Chapter 659

After the incense stick was dried, Xiao Se lit it and an open flame appeared.

Ye Feng stared at the incense sticks, confused: "Does this still need to be lit with fire?"

Isn't it said that you can take the fire with you? Why do you need to use fire to light it?

"So something magical is about to happen!"

Xiao Se blew out the open flame on the incense stick, and he could still see sparks on the incense stick, like a charcoal-like fire.

Under the watchful eye of the night breeze, Dese blew the incense stick a few times, and the incense stick suddenly lit up with flames, an open flame.

Ye Feng's eyes were like blown incense sticks, very bright: "Blowing. Now, what next?"

Since it can be blown out and blown up, it is usable.

But you definitely shouldn’t hold it in your hand like this, or put it somewhere on your body, otherwise what if you burn yourself?
“Then the thorn tube branches were used.”

Xiao Se brought the prepared thorn tree branches, blew out the incense sticks, and then put the incense sticks with sparks into the thorn tree.

"Expose the tail of the twig and put the incense stick into the hollow thorn tube branch."

Xiao Se said as he made it for Ye Feng to see: "This is hollow. After putting it in, put a thorn branch with a head on it. It is the thorn branch that I asked you to drill a small hole in."

"The thorn tree with a head is to isolate the air and allow the incense sticks to burn. The small hole is drilled to let air in and prevent the sparks on the incense sticks from actually extinguishing."

"This is done to keep the incense stick in a half-burned state, burning slowly."

Xiao Se put the headed thorn tube branch on the hollow thorn tube branch and handed it to Ye Feng to see: "This is done."

Ye Feng looked at the branch with two branches and frowned: "Then what?"

"Then, just take out the incense stick and blow on it." Xiao Se smiled and handed the fire seal to him, "Try it?"

Ye Feng took the fire folding device and first took off the thorn tube tree, then the hollow thorn tube tree. Holding the fire folding tube, he glanced at Xiao Se.

The bleak eyes encouraged him.

With Arthur's encouraging eyes, the night wind blew at Huozhezi, and then saw the sparks of Huozhezi slowly brightening, and then the open flame started to burn.

"It's really bright!" Ye Feng was delighted, "Will the tree not go out if it is covered with thorns?"

"It is in a state of half burning and half extinguished. If there are sparks, it will not be extinguished. If there are no sparks, it will be extinguished. If it is extinguished, it will be useless." Xiao Se picked up the branch of the hijab thorn tube, "So this hole must be there, and it cannot be allowed to extinguish. "

Night Breeze was excited: "Will this incense burn?"

"Of course it will." Xiao Se explained again, "It has been burning, but it is burning slowly. Didn't you see that I made thirty?"

"When this one is used up, light the next one, so we have a fire to walk on."

After listening to Xiao Se's explanation, Ye Feng leaned his head over and rubbed Xiao Se's forehead even if his hands were free: "Arthur, you are so kind!"

"That's right." Xiao Se was extremely proud, "I'm happy with you."

The two are mutually reinforcing. If it weren't for Ye Feng's kindness to her and his doting on her, how could she be able to make these things so leisurely? She might not even have enough to eat.

The two of them packed all thirty fire sticks and wrapped them in sun-dried animal skins to protect them from moisture.

For the next two days, Xiao Se just knitted clothes and waited for Ah Fang's legs to run.

It thundered again on the third day. This time, it was no longer just thunder without rain, but real rain.

The sun was hiding, and there was a black tornado in the middle of the sky. It seemed to be sweeping all the earth up into the sky, and it seemed that the sky was about to collapse.

Suddenly there was a long roar, the grass and trees shook, the mountains rumbled and the valleys responded, the wind blew and the water surged.The entire sky was so dark that it was almost covered, and the true appearance of the entire primeval forest could not be seen clearly. All that could be seen was a dark and crazy swaying, and the roar of the wind in my ears was like the anger of a prehistoric beast.

Sitting in the cave, Xiao Se listened to the howling wind outside, his heart trembling with fear: "Will the tribe also be in such a situation?"

Ye Feng, who blocked the entrance of the cave tightly, leaving only two fists at the entrance, turned back to look at Xiao Se: "What you see from the sky is the same, but what you hear with your ears is not as powerful."

Everyone is in the same sky, and what they see is naturally the same.

What the ears hear is different. After all, one is in the middle of the primitive forest, and the other is a tribe far away from the primitive forest. They are naturally different.

Xiao Se still shook his body: "It's really terrible!"

It's more fun to play with wolves and birds...well, it's a little dragon bird.

The dragon bird has now lost its down, and has begun to grow shallow feathers, which look almost like down.

Xiao Se is not clear about the growth of the little dragon bird here, but she has a vague idea of ​​the growth process of the eagle.

But thinking about it, the growth process of Dragon Bird and Eagle at this time should be similar.

An eagle gives birth to three to four eaglets. After birth, the mother eagle feeds them for the first few days, but will not feed them later.

The eaglets began to starve, and some of them starved to death. If they did not starve to death, but were very hungry, and showed unwillingness and resentment in their eyes, it was considered to have passed this level.

Then, the next step is for them to start killing and devouring each other.

The strong tear the weak and eat the weak. The eagle father and mother will not blame it, but will encourage it.

When the eaglet grows feathers, the eagle will take the eaglet to soar into the sky, and then drop it down so that it can start learning to fly.

He will also take the eaglet to the edge of the cliff and push it down.

In the process of falling, those who can fly will survive, and those who cannot fly will fall into a little red flower.

The mother eagle will also break the wings of the eaglet. The broken and reborn wings will be stronger than iron.

They are also asked to knock off their old beaks (hui) on rocks and grow new ones.

Then it uses its new beak to pluck out its old toenails and grow new ones.

The new beak and new toenails will be sharper and harder than the old ones.

The growth of every little eagle is bloody and cruel, but it is this kind of training that makes the little eagle so domineering and ferocious.

Xiao Se looked at the little dragon bird that walked on its feet and had to hump its little dragon bird when going out, and fell into deep thought.

Night Breeze saw that Arthur had a wrong expression, and hurriedly sat down next to her, asking concernedly: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Se whispered what was on her mind to Ye Feng: "What do you think we should do?"

Let her use this cruel method to force Xiaolongniao to grow, she really can't do it.

Now the little dragon bird is like her child, how can she be so cruel and use such cruel methods to train it.

Ye Feng frowned: "What will happen if you don't do this?"

"It will lose the majesty and domineering power of the dragon bird soaring into the blue sky." Xiao Se looked sad, "It will no longer be the overlord of the blue sky!"

"But it's good like this, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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