Chapter 643 Wormwood and Mint

Xiao Se came to the stream and said to Ye Feng, "Ye Feng, I'm going to find something, will you go with me?"

Here, she didn't dare to run away alone again. If she was caught and dragged away by a wild beast, she would be separated from Ye Feng, and then Ye Feng would look for her again. Who knows what would happen.

Safety is the top priority in everything.

Ye Feng, who was tearing ramie with A Di, immediately put down the ramie in his hands, pressed it with stones, and ran towards Xiao Se through the water, not forgetting to pick up his bow and arrow and the big black knife on the way.


A Di watched Ye Feng running towards Xiao Se. He screamed in fright, threw the ramie into the stream, and ran towards Arthur.

"Put it away." Ye Feng turned his head sharply when he heard the noise, pointed at the ramie in the stream and shouted in a low voice.

How could Arthur throw away the things he worked so hard for?

A Di, who was running over with bared teeth, saw Ye Feng's ferocity, stopped running quickly, and braked directly with his face.

When he raised his head, his wet face was covered with mud, and his eyes were looking straight at Arthur with aggrieved eyes.

Xiao Se pulled Ye Feng, stood forward, and said with a smile: "Put away the things properly. They were obtained by Ye Feng through hard work. They cannot be wasted. Go and put the ramie away."

She pointed to the stream as she spoke, and her meaning was obvious.

A Di understood, and immediately turned around and ran into the stream, staring at Xiao Se, and his hands were in a mess, but luckily he suppressed Ramie with stones.

"Come quickly!" Xiao Se waved to him.

Adi bared his teeth and ran towards Xiao Se quickly. When he saw Ye Feng's cold face, he obediently stood on the other side of Xiao Se, staying away from Ye Feng to save his life.

Ye Feng ignored him and asked Xiao Se, "What are you looking for?"

"Find some herbs to make some mosquito repellent water, and smear the red envelopes on your back that were bitten by mosquitoes." Xiao Se took Ye Feng's hand and shook it, "The weather is getting warmer, summer is here, and those flying insects have woken up. Let's Also be prepared to avoid being bitten by them.”

Warmth flashed through Ye Feng's heart. Looking at the smiling Xiao Se, she felt that her whole body was filled with happiness.

"Arthur, you're so kind!"

His Arthur really went through a lot of hard work for him.

"You're very good too!" Xiao Se replied to him.

The two shook their hands and walked forward.

A Di followed them, looking at this, then that, and then imitated their example and walked away on two legs, but he didn't know how to put his extra hands.

Seeing Xiao Se's hand shaking Ye Feng, A Di opened his hands and shook his own, like a little penguin.

"Okay, wormwood, you can pick more of this and bring it back. Yefeng, cut this." Xiao Se found a large wormwood grass field, "This is a very good herb."

Mugwort is warm in nature, bitter, pungent, and slightly sweet.

It can remove dampness, dispel cold, stop bleeding, reduce inflammation, relieve asthma, relieve cough, prevent tocolysis, and fight allergies.

Because mugwort also has the effects of regulating menstruation and stopping bleeding, anti-tocolytic and anti-abdominal effects, and dispelling cold and dehumidification.
Dry the mugwort in the sun, pick off the mugwort leaves and preserve them. Use it to soak your feet before and after menstruation. It will not only make you sweat and feel comfortable, but also relieve menstrual cramps.

Soaking mugwort stalks in water and fumigating them can disinfect and relieve itching, and boiling them can give mothers more baths or fumigation.In addition, mugwort can also ward off evil spirits. Every Dragon Boat Festival, people will pick fresh mugwort and hang it on the door to ward off evil spirits.

The custom in some places is to use mugwort and glutinous rice flour to make traditional snacks, with your favorite fillings inside.

Furthermore, mugwort also has dyeing properties and is a natural dye.

After hearing Xiao Se's words, Ye Feng pulled out the big black knife without saying a word, and slashed it at the mugwort with a speed that was dizzying.

A Di looked at it and saw that he was following Xiao Se's example, but he didn't have a big black knife. He only had one pair of hands. He pulled the wormwood by the roots and then ran to Xiao Se to claim credit.

"Adi is great!" Xiao Se was very happy to see the effect of him forgetting to be on all fours from time to time.

After hearing this, A Di put the mugwort at Xiao Se's feet and went to pluck another one. Then he saw that Ye Feng had already tied a big bundle, so he quickly put it down on his shoulder and hurried to pick many more trees. Turning around, Ye Feng The wind pulled Xiao Se away, and he quickly dropped the wormwood and chased after it.

Xiao Se found the mint leaves again: "Have you seen this before?"

Ye Feng looked at Mint, thought hard, and nodded: "I've seen it before. What is this for?"

"It's also used to make mosquito repellent water." Mint is not as tall as mugwort. It can be removed with just one cut. You have to pick it bit by bit.

Night Breeze followed Xiao Se's example and picked mint with two fingers.

A Di, who was running around Xiao Se, also quickly imitated Xiao Se's way of picking mint. He was obviously picking leaves, but he could always pull out the whole mint plant and screamed in anger.

Xiao Se smiled: "Don't be anxious, take your time, don't be in a hurry, you are already great!"

Feeling Xiao Se's kindness towards him, A Di called out twice, pinched the mint with his long pointed fingernails, and then crushed the mint into pieces. His hands were all green, and then he put them on the grass and rubbed them all over. Disgusted face.

Xiao Se held the picked mint in his hand and walked forward: "Let's take a walk and see what we can find?"

The three of them walked forward again. Seeing the bleak herbs, they couldn't help but want to pick them, but luckily they held back. Mosquito repellent was important now.

"I didn't see it. Let's go back first." Xiao Se didn't see what she wanted, so she turned around and walked away. She was taking a circular path and could go back to the cave.

A Di looked at Ye Feng's cold eyes, scared, and wanted to be with Xiao Se again, so he ran away and came back, dragging a large branch in his hand, like wormwood.

Xiao Se saw it and said to Ye Feng with a smile: "Look, he dragged the branches here and wants to compete with you for favor in front of me!"

Don't think she didn't see Ye Feng and A Di's little moves, she was watching.

"Kick him away." Night Breeze would not be polite to A Di just because he was a little kid.

Xiao Se whispered: "Don't say that, he will be sad."

"I will also be sad." Ye Feng's voice was muffled, "There is Ah Feng, there is Xiaolongniao, and now there is Ah Di. Where do I rank?"

Oops, I’m even jealous!
"You rank first. No matter in your eyes, in your heart, or in your whole body, you rank first." Xiao Se quickly coaxed him, isn't this kid the cruel and cruel Yefeng clan leader rumored to be?

So what kind of persona is in front of you now?
Thinking of this, the question that had been in Xiao Se's mind for a long time came to his lips: "Ye Feng, how old are you?"

Night Breeze was startled, then felt happy, and finally remembered it again. He had been waiting for this question since last year, and finally waited until Arthur asked it again.

So happy, so excited!
"Ahem!" Ye Feng clenched his fist and coughed softly, his face and ears turning red quickly, "This year I..."

(End of this chapter)

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