely gives advice, but this one was pretty good.

What makes the deaf old lady better than Yi Zhonghai is her flexible mind.Give in where you should give in.Only by being able to bend and stretch can one show his true qualities as a hero.The deaf old lady took this point to the extreme.

Forcing the people in the courtyard to regard her as their ancestor, and asking the people in the courtyard to respect her even if they don't eat, these people in the courtyard must be full of opinions.

No matter how well you hide it, you will usually vent your dissatisfaction.

What did the deaf old lady do? She pretended to be deaf.As long as the people in the courtyard still regarded her as their ancestor, she would pretend not to hear and let everyone vent their dissatisfaction.

Yi Zhonghai was different. The deaf old lady was the most powerful person in the courtyard and rarely took action.She would only come forward when Silly Zhu and Xu Damao got into a fight and got into a big fight.Normal matters are handled by Yi Zhonghai.

The deaf old lady's approach is called delegating power, while Yi Zhonghai's approach is to seize power.

Power is a poison, and it is easy to get addicted after drinking it.

Yi Zhonghai had tasted the taste of power and was unwilling to give up.Anyone who dares to challenge his power is his enemy.No matter who this enemy is, he cannot forgive him.

This is the reason why the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai have different attitudes towards Director Wang.

Yi Zhonghai resented Director Wang and did not want Director Wang to intervene.He regards Director Wang as a rival for power.

The deaf old lady regards Director Wang as her ancestor's tool. When necessary, she will use Director Wang's reputation to deal with disobedient people in the courtyard.

This time, the deaf old lady decided to do it.Director Wang is generally a very upright person, and the deaf old lady is not worried about her favoring Wang Kun.This time, she wanted to use Director Wang's help to make Wang Kun suffer a big loss.If you can ruin Wang Kun's impression in front of Director Wang, you can make Wang Kun obedient.

"Zhonghai, go and send someone to ask Director Wang to come over."

Yi Zhonghai was unwilling, "Old lady, it's useless to invite Director Wang."

The deaf old lady said to the eldest mother: "Can you see if the water in my house is boiling? I was worried about something happening to Silly Zhu, so I was in a hurry to leave and forgot to look at the kettle."

The eldest mother obeyed and went to the backyard.

Yi Zhonghai knew that the deaf old lady had a plan and looked at the deaf old lady expectantly.

The deaf old lady really lived up to Yi Zhonghai's expectations and told her plan.

Yi Zhonghai laughed loudly, "Old lady, this is a good idea. I will ask Shazhu to find Director Wang immediately."

The deaf old lady said: "Zhonghai, have you forgotten that Silly Zhu was arrested by Wang Kun?"

Yi Zhonghai was stunned for a moment and explained: "I'm so confused by Wang Kun's anger. Old lady, just sit in the room. I'll go find Old Liu and ask him to send Guangtian to find Director Wang."

The deaf old lady nodded with satisfaction and sat in Yi Zhonghai's room to recharge her batteries.

After leaving the house, Yi Zhonghai saw Qin Huairu and nodded towards her to reassure her.Then he walked towards the backyard and Liu Haizhong's home.

After knocking on Liu's door, Yi Zhonghai asked: "Where is Old Liu?"

The second aunt looked at Yi Zhonghai strangely, "His uncle, didn't Old Liu go to the street office with you to study? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

Yi Zhonghai's face immediately turned extremely pale.In order to deal with Wang Kun, he was focused on that batch of workpieces and forgot about the task of going to the street office to study.

"There are important tasks in the factory, so I asked Director Wang for leave. Since Lao Liu didn't come back, I asked Guangtian to run some errands for me."

Yi Zhonghai still had some face, so the second aunt asked: "What's going on!" "Ask them to invite Director Wang over. The old lady has something to tell Director Wang."

When the second aunt heard this, she asked Liu Guangtian to take a look at Liu Haizhong, and said, "Guangtian, go for a run."

Liu Guangtian stood up and prepared to go find Director Wang without making any request.He dared not make demands.If you make a request here, you may be beaten by bangs over there.It turned out that they regarded Yi Zhonghai as their savior and thought that the senior man in the courtyard would intercede for them.But every time Yi Zhonghai begged for love, the two of them would suffer a more severe beating.

They didn't understand why, they just thought Liu Haizhong was jealous of Yi Zhonghai.

It wasn't until Wang Kun came and exposed Yi Zhonghai's true face that they discovered that Yi Zhonghai's name of persuasion was actually adding fuel to the fire.

Knowing this, they didn’t dare to resist.Who asked them to live in the courtyard?

If this was Yan Bugui's child, they would never agree if they didn't have fifty cents.If you want the people of the Yan family to contribute, you must offer benefits.Yan Bugui is the one who takes the lead and wants benefits, and it is not easy for anyone to save face.

Yi Zhonghai knew this, so he came to Liu Haizhong specifically.

"Master, what does the old lady want from Director Wang? If she wants to ask, what should I say?"

Yi Zhonghai thought, Liu Haizhong was beaten several times by Wang Kun and lost face in the courtyard, so he would definitely hate Wang Kun.As Liu Haizhong's son, Liu Guangtian will naturally stand with Liu Haizhong.He couldn't just invite Director Wang over without saying anything.

"Just say Wang Kun bullied the old lady."

After saying that, Yi Zhonghai didn't care and hurried home.He also wanted to beg the deaf old lady to intercede with him first.If you don't go to the street office to take classes without hesitation, you will be criticized.Liu Haizhong didn't come back. Needless to say, he just went to the street office to take classes.Yan Bugui must have gone to the street to do it.

Among the three, he was the only one who didn't go.It would be too embarrassing for him to be criticized in front of so many people.

Liu Guangtian looked at Yi Zhonghai strangely. Everyone would be happy when the deaf old lady was bullied by Wang Kun.As the godson of a deaf old lady, why are you still a little excited?

When Liu Guangtian walked to the middle courtyard, he heard the voice of the deaf old lady talking at Yi Zhonghai's house. She disliked the cooking made by the aunt without adding oil.

"The old deaf lady is fine at home, why is she being bullied? I'm not going to trick me and let me trick Director Wang! It's not enough to encourage my dad to do something to me, but he actually tricked me into deceiving Director Wang. . In the future, I will find a job, get married, and share a house, and I will ask Director Wang to blame me. Why should I take the blame for you?"

Liu Guangtian decided to tell the truth to Director Wang and was determined not to take the blame for Yi Zhonghai.When I walked to the front yard, I happened to see Wang Kun carrying a bucket back to the house.He turned a corner and went to Wang Kun's house first.

"Brother Kun, I just went to my house and asked me to go find Director Wang and say that you bullied the deaf old lady."

Wang Kun was stunned. He didn't even see the deaf old lady, so how could he bully her?When I turned around and thought about it, I realized that this was an advance plan.If there is no bullying now, it does not mean that there was no bullying when Director Wang came.

The deaf old lady must be begging for mercy for Silly Zhu.However, her news was so late that Silly Pillar had been released for several hours.They don't even know.This really brings out the talent of using people forward and not using people backward.

Since they want to fight, let them do it.

"Thank you so much, Guangtian. I've just made the ribs here. Take a piece and try it."

Wang Kun gave Liu Guangtian a piece of meat and prepared to put it in a small bowl.Liu Guangtian ignored the heat on the ribs and picked them up with his hands.He held it alternately with both hands, unwilling to put it down.

"Brother Kun, don't worry, I know what to say."

Wang Kun smiled and said, "Hurry up and put it in cold water to cool down. Don't burn your hands."

Liu Guangtian didn't listen to Wang Kun and ran away with the ribs.

(End of this chapter)

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