Chapter 610 Returning to Hometown
The stream is very shallow, almost 1.5 meters deep.

The stream water is very slow, like a massage, slow and leisurely. If the stream water is not a bit cold, it is still very comfortable to take a bath in it.

Xiao Se, who was hiding in the stream to avoid wasps, felt that the swirling water in front of her was a bit strange. Just when she was about to surface, a force pulled her and pulled her under the water.

There is a black hole with a radius of half a meter at the bottom of the 1.5-meter stream. The suction force of the black hole is very strong, and it directly sucks Xiao Se down.

The sudden suction force made Xiao Se choke in shock. He wanted to grab something with his hands, but couldn't grab anything.

If it weren't for the bow and arrow and the big black knife on her back, she would have slid directly to the bottom of the black hole.

With a bang, Xiao Se fell into a luminous pool, rowed his limbs desperately, and rushed towards the water.

With a crash, Xiao Se rushed out of the water and swam frantically towards the shore only five meters away from him.

Shivering from the cold, she climbed ashore on hands and feet. Her throat had been choked by the shock before, and now she coughed desperately. The cough was filled with her echoes. Xiao Se was so frightened that she covered her mouth and did not dare to say any more, but I couldn't hold back my cough again.

Xiao Se looked around, there was a cave, and there was a pool in the cave where she fell.

Looking at this pool from her direction, she couldn't see the edge of the pool.

The stalactites in the cave are beautiful and spectacular, and they are all kinds of strange. Coupled with the glowing things in the pool, it is really beautiful and beautiful.

Even Xiao Se, who was shivering from the cold, couldn't help but take a second look: "It's so beautiful! Hey, the one that shines must be the luminous stone, right?"

With such thoughts in his heart, Xiao Se couldn't hold it back and jumped into the pool again, dived into the water and grabbed a stone that emitted a yellow-green light, and then swam ashore.

A stone that shines very brightly in the water will become weaker after being taken out of the water.

Xiao Se looked at the stone in his hand, looked left and right, and laughed at himself: "I don't know you either, so I guess I just think you are a luminous stone, right?"

Luminous stone is also called luminous stone, and it is also called luminous pearl. In ancient times, it was also known as "Suizhu" and "Mingyue Pearl".

Luminous stone has been accumulated in the ore for tens of millions of years in the earth, from the initial volcanic magma eruption to the subsequent geological movement.

If processed by humans, it will have colors such as yellow-green, light blue, orange-red, etc., and the light will be weak during the day and strong at night. It is a jewelry that can be seen clearly by the human eye and can naturally emit light on its own.

In modern times, this kind of natural luminous stone is very rare and precious, with prices ranging from tens of thousands to millions to tens of millions.

Xiao Se, who was holding the luminous stone, sighed: "If I could have you in modern times, it would really be a happy event. If I could take away everyone in this pool, haha, I'm crazy."

It's a pity that this place is not modern, but ancient. For ancient people, these luminous stones were just garbage and of no use except for lighting.

Xiao Se sighed, holding the luminous pearl, and walked carefully in the cave. Occasionally, he heard a drop of water dripping into the pool, which was the sound of dripping stalactites.

The sudden sound of dripping water frightened Xiao Se, and his teeth couldn't help chattering.

Other than that, there was only the sound of her heartbeat and breathing, and then everything seemed to have gone to sleep. She was the only one in the world, and there was not even the sound of a bird.

At this time, even if a wild beast barked, it would prove that she was not the only one in the world.

The silence of the cave made Xiao Se tremble, and he began to talk to himself: "Duoluoluo, cold singing bird, the pond water is freezing to death, I will make a nest tomorrow!"

"I'm freezing to death. I have to get out quickly. Should I go here or here?"

"The weather is so sunny today, and the cold horn bird will make its nest tomorrow..." "We are selling luminous stones. It doesn't cost nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. All you need is a fire and a piece of animal skin. Who wants to buy luminous stones?"

"Xiao Se, walk slowly, don't be anxious, take your time, don't fall. If you fall, no one will notice you even if you turn into bones in this damn place!"

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Tathagata Buddha, Jade Emperor, Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, please show your spirit quickly. The little mortal girl Xiao Se asks for your help!"

The more I spoke, the more I wanted to cry, and my voice was choked with sobs.

But apart from her voice and echo, there was no third sound in the cave, not even the sound of dripping water.

After being stable in the Qinglong tribe for several months, she felt that that kind of life was what she wanted. She really didn't want to leave the tribe at all. She was cold, hungry and had no safety guarantee. She trained Ye Feng to say sweet words to herself every day. Isn’t it a wonderful day to get a bouquet of fresh wild flowers picked by the night wind every morning?
"Damn Changhun, I hope you die in the belly of a python..."

Speaking of the boa constrictor, Xiao Se suddenly covered his lips and shut up, looking around the cave with his eyes.

"It's written in novels that there are usually giant pythons in caves... No, it's a giant anaconda!"

Xiao Se's pupils widened in fright, and his feet were a little weak: "If it grows horns, wouldn't it turn into a dragon! This is a primeval forest!"

The more I thought about it, the more horrified I became, and the more I thought about it, the more frightened I became. Xiao Se was so frightened that he couldn't lift his feet.

"Don't lie to yourself. This cave is so cold. Who will come except the big python... Bah, bah, bah, no one will come... Bah, bah, bah, I can get out."

"La la la, I'm the newspaper seller, Ye Feng, why haven't you found me yet?"

Xiao Se talked to himself nervously, using the illumination of the luminous stone to move forward.

After walking for about half an hour, there was a glimmer of light ahead. Xiao Se was extremely excited and ran towards the light: "I finally came out of the cave entrance. I'm so lucky!"

If he was unlucky, he might go deeper and deeper, but Xiao Se, who climbed out of the pool, had only this way to go.

Watching the rocks under his feet, he rushed to the entrance of the cave. Looking at the lush scenery outside, Xiao Se was shocked: "How come there are so many more rocks suddenly? There are really more than the strange stone forest!"

The Strange Stone Forest is a scenic spot in her hometown. The stones inside are all natural scenic spots formed by hundreds of millions of years of geological evolution, with a total area of ​​more than [-] square kilometers.

When she and Duanduan went to the Strange Stone Forest for the first time, they were so busy taking pictures and selfies that their cell phones ran out of battery, and of course they successfully separated.

The shouting along the way scared away all the birds in the forest and made passers-by look at her as if they were a fool.

There was also a kind person who lent her his cell phone. Once he heard that the other person's cell phone was out of battery, there was nothing he could do.

The two of them didn't meet up until they wandered around in the strange stone forest for two hours, but compared with the thrilling experience that time, it was like a bald man and a golden-haired lion king.

She looked at the strange stone forest in front of her and said in shock: "Could it be that I fell from the Guangming Dome and fell under the Guangming Dome? Then I was carried by Chang Hun and ran for two days to my hometown, the strange stone forest?"

It takes nearly four or five hours to drive from the strange stone forest to Guangmingding, covering a distance of more than 200 kilometers.

According to Changhun's running speed, he could reach the strange stone forest in more than [-] hours.

After thinking about this, Xiao Se exclaimed: "Could this be the strange stone forest I know? I'm going back to my hometown!"

(End of this chapter)

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