Chapter 683 Let's Fight And Go
After listening to Ye Feng's words, Xiao Se realized how simple his idea was, and he almost fainted: "Okay, let's just eat dried meat?"

Ye Feng pursed his lips and said, "There is only a little bit of dried meat. I will leave it for you to eat later. Adi and I will eat the meat of wild beasts."

Xiao Se's eyes widened.

A Di cut off the meat from the beast's hind legs and gave them to A Xin.

I'm used to eating cooked meat, but raw meat is acceptable.

The little dragon bird has always eaten raw meat, and it is not picky.

Before Adi met Arthur, he had always eaten raw meat. For him, eating raw meat now meant that he was going home. There was nothing wrong with it.

The one who didn't adapt was Ye Feng. He took the front legs of the beast and took a hard bite with an expressionless face. It was very chewy, but not as delicious as Arthur's barbecue.

Pulling the raw meat and biting into it, the visual impact is grand.

Xiao Se, who was eating dried meat, felt very distressed when he saw them all eating raw meat with their bloody appearance.

I scolded the cannibals bloody in my heart. They were greedy and suffered a thousand blows. The place they passed was your territory. Why are you so shameless?

She felt sad in her heart, but she couldn't say it out loud, lest Ye Feng worry.

After eating and drinking, several people climbed up the tree to rest. Afraid of not being able to climb up the tree, they could only lie down on the rocks next to the big tree.

The night was getting darker, and Xiao Se, who had been fighting for a day, was so tired that he didn't even want to move a finger.

Ye Feng watched his Arthur fall into sleep, his eyes full of distress, and gently touched her eyebrows, but she didn't react at all. She was really tired.

A Di and Xiao Longniao also fell asleep. A Di was still snoring slightly, he was really tired.

The person under the tree had green eyes that were penetrating. Fortunately, he was a teammate.

Ye Feng closed his eyes, with Ah Qian watching over him, so he could take a nap first.

The wind blew gently, and the leaves rustled, covering up some strange footsteps.

Ah Ting, with green eyes open, jumped down from the stone and looked to the left.

Ye Feng woke up suddenly and looked to the left.

Ah Zhen moved and took a slight step forward to the left.

The night wind slid down the tree, put his ears to the ground, closed his eyes and listened quietly. The messy and cautious footsteps slowly reached his ears.

At this time, Ah Zhan came back quietly and tugged on Ye Feng's pants.

Ye Feng touched Ah Xing's head and said in a cold voice: "I know, they are here, we have to go."

He climbed up the tree, pushed Xiao Se awake, covered her lips, and lowered his voice: "Shh, don't make any sound, the cannibals are coming!"

Xiao Se's pupils widened, it was unbelievable that it had been a day and they were still chasing him!

Moreover, my whole group has been running for a whole day, aren't they tired?
If we really want to kill their clansmen as Ye Feng said, they will not let us go. Is it the right choice for us to stand there and let you obediently catch and roast them?

It's one thing to complain in your heart, but you have to save your life in reality.

A Di and Xiao Longniao didn't need to call in the night wind. They woke up when he called Xiao Se.

The group of people carried their luggage and quietly left the big tree. Under the leadership of Ah Qing, they moved forward in the dark.

Xiao Se, who was sitting on the dire wolf, looked towards the way back. There was a deep darkness behind him, without a trace of light. Except for the large trees that were shrouded in a ball, no objects could be seen clearly.

But Ye Feng and A'zhen's vigilance was definitely not wrong. The damn cannibals really caught up with them.

Not long after Ye Feng and others left, a group of people appeared by the stream. Looking at the remaining mutilated beast meat, they all gnashed their teeth, made twittering gestures, and quietly walked into the woods.The forest is their territory, as familiar as home.

They slowly touched it and then climbed up the tree. This was the big tree where Xiao Se had just slept.

After the cannibals climbed up, there was nothing on it, so they could only climb down unwillingly and make gestures.

The group of people looked around. In the darkness, their eyes emitted a green light, showing that they were used to walking in the dark.

A cannibal was lying on the ground, sniffing like a dog with his nose raised, and then pointed in the direction Ye Feng and the others left.

The leader led them to chase after them. A red and green cockscomb snake appeared leisurely, suddenly stood upright, jumped up suddenly, wrapped itself around the leader, and bit the leader's neck.

The leader grabbed the cockscomb snake and threw it violently. He covered his neck, tied his body upright and fell down. It twitched twice and then died.

Seeing this, the other cannibals quickly dispersed.

However, it was too late, a swarm of cockscomb snakes swarmed over, jumped towards them, and bit them specifically on the neck.

The cannibals screamed.

The shrill screams reached the ears of Ye Feng and the others, and they were shocked to death: "Hurry, hurry up!"

Xiao Se's heart was pounding. He didn't expect the group of cannibals to be so close to them. Listening to their screams, they must have been attacked by some kind of wild beast.

If they hadn't left just now, they would be the ones being attacked now, which was really in danger.

"Afraid, go this way." Ye Feng turned his hand to the right, "The sun will rise from there tomorrow."

Xiao Se admired Night Breeze so much. On such a frightening day, he could still remember where the sun set and where it would rise tomorrow.

If it's her, haha, let's wait until the sun comes out tomorrow morning.

Ah Xin hesitated for a moment, then turned to the right in the direction indicated by Ye Feng, leading the way and the group of people fled for their lives in the dark night.

When encountering beasts without eyes, dire wolves howl at them.

This is in the forest, and the cry of dire wolves is normal. Even if a cannibal hears it, he can't find anything wrong with it.

Fortunately, the dire wolf is so powerful that even timid beasts don't dare to charge at it, while bold beasts cherish their lives and will not charge out.

Then along the way, you can see the beast's green and red eyes staring at you.

That feeling was really bad. If Xiao Se hadn't been sitting on the dire wolf, his legs would have become weak from fear.

At this time, she would rather fight with the cannibals. At least she has a big black knife and they only have sticks.

The big black knife peeling a stick is not as good as a kitchen knife peeling a carrot, so she will definitely win.

After running for about an hour, they found a small cave before Ye Feng asked everyone to stop.

Xiao Se, who was so tight all over her body, was really holding her breath. Just when she was about to sit down on the cold ground, a "haha" sound came to her ears. She was frightened and stood up instantly. She said in horror: "Ye Feng, listen. Are we here yet? It’s their voices!”

"I heard that." Ye Feng frowned and gritted his teeth, "We are still on their territory."

Xiao Se was so angry that he wanted to use Gatling to kill them unexpectedly. After walking for a day, he was still on their territory, with pursuers behind him. It was endless, right?
You are allowed to eat us, but we are not allowed to escape. How can there be such an unequal war?


This time, the sound was uniform and deafening, as if the cannibals were shouting in his ears.

Xiao Se was so frightened that he felt a bad feeling welling up in his heart. His voice trembled slightly: "Ye Feng, could we have gone to the cannibal's lair?"

(End of this chapter)

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