After traveling through ancient times, she became a wild woman

Chapter 734: Being lazy and getting a lesson

Chapter 734: Being lazy and getting a lesson

Xiao Se, who was eating meat, shook his head: "No more."

That's pretty much it. What she's most worried about are silkworms and ramie silk.

After eating, Xiao Se smelled the smell on his body and said with disgust: "I want to take a shower."

"I'll go take a shower when the rain stops." Ye Feng naturally agreed now.

Xiao Se had no choice but to pray that the rain would stop soon, but it rained for a long time before it stopped. When he went out, the ground was wet. Fortunately, there were cobblestone roads and corridors, so he would not fall down while walking on the muddy road.

The seven-color rainbow bridge hangs in the rainy sky, which is very spectacular.

Although the Rainbow Bridge is very common, the tribesmen are still happy when they see it. They point at the Rainbow Bridge and say: "Wow, it's so beautiful!"

"Do you think these colors can be made into clothing colors?"

"That must be nice."

"Arthur will definitely find a way."

Xiao Se, who had just taken a shower and was wearing a tube top and animal skin skirt, passed by them. Hearing these comments, he immediately shook his head and said solemnly: "No, I can't."

"No, you can." A Dibu emerged from nowhere and pointed at the rainbow in the sky and shouted, "You said you wanted to give me beautiful flower colors, you can."

Xiao Se looked down at A Di and sighed: "The color of the flower is different from the color of the Rainbow Bridge in the sky."

"That... is also very beautiful, right?" A Di likes bright colors very much, "It's as beautiful as the previous clothes, and there are flowers."

The burned top with flowers on it was, for A Di, his first love.

Xiao Se looked into A Di's sincere eyes and nodded helplessly: "Yes."

A Di smiled happily and shouted to little A Xiu: "A Xiu, did you hear it? Arthur said yes, you can have any flowers you want."

Little Axiu ran over happily, took out a flower from the small flower basket and handed it to Xiao Se: "This, I want to put it on my clothes."

A Di patted her chest and said very proudly: "I taught her to pick beautiful flowers and knock them up with stones when the time comes."

The corner of Xiao Se's mouth twitched. These children's ideas were innocent but real. After seeing them, he remembered: "Okay, I will teach you when the time comes."

The boys from Adi cheered loudly.

The tribesmen listened to their conversation and were very happy. As long as the clothes are made, everyone can wear clothes like Arthur.

Just thinking about it makes me so excited that I don’t know what to say.

Ah Xing also came leisurely, and the little dragon bird lay on the back of the hairless Ah Xin, with his whole body splayed out.

Two words, comfortable!

Xiao Se looked at the little dragon bird and frowned: "Adi, are you just going to let the little dragon bird lie down like this?"

The little dragon bird felt the danger, and before opening its eyes, it flapped its wings and flew high into the sky, saying to Arthur: "Chirp!"

A Di carefully peeked at Xiao Se and said in a low voice: "We are not in the forest now..."

"That won't work either." Xiao Se waved to the little dragon bird, "Come here."

The little dragon bird felt very aggrieved and flapped its wings not wanting to go over, but in the end it landed on Xiao Se's shoulder and chirped slightly.

"Since you don't like A Di anymore, let someone else train you." Xiao Se's words shocked A Di and made Xiaolongniao also frightened.

Both protested against it.

Xiao Se frowned and said coldly: "If you don't want to change someone, let Ye Feng do it."

At the mention of Ye Feng, both A Di and Xiao Longniao were dying.It's better to replace him, Ye Feng is too cruel and can't stand it.

Xiao Se already had a candidate in her mind. She looked into the crowd. She didn't see Ah Ri, so she asked other tribesmen: "Where is Ah Ri?"

The tribesman said: "Ari took Ajian and Ahu to the forest just now. He said he wanted them to feel the smell of the forest after the rain."

Xiao Se appreciates this very much. Training must look like training, rather than being reluctant to let go of this or that. That won't work.

Xiao Se looked at A Di, who quickly lowered his head and did not dare to look at the little dragon bird. Well, it was his fault, otherwise, the little dragon bird would not have been assigned.

The little dragon bird was also very depressed, but soon it decided, hum, it wanted to run away from home because it could fly.

With such a thought, it flew up high and chirped towards Xiao Se, as if to say, hum, I'm leaving, I won't play with you anymore, goodbye.

Suddenly, an arrow shot through the air, and it was aimed at the little dragon bird.

The little dragon bird didn't even chirp, it turned a corner to avoid the incoming arrow, then fell down, avoiding another arrow.

Before he could even take a breath, the third arrow had already been shot. From this tricky angle, if it were a human, it would be absolutely unavoidable.

But the little dragon bird avoided it. This time it didn't fly anywhere else. It flew directly towards Xiao Se, got into Xiao Se's arms, and chirped aggrievedly.

Xiao Se hugged the little dragon bird and was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat. He looked at Ye Feng, who was walking towards him with a bow and arrow in his hand, and frowned.

Just now she watched the arrow come through the air and really hit the little dragon bird's belly. Her heart almost stopped beating.

Ye Feng, whose face was as dark as water, instantly lost his temper. He didn't dare to look at the angry Xiao Se, but looked at the little dragon bird in her arms: "Do you know you were wrong?"

The aggrieved little dragon bird shook its body and chirped slightly.

Wrong, wrong, really wrong, I shouldn't have run away from home.

Ye Feng said coldly: "If you are so big and eaten by other beasts, it would be better to just pluck out all the feathers and let Arthur eat you."

The evil villain Xiao Se: "..."

The little dragon bird even burrowed into the big evil man's arms. Arthur won't eat me, not even if I don't.

Ye Feng didn't dare to look at Xiao Se's eyes, and his voice was still cold: "You can't stop training."

The little dragon bird did not dare to resist, because the consequences of resistance would be serious.

Ye Feng then looked at Ah Feng and said, "If I see the little dragon bird lying on you again, I will beat Ah Di."

Ah Di, who was shot, was lying there, stunned. He had said nothing and done nothing just now. Why was he the one who was beaten when the little dragon bird was lying on Ah Qin?
Ah Xin glanced at Ah Di secretly, lowered his head, it was none of his business, it really was none of his business.

For a moment, the three little ones all lowered their heads and dared not speak.

After reprimanding the three little ones, Ye Feng glanced at the tribesmen lightly: "Is everything done?"

With a hiss, except for little Axiua and her friends, the rest of the tribe immediately dispersed without a trace.

The majestic Ye Feng was dying at this time. He raised his eyebrows and smiled gently, and said in a soft and low voice: "Arthur, what I just used was the round arrowhead that Axiu and the others used, and it was wrapped with animal skin. No. It will hurt the dragon bird."

A Di quickly picked up the arrow on the ground and carefully handed it to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng sent the arrow to Xiao Se and said flatteringly: "Look, the wooden arrowhead is wrapped in animal skin and will not hurt the little dragon bird."

The little dragon bird in his arms looked at Ye Feng fawning over Xiao Se and begging for mercy, and instantly chirped: "Chirp!"

Arthur, Night Breeze is a bad guy, he scares me!

(End of this chapter)

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