After traveling through ancient times, she became a wild woman

Chapter 709 Some chapters can't be said

Chapter 709 Some things can't be said
Ye Feng's pupils suddenly dilated: "So, the women's tribe must have males, not just the tribe with females as everyone said?"

"If there are only females in the female tribe, and the females cannot give birth to babies, and no babies are born, and only the old people die, do you think this tribe will perish soon?"

Xiao Se said: "I just thought of this question when I was talking about this topic with Ah Yao, so I came to ask you."

After Ye Feng thought for a long time, he said to Xiao Se, "If it's really what you said, I hope you won't tell this matter."

Xiao Se's face was serious: "I thought about it. If I said that a female must be paired with a male to have babies, those males would threaten the female. No one knows what will happen then."

"Yes." Night Breeze held Xiao Se's hand, felt Arthur's cold hands, and said distressedly, "The tribe does not have babies born to females, and the tribe cannot grow. If they know that they need to be paired before they can have babies, the females Our situation will be very dangerous.”

Knowing that females need to mate in order to have cubs, some evil-minded people will capture the female, mate with her, and then let her have cubs to expand their tribe. That would be bad.

Ye Feng and Xiao Se both had heavy eyes: "Don't ever talk about this matter to anyone except me, not even Acha."

Xiao Se nodded solemnly: "I know, I won't say it."

Ye Feng opened his arms and hugged her, gently rubbed her head with his face, and sighed softly: "It's difficult for everyone to live, so let's make it easier for everyone, right?"

"I know." Xiao Se's voice was muffled, "I think so too."

That's why she didn't say it in front of Ah Yao just now. There are some things that can be said, but there are some things that are not a good thing to say.

"Arthur, we've finished eating, can you teach us archery?" Ah Yao stood in the open space and shouted to Xiao Se, "I made the bonfire bigger. Look, it's as bright as the sun."

Indeed, the bonfire burned the surrounding area brightly.


Xiao Se and Ye Feng came to the open space hand in hand.

Ah Yao looked at the two holding hands, curled her lips and scolded Ye Feng in a low voice.

Xiao Se took the bow and wooden arrows and came to the campfire. The night wind inserted the target he had just made into the soil.

When they were doing these things, the people of the Jinguo tribe stared at them curiously.

The only people who have seen the power of bows and arrows are those who went hunting in the afternoon. Others who have not seen them are still a little unconvinced by the power of bows and arrows.

After all, no one believed that the curved stick in Xiao Se's hand could be more powerful than the big black knife that cut off the bones?

Some tribesmen are disdainful and skeptical, but they don't say anything because they are afraid that the tribe leader will hurt them.

Ah Yao looked at the wooden arrow and asked doubtfully: "This is made of wood. Is it different from the one we used this afternoon?"

"Yes, it's different." Xiao Se put the wooden arrow on and drew the bow, "You can just practice with this. It's just as easy to use if you have the right strength."

He let go of his hand, and the wooden arrow flew out, shot into the grass target, and pierced through.

The tribesmen who knew how powerful bows and arrows were were shouting and slapping each other.

The tribesmen who saw the prowess of bows and arrows for the first time widened their eyes, and then they cheered and clapped: "Ouch!"

Ah Yao was very happy: "I'll give it a try."

Xiao Se handed the arrow to her: "Just use the same shooting method as in the afternoon."

"Okay." Ah Yao has a strong talent in archery. As soon as he shot the arrow, the wooden arrow nailed the grass target, but it didn't penetrate.

But it still caused the whole clan to burst into cheers, and the roaring sound shocked the beasts in the dark forest, and the birds fluttered and flew around.

Ah Yao was not arrogant. Instead, he frowned and looked at Xiao Se: "This arrow is not powerful enough and will not be as useful as the one in the afternoon."

"Well, the ones in the afternoon are iron arrows. They are stronger, can fly farther, and are more lethal." Xiao Se said with a smile.Ah Yao was about to speak after hearing this, but Xiao Se added: "Just use wooden arrowheads to practice archery, so that you will be more accurate next time you use iron arrows."

Ah Yao suspected that Xiao Se was deceiving her, but she didn't understand anything and could only listen to Arthur's words: "Okay."

After practicing a few arrows, Ah Yao became bolder and smiled: "Can I teach my tribesmen?"

"It's okay before we take a break." Xiao Se said with a smile.

Ah Yao was startled, then smiled: "Okay."

Xiao Se made it very clear that the bow and arrows must be taken back and they would not be allowed to practice all the time.

Ah Yao began to teach the tribe warriors. After the warriors came into contact with bows and arrows, they were all attracted to them. Everyone who tried it was so excited that they didn't know where to put their hands and feet.

Everyone was talking about the power of bows and arrows, which made Ah Yao happy and a little scared at the same time.

Everyone who has fallen in love with bows and arrows, what should you do if you lose your bow and arrows?
Ye Feng and Xiao Se sat on the rocks by the stream, looked at them in the open space, and said with a smile: "They all like this sport. In fact, no matter male or female, there is no one who doesn't like archery."

Ye Feng agreed with this: "As long as you like it, I'm afraid they won't like it."

Only if you like her so much that you can't stop, you can better attract them to follow you back to the tribe.

There are too many females here. It is cheaper for other tribes, so why not bring them back to your own tribe?

Xiao Se leaned in Ye Feng's arms, touched Ah Xing who still had half of his hair left, and yawned: "It's very late now, how long will they have to practice?"

"It's time to put it away." Ye Feng, who had been staring at the archery, shouted towards the open space, "It's time to rest."

The tribesmen who were having a great time gathered together when they heard these words.

Ah Yao wanted to beg Xiao Se to play for a little longer, but Ah Di had already rushed over and stretched out his hand towards her: "Bow and arrows!"

The tribesmen looked at Ah Yao anxiously, as if the bow and arrow belonged to them and Ah Di was a robber.

Ah Yao smiled slightly and handed the bow and arrow to A Di: "Give it back to you, this bow and arrow is very fun."

A Di remembered the words of the Night Breeze Cult: "The tribesmen don't even want to play anymore if they have their hands on it. Humph!"

Very proud and proud, he grabbed the bow and arrow and ran towards the night wind.

A Di's words made A Yao and his tribe gnash their teeth in envy, but there was nothing they could do.

"Chief, everyone in the Qinglong tribe has a bow and arrow. Why don't we ask Arthur for one?"

"What's the use of having one? There are so many of us, who can we use it for?"

"As long as we have a bow and arrow, we can follow suit."

"It seems right, yes, yes, yes, we can learn by ourselves, don't believe we can't make bows and arrows!"

The tribesmen who had ideas lowered their voices and spoke their thoughts.

The tribesman who had used iron arrows whispered: "The wooden arrows at night are not as good as the iron arrows used in the afternoon, and they are not lethal enough."

"What do you mean by that, I don't understand."

"What I mean is that the wooden arrows shot through the weeds, while the iron arrows used in the afternoon shot through the wild animals. No matter how good the bow and arrow are, we use them to shoot at wild animals, not weeds."

"Yes, what should we do? Chief, what should we do? That bow and arrow are really easy to use. You can kill the beast from a distance without having to face it head-on. This is really great for us. ”

(End of this chapter)

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