Chapter 681 The life-saving sunshine

The group of people spread their legs and ran toward the sun.

The man-eating grass behind him, which was originally crawling slowly, suddenly became crazy and crawled towards Ye Feng and others as fast as an escaping snake.

Although the trees in the virgin forest are very thick and dense, there are gaps between the trees. This natural phenomenon is called "crown shyness".

Although there was light shining down from the gaps in the tree crown, for Xiao Se who needed a lot of sunlight at this time, the light was not enough, so he had to run to a sunny place.

As soon as they ran away, all the plants here swayed like resurrected zombies and started their pursuit.

For a moment, it was really a chaos of demons.

Man-eating vines, man-eating plants, pitcher plants, and those weird plants that were supposed to have died in the Carboniferous period [-] million years ago are all resurrected now, and they really deserve to die.

The night wind is clearing the way ahead, and the tiger dancing with the big black sword in his hand is invincible.

Xiao Se, who was sitting on the dire wolf, was holding a big black knife in his hand, sweeping away the tentacles and other objects that suddenly stretched out from the air.

The little dragon bird couldn't fly, it was too dangerous, so he had to sit on Ah Xin and hold on to half of its hair to protect himself from falling.

Just now it was swallowed when it flew up. In this situation, if it flies up again, it will be swept away. Life is important, and it is determined not to show its head.

A Di was sweeping away the plants that followed him from behind. His specialty was stones, but unfortunately there were not enough stones here, so he was holding the big black knife that Xiao Se gave him.

The big black knife seemed out of place in his hand, but for Adi, this weight was equivalent to holding chopsticks. It was simple, light and easy to use, and when he danced, it was as if there was nothing in his hand.

Cutting here and there, the big black knife danced over and cut off this one. The tentacles of that tree reached A Di's feet, wrapped around his feet and pulled him back. Other plants rushed up and started to snatch people.

"Arthur!" When A Di waved the big black knife, his hand was also caught by the man-eating grass, and the whole body was like a horse.

Ah Feng, who heard the sound, turned around and ran towards Ah Di without saying anything.

Ye Feng also immediately turned around to protect the rear.

Xiao Se's face was solemn, he held a big black knife in his hand, and cut off the man-eating grass that was entangled in Ah Di: "Let's go."

A Di angrily chopped down the man-eating grass: "Chop you to death!"

"Let's go quickly." Xiao Se shouted anxiously, "Don't be obsessed with fighting!"

If you can't win, you have to run.

A Di didn't dare to be disobedient, raised his big black knife and followed Xiao Se, while Ye Feng rushed forward again.

Ye Feng's expression was cold and gloomy, and his eyes were cold and calm. No matter what was ahead, they had to rush out now.

The group of people were in chaos, rushing left and right, running towards the sun.

The sun hung high in the blue sky, showing off its light, guiding Xiao Se and the others to rush out. There was a stream of water in front of them.

The sun shines warmly on the body, making the whole body shiver with comfort.

After the man-eating plants and other plants sprang out, they shivered back into the forest when they encountered the sunlight, and slowly disappeared, and everything returned to peace.

If Xiao Se and others weren't in such a state of embarrassment, they would really doubt that the scene just now was fake.

A Di sat down in the stream: "I like the sunshine!"

I used to hate it and it made me feel uncomfortable in the sun, but now I like it.

"I also like the sunshine." Xiao Se got off the dire wolf, and the little dragon bird immediately flew to her shoulder, "Chirp!"

The tightly tied Ye Feng said calmly: "I like the sunshine too!"

A group of people sat on a stone by the stream to rest and looked at each other in a panic. It was really thrilling and funny.

Xiao Se looked at the clear water, picked it up and took a sip.Ye Feng wanted to stop him but didn't have time to say anything, but he was running for his life now. How could he still boil water to drink? That's it.

He also took a few sips, and his dry mood gradually calmed down.

Xiao Se looked at his own embarrassment facing the water, and wiped his face: "Adi, have you encountered this before?"

"No." A Di shook his head, "Our routes are fixed, and the clan leader won't let us run around."

They cavemen live in caves and have to be careful about everything to save their lives.

In A Di's words, their clan leader listened to the words of the previous clan leader. What should be done and what can be eaten were all passed down from the previous clan leader.

If the previous clan leader did not teach them something, even if they think it is edible, they cannot eat it.

If they are disobedient and good at picking things they have not been taught, they will die.

Hey, he knows the rules so well.

In Xiao Se's words, there is no innovation and living by the old rituals.

Every tribe has its own rules, and the rules of the cavemen cannot be said to be bad or pedantic. It's just that each tribe has a different way of survival.

Xiao Se asked Ye Feng again: "Have you ever encountered a human-eating plant before?"

"I've encountered them before," Ye Feng said. "When I was hunting with Aye before, I encountered them in a forest, but not as many as we encountered. We are really lucky to escape."

Xiao Se sighed: "You are indeed lucky, otherwise we would all be buried in the belly of the plants. What should we do now?"

Ye Feng put down the big backpack: "Eat the dried meat first."

Xiao Se looked at Ye Feng's big backpack and hesitated for a second before saying, "Otherwise, let's just carry the salt stones back and throw away the other things."

"The heaviest thing is the salt stone, and the rest is incidental." Night Breeze handed the dried meat to Xiao Se, "We got rid of the cannibals and escaped from there, so nothing can stop us."

Xiao Se thought about it and thought it made sense: "Yes, that's okay, then just carry it on your back."

When Ye Feng gave the dried meat to A Di, A Di pursed his lips and asked unhappy: "What's wrong?"

A Di brought the small backpack to Ye Feng: "The salt stone on it is gone."

Ye Feng took a look and saw that indeed, a salt stone was missing: "It's okay."

Ah Di was still unhappy and looked at Xiao Se: "Arthur, a piece fell off and it's not tied tightly here."

Xiao Se took out a hemp belt from his backpack: "Then let me tie it up for you. It's okay. One piece fell off. There are still many pieces in your backpack, which is enough for us."

A Di is still unhappy. If he had protected the salt stone, none of the salt stones would have fallen off.

Xiao Se used hemp to reseal the opening of the small basket on his back. He sealed the opening of the covered leaves tightly to prevent the leaves from falling out, and the salt stones would not fall out.

After tying it up, Xiao Se picked up Ye Feng's large backpack and tied the linen belt on it again to tighten it.

"Ye Feng, next time something like this happens, let's throw away the big backpack. Life is important." Xiao Se thought for a while and persuaded her.

After all, it's not worth hurting Ye Feng for these things.

Ye Feng didn't want to throw it away, but he still said, "Yeah, okay."

The group sat and ate dried meat and rested before setting off.


A strange and familiar voice suddenly sounded. Goosebumps appeared all over Xiao Se's body, and his voice trembled slightly: "Ye Feng, could this voice be..."

(End of this chapter)

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