Chapter 636 Adi
Maybe the cavemen's bravery in killing wild beasts scared other wild beasts that were ready to move. Those wild beasts in the dark whined twice and turned away.

Seeing this, Xiao Se felt relieved. Having a caveman around was also a benefit.

Otherwise, I won’t be able to worry about the wild beasts.

Xiao Se handed the washed ancient rabbit to the caveman: "Take it."

The caveman took two steps back and put his hands behind his back, showing a refusal.

"Want me to roast it for you?" Xiao Se handed the ancient rabbit to him again, "Then we have to pack this beast too. It's all meat, so we can't waste it."

The caveman didn't understand, but when he saw Xiao Se put the ancient rabbit on the rocks of the stream and dragged the beast to the stream, he understood and followed Xiao Se with bared teeth.

Everyone in the tribe knows how to dismember a wild beast, including Xiao Se.

While Xiao Se dismembered the tight beast, he said to the caveman: "If you don't go back to your tribe, what will you do to find me?"

"Or is your tribe gone?"

"What's your name? I guess you don't have a name either, so why don't I call you Aju? Acu is not a good name, so let's call you Aju?"

"Aju aju azhu azhu, hahaha, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, but the pronunciation is really similar to a dialect we have over there."

"Caveman, caveman, why don't we call you Adi? Adi sounds better than Acai Aju, right?"

"That's it, I'll call you Adi, Adi, Adi, Adi, my name is Arthur."

Xiao Se started to talk back and forth between Arthur and A Di.

A Di squatted in the water and stared at Xiao Se intently. At first, he only looked at it, and then as he looked at it, his mouth kept moving, and occasionally he uttered a syllable.

Xiao Se was extremely happy: "So you are learning how to speak from me. Come on, follow my example, Arthur, Arthur, Arthur."

The wild beasts were put away, and the rest were dug and buried to avoid attracting wild beasts.

A Di watched Xiao Se dig the hole and put the internal organs into the pit, scratching his head and spinning around anxiously.

But looking at Xiao Se's expression, A Di retracted his outstretched hand.

Xiao Se sighed softly: "I know you are reluctant, but I don't like it. You can't eat those things raw in front of me, right?"

She didn't want to see A Di eating the internal organs raw and disgusting herself, so she buried the internal organs. It was as simple as that.

"I'll roast the ancient rabbit for you to eat." Xiao Se took the ancient rabbit and beast meat to the cave three times, then pointed at the big leaves and said to him, "Go and pick some more of these, leaves, pick leaves. "

Ah Di understood, and ran back quickly, with a few big leaves in his hand.

Moreover, this time he walked upright and dragged big leaves in.

Although the posture is a bit ugly, he still walks upright no matter what.

Xiao Se looked very happy. This kind of subconscious action is good. He is learning from himself, which is good.

Xiao Se put the meat of the beast on the branches and put it on the big tree pole to smoke.

"There's so much beast meat that we can't finish eating. It's starting to get hot again. If we leave it like this, it will go bad. It's better to smoke it and leave it."

"Let me tell you, the meat of wild beasts is also delicious after being smoked."

Xiao Se put the meat of the wild beast on a branch and smoked it, then started roasting the ancient rabbit, and then started talking to A Di, talking about everything, regardless of whether he understood or not.

The ancient rabbit was roasted, Xiao Se pulled off one rabbit leg, and gave the rest to A Di: "Here, eat."

Adi took the ancient rabbit, sat on the ground and began to nibble.

His teeth were huge, and he was really good at biting the ancient rabbit. He also ate very quickly, and he even broke some of the bones.Xiao Se clicked his tongue in admiration: "It's really great without evolution, otherwise you wouldn't be able to survive here."

After eating the ancient rabbit legs, Xiao Se took the weeds into the cave and laid them out. He and the dragon bird lay on the sun-dried weeds, closing their eyes happily.

A Di was lying at the entrance of the cave, but Xiao Se spread some wild grass for him, otherwise he would sleep on the ground.

Touching the weeds that were not so prickly, A Di bared his teeth happily and moved and turned over the weeds.

It turned out that the weeds had to be dried before being used for sleeping, but he didn't even know.

that's nice!

A Di curled up and slept at the entrance of the cave, his ears moving and being very sensitive.

A good night's sleep.

Xiao Se woke up and saw that there was no sign of A Di at the entrance of the cave. When he came outside the cave, A Di was catching fish and beasts. There were already more than a dozen fish and beasts on the shore.

The fish and beast thrown on the shore were jumping around. Adi picked up a stone and hit the fish and beast's head, and the head of the fish and beast broke.

This scene made Xiao Se's heart beat fast. The technique looked like he was chopping off the fish's head with a big black knife. A Di was imitating him.

Xiao Se's heart was pounding. This kid has a strong learning ability. I hope he can only learn good things and not bad things.

When A Di saw Xiao Se coming, he bared his teeth at Arthur. Well, he was saying hello to Arthur with a smile.

Xiao Se also smiled at him: "Okay, don't catch it, it's enough to eat. I'll catch some bugs to feed the little dragon bird."

A Di immediately followed Xiao Se and watched Xiao Se catching bugs.

He grabbed one himself and put it into his mouth. This scene happened to be watched by Xiao Se. She was stunned and smiled: "You can't eat that one. I'll grill the fish beast for you later."

It is not easy to survive in the virgin forest. Everything that is not poisonous is edible. Who can say what?

If she didn't see it, forget it. If she did, she would try not to make herself sick.

Last night, A Di wanted to eat the bloody entrails of the beast, but she wouldn't let him eat them. She wouldn't let him eat these writhing insects either.

A Di caught another bug and when he wanted to put it in his mouth, Xiao Se took it away with chopsticks and said, "You are not allowed to eat it."

Xiao Se pointed at the insect and shook his head desperately, frowning: "You can't eat it."

A Di tilted his head and looked at Xiao Se. He caught another bug and stopped eating it. He also handed the caught bug into Xiao Se's leaves and bared his teeth in joy.

Xiao Se praised him: "Good boy."

This caveman is a good boy who is willing to listen and change. Although there is some wildness in him, at least he is not that stubborn.

Presumably it was because he was still a child. If he were an adult caveman, the consequences might be different.

Suddenly, A Di bared his teeth fiercely, and then ran forward quickly.

Xiao Se was shocked by A Di's behavior: "A Di, where are you going?"

A Di was on all fours and running very fast. He kept moving forward, and then Xiao Se saw a human being.

The human was holding a beast and running towards here very quickly.

Ah Di ran up to the human being and started spinning around in circles, just like a two-legged hare.

When Xiao Se saw the human being, he smiled happily and cried: "You idiot!"

(End of this chapter)

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