Chapter 719

Regarding what Ah Yao said, Fengshou sneered: "Then after we have dinner, I will let you know what it means to be careless."

In his mind, except for Arthur and Ah Cha, all females can be attacked, especially females that threaten him.

Night Breeze glanced at the harvest, and gathered it quickly. Don't do it too much, otherwise they would be really angry, and the clan leader would have to cut his own skin.

"I'm ready." Xiao Se also spoke before Ah Yao could speak, "O strange priest, bite this branch."

The strange priest did as he was told and stretched out a hand. Fengsheng was quite skilled at chopping.

The knife struck down, blood flashed, and an arm fell.

Ah Yao and others looked at this scene in horror. Before they could react, Xiao Se had already bandaged Ah Guai to stop the bleeding, and Ah Cha was helping.

Fengshou took advantage of this and cut off one of the ears of the monster. The action was so clean and neat that the monster wanted to kill the male.

"Amu!" Ah Yao ran towards Ah Guai, looked at her broken arm, and choked, "Arthur, will my Eminem be okay?"

Xiao Se didn't expect that the weirdo was actually the grandma of Ayao: "It'll be okay, don't worry?"

Ah Guai took the branch from his mouth and smiled weakly at Ah Yao: "Don't worry, nothing will happen. Now, we are members of the Qinglong Tribe!"

They finally became members of the Qinglong Tribe and found a powerful tribe to take refuge in. From now on, the tribesmen no longer have to worry.

Their leader will understand what they have done.

Xiao Se bandaged Aguai's wound and asked Acai to find a room for her to settle down.

Acai pulled a bullock cart and asked the tribesmen to carry Aguai into the cart. Acai and two other tribesmen pulled Aguai towards the house.

Ah Yao also wanted to go with her, so Xiao Se naturally asked her to go.

At this time, Ye Feng said: "Ana, take the male to take a bath, Aqiu, take the female to take a bath."

Ana took Alu, Alan and the others to the male bathing room, while Aqiu took the female to the bathing room.

When they were leaving, Xiao Se said, "I'm going to wash it too. My hair is very dry. Yefeng, take Adi to wash it."

Ye Feng took A Di's hand and said, "Let's go."

A Di followed Ye Feng obediently. Everything was unfamiliar here, and he must hold Ye Feng's hand tightly.

The little dragon bird flapped its wings and landed on Ye Feng's shoulder, and followed him. It didn't want to stay here alone.

I'm afraid that big traitor will disappear as soon as he returns to the tribe. He deserves to be hairless and shady.

When the tribesmen saw the patriarch holding A Di and the little dragon bird on his shoulders, they were all surprised: "Who is that? He looks different from us?"

"Looks like a caveman!"

"No way, caveman. I heard from my grandfather that the caveman is very cruel. Look at his teeth, they are so big!"

Xiao Se listened to their discussion and said coldly: "Adi is a caveman, but from now on, he is a member of our Qinglong tribe. You can no longer talk about him like this."

The tribesmen nodded hurriedly and did not dare to speak any more.

Xiao Se looked at Ah Gan and said with a smile: "Ah Gan, Ah Di is a caveman, but he is not fierce. From now on, will you play with him?"

Ah Qian is also a person who has suffered and knows what it is like to be ostracized and have no one to play with.

Moreover, if Arthur had not taken him in, he would have ceased to exist.Now when he heard Xiao Se say this, he nodded desperately: "Okay, I will definitely take him to play, Axiu, don't you think so?"

Little Axiu, who has gained weight and become more beautiful, said crisply: "Of course, we are all good friends, and we will all like him."

Amu said, everyone who comes to join our Qinglong Tribe is a member of our clan, and they all come to make the Qinglong Tribe better, so we all must unite, so that other tribes cannot bully us. .

Little Axiu always remembers it.

The other friends quickly nodded and said yes.

Xiao Se was happy, and then went to the bathroom to take a bath. Ah Cha followed him every step of the way.

In the bathing room, the females were very strange about everything here. They were still a little scared at first, but when they saw Xiao Se coming to take a bath, that little bit of fear disappeared instantly.

A group of females kept chattering and asking questions. Xiao Se, Ah Cha and Ah Qiu were all talking and couldn't answer their questions.

An hour later, Xiao Se came out feeling refreshed and looked at the sky full of stars. He felt alive: "In the past, when other tribes came to seek refuge, all of them were too scared to speak. It's good that the females of this heroine tribe have come into contact with them. For a few days, I completely regarded myself as a member of the Qinglong Tribe."

This also shows that the people of the Women tribe are really bold and eclectic.

Ah Cha looked at the clothes on her body and asked in confusion: "You just said you didn't have any clothes to change into, so why don't you change into these clothes?"

"If you don't want to change it, take it off and wash it when you go to bed at night, and let it dry overnight. You can wear it again tomorrow." Xiao Se flicked the animal skin on Ah Cha's chest, "I don't want to wear this again."

Now that the weather is hot, the males in the tribe use leaves and the females use animal skins.

Even if it is a short tube top and animal skin, Xiao Se doesn't want to accept it.

Ah Cha tugged at Xiao Se's clothes and smiled brightly: "You said this clothes are yellow and there are other colors. What colors are they?"

"What color do you like?" Xiao Se asked her.

Ah Cha thought for a while and shook his head: "I only know a few colors, and you taught me them, so I can't tell you. What color do you think I like?"

"I don't know." Xiao Se smiled slightly, "You can pick the color after I figure it out."

Ah Cha said happily: "Okay."

Another hour later, all the members of the female tribe were washed from head to toe, and then appeared in the tribe hanging with leaves.

At this time, the fire on the burning platform had been lit, and coupled with the light of the night pearl, the entire tribe was as bright as day.

Ah Lu whispered to Ah Lan: "They didn't light a bonfire here, but it was brighter than ours, and the burning one didn't seem to need any branches."

Alan also lowered his voice: "Yes, I saw it too. The fire can burn so big without using branches. What do you think they burned?"

"I don't know." Ah Lu shrugged, "I smell a very fragrant smell, like barbecue but not like barbecue. Hey, they are all queuing up, what are they doing?"

"I don't know." Alan said he didn't know, but his feet naturally followed everyone forward.

As soon as I got there, someone stuffed a bowl into my mouth: "Take it, you can use it as the people in front use it."

Ah Lan looked up and saw the female named Ah Qiu. She was smiling and was handing out bowls and a pair of chopsticks to the members of their female tribe one by one.

Arthur had used these things in his tribe of women. They knew how to use them, but they didn't expect that they also had them.

(End of this chapter)

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