Chapter 122

Silly Zhu wanted to coax Xu Damao, but Wang Kun did not expose him and accompanied Xu Damao to drink slowly at home.

Maybe there was something on his mind. Xu Damao had a good drinking capacity today and was not drunk at all.

After a while, I got up and took a look and found that 'Silly Zhu' had been sitting there motionless, so I came back and scolded him.

After doing this several times, Xu Damao still couldn't hold on and got drunk again.Wang Kun stood up, helped him back to the table, and let him lie down on the table.

Lou Xiao'e heard the noise and walked out of the house.At this time, Lou Xiao'e changed her clothes and wore Bragi.Loose short sleeves, pleated skirt, simple round neck, floral, plaid and stripes, tied with a cloth belt around the waist.

Wang Kun's eyes lit up. Lou Xiao'e, wearing a skirt, looked completely different from usual.

Of course Lou Xiao'e saw Wang Kun's gaze and thought that it was indeed the dress she had chosen for a long time. "Is Xu Damao asleep?"

Wang Kun could not hold back, so he hugged Lou Xiao'e and let her sit on his lap. "Don't worry, it's done."

Lou Xiao'e let Wang Kun's big hands roam her body, poured a glass of wine from Wang Kun's cup, and took a sip. "Where is Silly Zhu, still waiting outside?"

"No, I went back a long time ago and made a dummy there to scare Xu Damao."

Lou Xiao'e burst into laughter, never expecting that Sha Zhu could think of using this method to scare Xu Damao. "Are you sending Xu Damao back?"

Wang Kun shook his head and said in Lou Xiao'e's ear: "If you don't go back tonight, you will stay in my room."

"No, what if Xue'er hears it?" Lou Xiao'e heard this, thought for a moment and then refused.Xu Damao is drunk, so don't worry too much, there is Xue'er in the house.

Wang Kun said: "I'll press Xue'er's button so that she can have a good sleep. I'll wake you up tomorrow morning and you can go to her room."

Lou Xiao'e nodded after hearing this.

Wang Kun let her go and went to Xue'er's room, letting her sleep soundly.Afterwards, I drank a glass of wine with Lou Xiao'e and then went to Wang Kun's room.

The flowers on the temples of the cloud are shaking, and the hibiscus is warming the spring night.

There is no Jin Bu Yao, but there is a jade beauty.

It was such a fun night.Holding a soft body in his arms, Wang Kun didn't want to get up.

Wang Kun quietly woke up Lou Xiao'e.Lou Xiao'e was still in a daze because she was too tired last night.

Wang Kun had no choice but to pick up the naked Lou Xiao'e and take her to Xue'er's house.

Lou Xiao'e woke up after being hugged by Wang Kun.Lou Xiao'e was also shocked to be held by Wang Kun like this.

"What are you doing? Put me down."

"Shh, don't scream. I'll take you to Xue'er's room."

"Then you should let me get dressed." Lou Xiao'e then remembered that the clothes were torn by Wang Kun and could not be worn.

Even if it wasn't torn, she couldn't wear it.Xu Damao was worried that Silly Zhu, an old bachelor, would not allow her to wear such clothes.

Wang Kun put her on Xueer's bed and asked her to quickly get dressed before going to bed.He went back to the house, took Lou Xiao'e's shoes and the torn Braji over and asked her to put them away.Then I tidied up the crime scene and prepared to cook.

As for Xu Damao, let him continue sleeping there.When the meal is ready, just ask him to get up and eat.

Thinking that after Xu Damao went to work, Lou Xiaoe had no place to eat.Wang Kun specially cooked some extra dishes and saved them for Lou Xiaoe to eat for lunch.

When the smell of food at home spread, Yan Bugui knocked on the door again.

"Wang Kun."

"Uncle Yan, where are you?" Yan Bugui said, "What are you taking? Your leftovers..."

Hey, he actually came over to ask for leftovers.But you can't give him the leftovers, and you can't develop this habit in him.

"Uncle Yan, there are no leftovers today, we still have to eat!"

Yan Bugui didn't want to give up, "How much can you and Xue'er eat? I just smelled you cooking..."

Suddenly, Yan Bugui saw Xu Damao lying on his stomach at Wang Kun's house. "Why is Xu Damao at your home?"

Wang Kun saw that the time was almost up, so he turned around and patted Xu Damao on the shoulder to wake him up.

Yan Bugui asked again: "Xu Damao, why are you at Wang Kun's house?"

Xu Damao was still a little confused at this time. "I was drinking at his house, of course I was at his house. Third uncle, I'm not telling you that you want to take advantage, but that's not how you take advantage."

It's true that Yan Bugui came to take advantage, but Xu Damao couldn't stand it. "Look what time it is."

Only then did Xu Damao realize that it was already morning. "I don't know how I got here. Wang Kun, why am I at your house?"

Wang Kun explained: "We drank too much last night, so we both slept on the table all night."

Lou Xiao'e also brought Xue'er out of the house and said: "You two drank too much last night, and I couldn't help you go home, so I had to let you lie down on the table. Xue'er and I were on the bed Slept all night."

Xu Damao also thought of what happened last night. "Third uncle, Si Zhu blocked me in the yard last night. I was drinking at Wang Kun's house and accidentally drank too much. That fool Si Zhu wouldn't have waited outside all night."

Yan Bugui pointed to the wood outside and said, "Are you talking about that stupid pillar?"

Xu Damao looked outside and saw a piece of wood wearing Silly Zhu's clothes lying there, and he was immediately furious. "Silly bastard, you dare to lie to me."

Lou Xiao'e was so tired that she wanted to eat quickly so that she could catch up on her sleep after eating. "Okay, Xu Damao, you didn't suffer. I told you not to drink too much, but you didn't listen. Silly Zhu just bullied you because you drank too much and couldn't see clearly. Stop talking so much, wash your face and eat quickly. !”

Lou Xiao'e took Xue'er out to wash up, and Wang Kun said to Yan Bugui: "Uncle Yan, we are about to eat, please come back!"

When Yan Bugui saw that Wang Kun was driving people away, he had no choice but to leave unwillingly.He really didn't dare to use those rogue tricks in front of Wang Kun.

Xu Damao was very impressed when he saw Yan Bugui leaving so easily. "You still have a way. The third uncle is usually very annoying. He is always chasing after me to take advantage of him."

Wang Kun shook his head, "I don't know how long that deterrence will last. Yesterday I gave him some leftovers, and today he knocked on the door and asked for food. This is also the first time I have seen such a neighbor. Okay, so do you. Hurry home and wash up. After washing up, we can eat."

Of course Xu Damao knew the character of the three uncles in the courtyard, one was a hypocrite, one was an official fanatic, and the other was a stingy man.In comparison, although Yan Bugui is difficult to deal with, he can't do anything bad.

"Okay, I'll go to the backyard to wash up first, and I'll be back soon."

Xu Damao didn't notice that Lou Xiao'e was using Wang Kun's washing tools.He walked over to the piece of wood and kicked it hard.

That was wood. Xu Damao immediately covered his feet and jumped up on one leg. "Silly Zhu, you bastard, I can't spare you."

Qin Huairu looked up and laughed. "You deserve it. Xu Damao, this is a lesson for you."

Xu Damao limped to Qin Huairu's side and said with a smile: "Sister Qin, I see you are in trouble. Do you want me to help you?"

Qin Huairu did not dare to say anything to Xu Damao, but threatened: "Xu Damao, be honest, otherwise I will call you Silly Zhu."

Xu Damao glanced at Shazhu's house and limped to the backyard without daring to tease Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu was eyeing Xu Damao again, so naturally he couldn't frame him so obviously and let him go to the backyard.

(End of this chapter)

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