Chapter 618 I’m happy if you like me

Xiao Se saw his reflection in Ye Feng's eyes and pursed his lips slightly. This action made Ye Feng kiss him again.

A satisfied sigh escaped from Ye Feng's mouth. He held the back of Arthur's head and deepened the long-missed kiss.

Ah Ting, who was lying at his feet, stuck out his tongue and looked away. He also wanted to find a mate.

After a long time, Ye Feng let go of Xiao Se, and there was juice on his nose and face. Xiao Se wiped it off for him gently: "Bullying people!"

"I only bully you!" Ye Feng reluctantly looked away and smeared the juice from the stone onto her hand.

Xiao Se smiled and said, "You are really poor-mouthed!"

"Do you like it?" Ye Feng looked up at her with a smile.

Xiao Se nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "I like it."

"I'll be happy if you like her." Ye Feng tied an animal skin on her hand, "I definitely like you more than you like me."

The tongue-twisting words made Xiao Se startled, and then he pursed his lips and smiled: "Yes, I believe it."

Ye Feng was happy. Arthur believed what he said was the greatest joy and love for him.


The sound of stomach growling sounded, and the two of them looked at Xiao Se's belly at the same time.

Xiao Se licked his lips: "I ate half a snake last night and half a snake this morning. I'm a little hungry."

Ye Feng felt sorry for her, looked at the tiger meat on his waist and said, "I'll roast the saber-toothed tiger meat that I shot last night for you."

"Okay." Xiao Se said, "I heard the sound of a tiger last night. Could it be that you were killing the saber-toothed tiger?"

After tying Xiao Se's hands, Ye Feng walked to the stream and washed his hands: "It provoked me. How could I have time to look for it?"

"This morning, I heard the miserable roar of the beast. Later I saw the body of the skink. There were vines and stone branches next to it. I also found luminous stones and fires in the cave wall!"

"I was on the cliff and you were at the bottom."

After hearing Ye Feng's words, Xiao Se opened his mouth wide, and then said happily: "Then we are really close, what a fate!"

There was a slight breeze in the night when he was washing his hands. His Arthur always thought of others, but never himself.

She was eating tiger meat on the cliff, and she was fighting against the skink that even Ah Xin was afraid of below the cliff. After hearing this, she didn't blame her at all, but she even said it with joy.

It was as if she was not working hard in the morning, but was as happy as eating barbecue in the tribe.

Arthur was so sensible and gentle that he felt heartbroken.

However, Arthur didn't want to make the atmosphere heavy, so he wouldn't stir up trouble. He washed his hands and said to A'fang: "A'fang, I'm going to pick up branches. You protect Arthur and don't walk away no matter what. Did you hear me?"

A'zhen whimpered twice, "I heard it, I heard it, go quickly, I'm hungry too."

It walked to Xiao Se and lay down next to Xiao Se. Xiao Se stroked its hair and smiled: "I think Ah Feng is becoming more and more humane."

Evolving towards the trend of dogs, hahaha!
Night Breeze was still worried and warned Ah Fang again, and then went to find the branch.

When Xiao Se came with a bunch of branches in his arms, he closed his eyes and leaned against the stone to bask in the sun. The dire wolf lay at his feet. He felt very comfortable.

Ye Feng was stunned by this scene. His wish was very small. He hoped that Arthur would be safe, have food and drink, be free from illness and disaster, and grow old together with him.

If she really likes the baby, then she will find a baby in the tribe and give it to her to raise.

Ah Rui is doing well. He used to be very thin, but now he is well fed, clothed and warm, and drinks milk every day. He is already very strong and good-looking.There are also Amei’s babies. Amei gave birth to three babies, the youngest one is six months old. When she had no milk, she had milk, and now the babies are doing well.

Ananda's baby...don't consider that female baby who is not clear-headed, lest that person cause trouble for Arthur.

The life of the tribe is getting better now, and there are many more babies. In the future, there will be more babies.

At that time, if Arthur really likes it, he can hold one and raise it.

In fact, as far as he was concerned, it didn't matter whether he would hold or raise one. Anyway, the baby was in the tribe and could be seen every day, so there was no need to bother Arthur with it.

Arthur's health is not good to begin with, how can he let the children torment him.

Night Breeze started the fire while thinking about it, used a dagger to sharpen the stick, cut the tiger meat into thin slices, and used tree branches to skewer the tiger meat and grill it.

Smelling the aroma of meat, Xiao Se opened his eyes slightly: "Wow, it smells so good!"

A'feng was also nodding wildly on the side, eating and eating.

"There is no salt." The night wind turned over the branches. "There is no dogwood either. Let's make do with it. We will return to the tribe in three days."

They ran here for two days, and now they are going back. The dire wolf is carrying Arthur, and he is running with the dire wolf. To be safe, they can reach the tribe in about three days.

Xiao Se smiled and nodded: "Okay."

However, if you are used to eating salt, suddenly eating tiger meat without salt is really not delicious.

But for a hungry person, he ate with gusto even without salt. After a while, Xiao Se devoured the two skewers of tiger meat and even burped.

Ah probably was raised to eat cooked meat in the tribe, but now he was so happy that he was squinting his eyes.

Ye Feng found a round and thin stone chip and put it on the fire. He picked a large leaf and put it on the stone chip with water from the stream.

Xiao Se watched him do this, and he knew the answer, but couldn't help but ask: "What are you doing?"

"Heat some hot water for you to drink." Ye Feng looked at her, "You're not in good health, don't drink cold water. You'll have a stomachache later."

When menstruation comes, my stomach hurts again. That incident really scared Ye Feng to death, and he doesn't want to have it happen again.

Xiao Se blushed and pursed his lips guiltily: "But I drank water from the stream yesterday."

"In the past, when I was away, there was nothing you could do if you were thirsty. Now that I'm here, I won't let you drink cold food. Let's keep warm."

Night Breeze didn't mean to blame at all. He just wanted to drink hot water into his stomach now, and then wash away yesterday's cold stream water to keep Arthur's body warm.

Females in poor health will not be able to give birth to babies and will not live long.

If he wanted to keep Arthur by his side, he had to take good care of her body. He hoped that he could stay with Arthur every day, and then every year.

He didn't ask for much, he just asked for Arthur's presence by his side every day of his life, and that was enough.

He will also protect himself well. Only if he is well can he protect his Arthur and live well.

Looking at such a man who was gentle to the core, Xiao Se felt warm in his heart, feeling warmer than the sun shining on his body: "Yeah, okay."

She will take good care of her body, and even if she can't give birth to a child, she will still walk a little longer with Ye Feng.

It doesn't matter whether it's five years or ten years. If God sees her working so hard to accumulate virtue and gives her 20 years, she won't be too much.

Pray to heaven!
Suddenly, Ah Feng got up and bared his teeth forward. Ye Feng quickly grabbed the big black knife and stared at the woods with cold eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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